Oracle databases are used by larger businesses. The syntax is a little different than mysql, but it’s worth learning

  • First go to the official website to download 11G R2 version, this version is relatively popular version. (Many companies also use it.)

  • Here I have downloaded good: link:… Extraction code: 0N8W
  • Start the installation:
  • After the decompression:

  • Click “Yes” when the following information appears.

  • You can fill in your email address, but you will receive some emails. Decide if you want to use My Oracle Support (I unchecked this check box when I installed) and click next.

    – Click Yes

  • chooseCreate and configure the databaseAfter the installation is complete, a database instance is automatically created.

  • Choose hereDesktop classSelect the Server class if you are installing on Windows Server.

  • It is recommended that you select the Oracle base directory. The directory path does not contain Chinese characters or other special characters. The default global database name is ok, password set by yourself (because oracle itself has its own password principles, so there will be a reminder that your password does not meet the rules, if only for personal learning can be ignored, do not care about security), version is generally selectedEnterprise edition, you can also select UTF-8 (because UTF-8 has a larger range than GBK) as the character set.

  • If the password does not comply with the rules, you can set the password to uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits. You can skip it and click Next.

  • The next step

  • Wait for the installation progress bar

  • Once the instance database is created, all accounts are locked and unavailable by default (exceptsysandsystemOut of account), click on the right side of password management, will be commonly usedScottUnlock the user (click √) and enter your passwordtiger
  • willsysandsystemThe user password is reset
  • willshandscottUncheck the account and reset the password
  • willHRUnlock the user and set the corresponding password. After completing, click “OK”.

  • Click “Yes”

  • Oracle Installation complete

  • Unlock user and default password:

  • After Oracle is installed, all Oracle services are set to start automatically. However, this is too slow for computers to start. Therefore, it is recommended that all Oracle services be set to start manually.

  • Only two services need to be started each time:
  1. OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener: is a listening service. If you want to connect to the Oracle database through programs or different clients, this service must be started; otherwise, the connection cannot be made
  2. OracleServiceORCL: Database instance service, its naming standard:OracleServiceSID. Similar service names appear automatically whenever a database is added to the system database. By default,SIDThe name of the database is exactly the same as the name of the database used on the networkSIDThe name of the