The public no. :WarmSmile
Due to a recent data governance project, the company needed to migrate from its existing Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database.
The main complex changes are to views, functions, stored procedures, and Mapper files in the project.
Therefore, I sorted out the problems encountered in the process of migration, so that the future can be used for reference.
Tool migration
If the views, functions, stored procedures, and Mapper files used in the project are not too complex,
You can use the open source tool Ora2pg
Manual migration
Oracle vs. PostgreSQL
type Oracle PostgreSQL function Sysdate, systimestamp Current_date, current_time, current_timestamp, now sys_guid There is a function uuid_generate_V4 similar to sys_guid, but need to install, create extension “uuID-oosp “. nvl coalesce rownum row_number() over() WORKER_NODE_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL NEXTVAL(‘WORKER_NODE_ID_SEQ’) to_date to_timestamp DATE_FORMAT TO_CHAR REGEXP_SUBSTR regexp_replace DECODE (case when field = 0 then result 1 else result 2 end) list_agg string_agg SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH concat_ws grammar SELECT … START WITH conditional 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR conditional 2 WITH RECURSIVE TEMP AS ( SELECT … Where 1 UNION ALL SELECT… SELECT * FROM TEMP ROWNUM = 1 LIMIT 1 “xx” ‘xx’ (double quotation marks for fields) -
Problems you might encounter
The problem To solve Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: subquery in FROM must have an alias Sub-query tables need aliases recursive query “t” column 7 has type character varying(300) in non-recursive term but type character varying overall Use the CAST(field as type) function START WITH CONNECT BY PRIOR Use WITH RECURSIVE Need to display type conversions Use the cast function or the field :: type
At the beginning of the migration will be difficult to start with, a lot of syntax do not understand, and the amount of business SQL code is relatively large, some SQL almost hundreds of lines.
But as you get started, you can change very quickly, mainly because it takes a long time to understand what SQL does.
Look at the specific needs of their own projects, I may not be very complete here.
Past is the past. Today is a new day. The past is the past. Today is a new day.