Yeah, you read that right. Zongo is delivering dry goods to everyone again. This is a PDF tutorial that can be read offline.

Before, some friends asked me if I had an e-book of Redis. To be honest, there is, but it is actually a little risky to share it publicly. After all, these are copyrighted things, especially After Songko wrote his own book, he knows the author’s difficulty.

Under normal circumstances, publishers pay authors 8%, and a book priced at ¥70 is ¥5.6 in the author’s hands.

However, songko today to share the resources, does not involve any copyright issues, because IT is my word a word code out, I want to share this resource with you.

This is songko’s own code out of more than 4W words Redis tutorial. In fact, this tutorial has been released for some time, but there has been no electronic version. Many friends hope that I can organize these tutorials into electronic version, including MongoDB, Git, Spring Cloud and Spring Boot, which has been updated continuously this year. Songko of course is going to act, so the first two days spent some effort, md into Word, and then sorted out the next into PDF, so that we can learn in the future without the environment of the network.

Let’s take a look at the table of contents:

This tutorial starts with the installation of Redis, goes through basic data type manipulation, data persistence, master/slave replication, cluster setup, and finally Redis in Java. It covers the common uses of Redis, as well as more practical uses of Redis in real projects. You can pay attention to the contents of the public account, which I will continue to update.

Well, I have uploaded the resources to Baidu cloud disk, you can get the download link by replying to redis in the background of the public account. If this information helps you, welcome to share with more friends oh.

In the future, I will be publishing more electronic versions, including the Spring Boot series. Small partners please pay attention to the public information oh.

Pay attention to the public account [Jiangnan little Rain], focus on Spring Boot+ micro service and front and back end separation and other full stack technology, regular video tutorial sharing, after attention to reply to Java, get Songko for you carefully prepared Java dry goods!