This is the 28th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August


  • When rMAN is used for backup and restoration, the client execution record cannot be directly displayed. You can use SQL to query the progress.

RMAN backup

  • The following commands can be directly copied and executed.

1 Configure the backup path and scheduled task

  • Backup Path Setting
Copy the code
  • Write scheduled task
cat <<EOF>>/var/spool/cron/oracle
30 00 * * 0 ${SCRIPTSDIR}/
30 00 * * 1-6 ${SCRIPTSDIR}/
Copy the code

2 Complete scripts

	echo '#! /bin/sh'
	echo 'source ~/.bash_profile'
	echo 'backtime=`date +"20%y%m%d%H%M%S"`'
	echo "rman target / log=${BACKUPDIR}/full_backup_\${backtime}.log<<EOF"
	echo 'run {'
	echo 'allocate channel c1 device type disk; '
	echo 'allocate channel c2 device type disk; '
	echo 'crosscheck backup; '
	echo 'crosscheck archivelog all; '
	echo 'sql"alter system switch logfile"; '
	echo 'delete noprompt expired backup; '
	echo 'delete noprompt obsolete device type disk; '
	echo "backup database include current controlfile format '${BACKUPDIR}/backfull_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p';"
	echo 'backup archivelog all DELETE INPUT format '${BACKUPDIR}/archivelog_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p'; '
	echo 'release channel c1; '
	echo 'release channel c2; '
	echo '} '
	echo 'EOF'} > >${SCRIPTSDIR}/
Copy the code

Note: Full script is equivalent to incremental 0 backup.

3 Incremental backup script

  • Perform level 0 incremental backup scripts at 00:30 every Sunday
	echo '#! /bin/sh'
	echo 'source ~/.bash_profile'
	echo 'backtime=`date +"20%y%m%d%H%M%S"`'
	echo "rman target / log=${BACKUPDIR}/level0_backup_\${backtime}.log<<EOF"
	echo 'run {'
	echo 'allocate channel c1 device type disk; '
	echo 'allocate channel c2 device type disk; '
	echo 'crosscheck backup; '
	echo 'crosscheck archivelog all; '
	echo 'sql"alter system switch logfile"; '
	echo 'delete noprompt expired backup; '
	echo 'delete noprompt obsolete device type disk; '
	echo "backup incremental level 0 database include current controlfile format '${BACKUPDIR}/backlv0_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p';"
	echo 'backup archivelog all DELETE INPUT format '${BACKUPDIR}/archivelog_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p'; '
	echo 'release channel c1; '
	echo 'release channel c2; '
	echo '} '
	echo 'EOF'} > >${SCRIPTSDIR}/
Copy the code
  • Do level 1 incremental backup scripts from Monday to Saturday at 00:30
	echo '#! /bin/sh'
	echo 'source ~/.bash_profile'
	echo 'backtime=`date +"20%y%m%d%H%M%S"`'
	echo "rman target / log=${BACKUPDIR}/level1_backup_\${backtime}.log<<EOF"
	echo 'run {'
	echo 'allocate channel c1 device type disk; '
	echo 'allocate channel c2 device type disk; '
	echo 'crosscheck backup; '
	echo 'crosscheck archivelog all; '
	echo 'sql"alter system switch logfile"; '
	echo 'delete noprompt expired backup; '
	echo 'delete noprompt obsolete device type disk; '
	echo "backup incremental level 1 database include current controlfile format '${BACKUPDIR}/backlv1_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p';"
	echo 'backup archivelog all DELETE INPUT format '${BACKUPDIR}/archivelog_%d_%T_%t_%s_%p'; '
	echo 'release channel c1; '
	echo 'release channel c2; '
	echo '} '
	echo 'EOF'} > >${SCRIPTSDIR}/
Copy the code

4 View the RMAN backup progress SQL

    SELECT sid,
           round(sofar / totalwork * 100.2) "%_COMPLETE"
      FROM gv$session_longops
     WHERE opname LIKE 'RMAN%'
       AND opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%'
       AND totalwork ! = 0
       AND sofar <> totalwork;
Copy the code

RMAN restoration

1 Recovery Script

  • Start the database to Nomount
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount
Copy the code
  • Rman restore control file, open database to mount
rman target /
restore controlfile from '/backup/control.bak';
alter database mount;
Copy the code
  • Rman restores the database
rman target /
restore database;
recover database;
Copy the code
  • Open database to resetlogs
alter database open resetlogs;
Copy the code

2 View the RMAN recovery progress SQL

       round(sofar / totalwork * 100.2) "% Complete"
  FROM v$session_longops
 WHERE opname LIKE 'RMAN:%'
   AND opname NOT LIKE 'RMAN: aggregate%';
Copy the code

This is the end of sharing ~

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