It’s good to see the head of the movement of the nuggets, and then whoosh, soon ah, now it’s mine, what nuggets, it’s mine on my phone.



Just had dinner, and then did XDM eat? If not, come to my house.

Get to the point

At that time I did not know how to start to write my summary of 2020, write before some of the words, want to stick a pile of hanging pictures, I do not know how to present, forget it, that my young people do not speak chapter, is the primary school composition commonly used skills of the ledger, but the ledger also remember that I am satisfied, Two days ago to write an article also took me a long time, but I am not satisfied with the writing, so no matter how much time it takes, I must write to make myself satisfied, a year also write once, a year only once to make themselves satisfied with the opportunity. If I had a keyword for 2020, it would be: average, average, and nothing else.

1. The present

The current time of writing this sentence is: 20:00 PM, December 5, 2020, which is exactly the hour of the hour. This year is really too fast, the end of the year, people do not speak about the virtues of the army, time does not speak about the virtues of the army, whoosh, soon ah, I will go home for the Spring Festival, really sigh time is fleeting ah. Today was originally planning to learn the little Red Book last night left half chapter content and the first chapter and write this 2020 summary, that half chapter is finished, the first chapter today is estimated not to learn, all blame can not get up in the morning, so today can only finish two.

Work 2.

This year or stay in the original company, the evaluation of their work this year, in line with the rules. Arrange to my task I can complete, after all, also stay in the company for so long, and did not like some big guy that can be in the company’s chi surprise wind and cloud, I this year in the company to assume the role is still a small front cut figure. How is not a promotion and pay increase this year, a raise is added as a diu diu, fortunately I mentality is good, see things is also very optimistic, so stay in the company is also more comfortable, and not the sort of work such as grave feeling, in addition to the salary is not high, now, the company should not find any big faults (later added: There is always doing business, promotion is not big), although in Beijing, but also did not see what the world (refers to the atmosphere of other companies), because I have been staying in the current company since graduation internship, although also wanted to change jobs, but because of various reasons have been shelved, until now there are more than three years. However, now I have a bit of desire, recently I am studying to see if I can move after the New Year, because it is

So years later still took the first year-end bonuses, then yue four to see the world, young people, many see the world is not a bad thing, go out and see you have several catties several two, what value, if it is below their expectations will continue to work hard to learn, are now trying to learn, but the schedule is a bit slow, but learn is pretty thin.

Open this year because of the outbreak in the home work, or relatively idle, and then some remote training organization, learn something at the bottom of the related company, and then back to the company to work, as if already in April or may, go to a bank on a business trip to their site to write a system related functions, even though I’m a front-end cut figure, However, I spent almost three months writing go and node, writing some code related to interfaces and data processing. Of course, I learned go and node temporarily before, and I sold it as soon as I learned it, because there was a front-end sister before the research and development of this project, and another one who wrote C at the bottom level, and another one who left after writing C. Then before the function of the front end of the little sister to write about, then I assume is to do some data processing, and then write some interface connected to the data work, and the front some of changes, I here again modification, front end little sister is still in the first time, a little abandon me write interface, indeed I also am writing is not very good, After all, I am not a professional backend background, although I have trained before, learn Java, but a long time without I also almost forget to clean, behind simply I a person to get. Almost a month or two of time, every day is to go to the bank office, really things or pretty much.

After this work is finished, I will return to the company to take over the task of a resource website. Although this shelf is not built by me, I need to do the maintenance and add functions, and then there are three pieces of code, one is written by the server side node, one is written by the client side, and one is written by the management side. Since the company was short, at that time also is hiring, so also is I a person to make, just don’t come, but only just can let the site run normally, and the implementation of the internal customers outside show is a problem, but in front of the Bug has not changed finished, later will add new functions, says Bug to fly, to add new features, It is really mud paste rotten wall, rotten on rotten, at that time my mood is really using PS to put together 100 emojis can not express.

But due to the poor, landlord also have no surplus grain, I still insist on down, resource site this done is almost more than a month, for the two new people to do, I came out, at first I tell them about the code logic, then the two of them is dedicated to this website, this time my mood will be suddenly enlightened, human worth, There are also emojis to describe my mood, as for the new two good brothers, will certainly feel that the world is worth it, two people just can do a website, while 🤺🤺, isn’t it beautiful!


Then they have to do website do it now, but I haven’t sat down with them, otherwise the valuable bugs, I left them on one second is good brothers, brothers break the trigger for the next second, I will do the some customized charts on the project and some other customized development of the business, not too busy, But sometimes I will work late, like eleven or twelve, but this time is not very many, it is acceptable, and I have to do it until now, because there are many different projects, there are many different needs. Recently feeling do this a little too mechanization, of course, can do the task of project type is always the same, the same, do almost everything, and then want to go to the underlying API related things or to make 3 d related things, now do these things, of course, also line, also can learn something, is that progress is not big, But someone has to do this kind of work. Then this year’s work is basically like this, the next few months may still do this.

3. Life

This year, due to the epidemic, I stayed at home for the first few months, and there was no logic in my life, but there was no logic in my life. This kind of good thing, or so plain and light.

Looking through my 2019 year-end summary written in Youdao Cloud notes last year, I found that there was no big difference between this year and last year, the same insipid, the same ordinary, but this year’s life is still more than last year so a throw throw color.

Year-end summary of 2019

First of all, this year is not like last year in the middle of the night a person to go to the emergency department of the hospital, last year because of acute gastroenteritis and tonsil fester twice in the middle of the night a person to go to the hospital, really is only two words, tears. I haven’t been to the hospital much this year. Except to see the acne and teeth on my face before, I have never been to the hospital. Compared with last year, this is really much better.

Then when is the beginning of the year because it’s nothing, brush B stand in the home, feel interesting ghost livestock, learn the livestock video ghost, ghost livestock tuning the sort of, and then watch the teaching video every day, look at how bosses live cattle ghost ah, behind also learned slowly, also made the most amount of play has more than 50 of the playback volume of video, I think it’s ok, Become a small up, now let me do a ghost animal tuning video, I can do a passing grade. , of course, this is not the most important, the most important thing I am doing up the Lord let me learn a lot, for example, do a ghost livestock tuning to video you usually have to two weeks or longer, so that you can understand why the ghost who make high quality livestock area up master very pigeon, because really time-consuming, looking for material, grilled spectrum, write word, tuning, Editing video, and so on are very time consuming, and will also have to have a good idea, of course, these are minor, because you can use the time to pile up, the important thing is that you spend two weeks or longer to things, is a less amount of broadcast, completely below your expectations, haven’t had the power of liver video down several times, and of course a video playback volume how many, Can fire not just look at the quality and material heat and so on various aspects of the problem, I also adjust the mentality behind, become a Buddha is, don’t like at first very attention, play and more natural, not much it doesn’t matter, I do the things I like, I happy, it is important to this process, I do can make me happy, make me feel full, Of course, in the process can also learn a lot, but good, don’t ask the future. You don’t know if these things will help you in the future, but now I think they do, and I’m a pigeon.

Another thing is that I went to Sichuan this year. This was the flag set up at the beginning of 2019, but it did not come true in 2019. In 2020, I took a one-week annual leave to visit Sichuan at the end of this year. The whole trip was very happy, because I am a single 🐕, so I may be one person, a person go out to play in addition to the lonely point, other are all very good, want to eat what eat what, want to go where to play, need not consider the feelings of others, but a person to travel really is a bit lonely, so I just found a local guide, the guide took me to play, The experience is very nice. Why do I want to go to Sichuan? Because WHEN I was watching the animation “One Person Under”, I really like Bao ‘er sister, and I like bao ‘er sister’s Sichuan dialect, so I really want to go to Sichuan to see, listen to the authentic local dialect, and see the authentic Sichuan panda. I spent four days there. It was a good trip. It’s one of the few things I want to accomplish in 2020.

Hand on the photograph behind the posture and ridicule by colleagues and friends say old cadre photo position, in fact, just I don’t like taking pictures, may be because of appearance is not very top level, so not very love taking pictures, beautiful skin, the same interesting of a soul, now let me choose, I think I would choose beautiful skins, good-looking, I look at myself in the mirror every day, of course most people are ordinary, I am one of them, but I think I am also a more interesting person, also like to play the meme, play the latest meme, this writing feels a bit biased, don’t be a year end summary into the literature of Versailles.

Then this other retained in my memory is playing on the most powerful king of Kings, now didn’t play, while playing games, I also learned a truth, that is the nature of the game is economic and field of vision, this kind of moba games, just the same really, you economic higher than others two thousand dollars, what other people and you play? So when we look at the problem or do anything else, it is important to understand the essence of the matter, to see through it and to control it. Of course, I do not have a good game mentality, mentality is relatively easy to blast, but still rely on a hand to play wild unique skills on the strongest king, of course, king of glory on the king is really a hand on the line, before the people say so, now I also say so, ha ha ha.

This year the last thing that can make me more profound memory is college roommate married, exclamation time always again, I still didn’t get in the car, my roommate has get in the car and drove up, and sure enough, cannot treat as the same people, I come up to my roommate is a tackle, a joke, very envious of my roommate, from high school has been talked of marriage, It is also a very satisfactory. As for me, I’m still waiting for the bus. I don’t know when I’ll get on.

4. Love

Love this kind of thing may be a little extravagant, I this kind of touch fish boy may not deserve it. Of course, I am not very heart, the state of mind is good. After all, I have not come home to the kind of parents to urge marriage, arrange blind date age, but this year’s National Day back my mother also said, what relatives to introduce me to my girlfriend blind date, the result casually asked, it seems to be primary school classmates, ah, slipped away. So the girlfriend of this kind of thing I naturally do not have, can only say to my mother, blind date this kind of thing, I said Tingting, later. The bing Bing that is holding me is drinking fat curtilage happy water not sweet, want what girlfriend, the woman can affect the speed that I draw a sword only, but Bing Bing and rich old woman won’t, with traditional strategy, wife nature is given priority to with bing Bing.

5. Learning

Since there is no love, that I have lots of free time, what about these free time why, look at the title, you should know, of course, is not learned, the boundless universe, too much temptation, games, trill, B station, weibo, B on, post bar, a variety of software has a huge appeal, also wasted me a lot of valuable time. In the first half of the year, I spent a lot of time on making videos, which was a good study. In the second half of the year, I spent a lot of time on Tiktok and Kingwang. Of course, I haven’t spent much time on these recently. Recently I started to learn the Little Red Book, so I don’t have so much time to brush B station and Tiktok. Sometimes I read weibo, browse B hu and Tieba, but I don’t spend much time on it. Because I still have a lot of things to learn, because I also want to be a big guy, I also want to enter the big factory, although I am just a fish cut figure son, but I also have so a little dream, look up at the stars, down to earth, like a sponge to absorb nutrients, do not know whether there is a big guy that day. Maybe the big guy used to be a little salted fish like me, but a little salted fish with a dream come true. Reading is not a lot this year, unlike last year, a complete read the dust settles, “golden age”, “, “and so on, whether it be literature or novel, read last year than this year, last year also saw Go concurrent programming of actual combat, the algorithm is illustrated,” introduction to algorithms books of this kind of technology, though haven’t finished, but at least look the part, What see this year is less, grasped the tail of this year, begin to see red little book every day from the middle of November, but finish to see an estimate still get a month, red little book is to feel a bit thick really, and what I see also compare slow. The main idea is to go out to see the world next year, after all, people go up, salted fish also want to go upstream ah.

Looking at the background of my wechat circle of friends for many years, maybe one day we will forget our original dream.

Goal 6.

Since 2020 is almost over and we still have a little tail left, we can set small goals for next year, such as: Earn him 100 million, of course, this is impossible, then I will make a wish to earn more money next year, and more fitness, can have a few packs of abdominal muscles better, and more learning, more reading books, and then healthy, safe and sound, even if the ordinary also doesn’t matter, after all, the ordinary people are not only me. These three largely unquantified goals will hopefully be achieved next year, with a chance to return the promise.

After I finished writing, I found that there were a lot of second yuan emoji package, so I must be a second yuan to open my mouth, but I still want to say the second yuan to the father (manual funny), I climb first. Come to think of it, this year and saw a lot of beefcake, last year also saw a lot, but the most favorite or Conna sauce.


Now the time is 00:00:04 on December 6, 2020. Four hours have passed unknowingly. I have written part of this article before, but most of it has been abandoned by me. I am very happy because I have so many emojis accompanying my article today. Before, I had to wear emojis when CHATTING with others. People who can’t chat without emojis are now very few. Then I thought of a sentence before, I do not know whether it is seen where, time you wait for me, I am still working hard, you look at me, sigh a year of time flies, I am not ready to start the next year. In general, I can give this current account 66.6 points, ok, I don’t know if it is because I posted a bunch of hanging pictures, let me have 100 million points of satisfaction, satisfaction is good, because this is for my own 2020, so it is, no matter how bad it is, I have to sleep! . See you soon in 2020, and it remains to be seen if 2021 will be more lovely.

Proud mask

Ice ice, my ice ice