Pinduoduo: established three years ago, 300 million customers, monthly order turnover reached the dreaded 40 billion, successfully listed!

Cake mom preferred: marketing campaign push 1 hour, orders more than 10000+, products successfully swept the screen moments!

Search for slow: an activity net increase of 7000+ fans, payment conversion rate up to 71%.

These earn enough eyeball results, always attract traditional businesses want to explore. How on earth did they achieve such amazing results? Why is your marketing campaign so ineffective? How to create a product that brushes the screen moments? … Therefore, today xiaobian take you to in-depth analysis of the secrets behind these achievements!

In fact, the success of their marketing campaign is the use of social marketing magic – small program group! With small program group, guide users to take the initiative to share in the social circle crazy, help businesses to obtain a large number of users, trigger commodity sales, by “spell” to solve all problems!

What is a group?

Group shopping allows users to participate in group shopping in the form of opening or joining a group and enjoy benefits such as discounts for group products. Compared with the traditional e-commerce shopping mode, the group mode not only meets the consumer psychology and habits of users, but also helps users to share and spread through their own social channels, helping merchants to gain huge exposure in a short period of time and improve product sales!

Small program group function how to play?

Merchants through small program management background, create group activities. After opening a group, buyers can forward and invite their friends to participate through social software. Within the specified time, if the user can invite the specified number of participants, that is, the group is successful, otherwise, it fails.

If a business wants to plan a group activity, it must determine the following five essential basic information in order to complete the group activity.

1. Open group goods: For a successful group activity, the selection of group goods is very critical to the group, because only the selection of goods can determine the information of other groups. For group activities, the most suitable to participate in the group is the user to buy a high frequency, customer unit price is not high demand goods.

2. Activity time: The activity cycle shall be determined according to the commodities participating in the group. For example, the activity cycle of gifts and other commodities can be selected for a long time, while the activity cycle of seasonal food and other commodities with a short shelf life must be set as a short-term effective.

3. Number of group members: The number of group members directly affects whether users will share through social software. Too many people will reduce the possibility of success, but the number of people determines the scale of the spread. After the author tested the group function on APPx, I think the most reasonable group number should be 3-5 people, which can not only guarantee the success rate of the group, but also ensure the scale of the spread.

4. Group validity period: the period of validity is generally 24 hours, the longest is no more than 48 hours. If the number of group members reaches the target within the specified time, the group will be successfully delivered; otherwise, the group will be regarded as failure.

5. Group price: In order to play a good group, group activities must have very strong propagation properties, so the group price must be attractive enough, so that users will be interested and motivated to spread the group, otherwise, once the price is not attractive, group activities will inevitably fail.

Why applet group?

1, wide range of application

At present, the group function of small programs is applicable to many application scenarios of e-commerce industry, including: clothing, electronic digital, food, flowers and gifts, beauty makeup, pets, bags and shoes and other industries.

2. Leverage your social network

The clustering function of e-commerce applets can rely on social ecology to complete fission, which is a natural flow entrance. Relying on friends to forward wechat group, circle of friends and other social means, group activities can rely on small programs to achieve crazy spread on social software, so that product information flooded the screen in circle of friends.

3, to achieve fast fission screen friends circle

Spell group generally to choose low customer unit price explosion goods, for users, the price is the biggest factor affecting its purchase. When group commodities are attractive enough, they will naturally drive users to spread and pull people, so as to achieve accurate transmission and fast fission. Grouping function has always been an important function for small programs to achieve rapid fission, and APPx small program grouping function can better help merchants to improve sales with low cost, high conversion rate, high repurchase rate, good service and other characteristics.

4. Retention rate is higher than traditional group

Compared with other shopping groups, the mini program group is more portable. When customers use the group, they will not only record the mini program, but also support users to save to “My mini program”, so that users can find it more easily. And because groupon has a huge price advantage, retention rates are higher.

APPx applets service platform: one-click generation of e-commerce applets online group function!!

Experience link: APPx group function online