How do I know which config file Nginx starts from?

Enter the command line: ps – ef | grep nginx

Improving User Rights

sudo su

A guide to curl…

Check whether the port is occupied

lsof -i :8888

# close
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -i tcp:3000 -t)
sudo lsof -i tcp:3000 -t
Copy the code

Using the find(find) command, you can find files in the specified directory.

[root@zabbix alertscripts]# find . -iname "*.PY"

Copy the code

Cat grep Quickly searches for content

Deployment program under Linux, log, and real-time, and can quickly find yourself by the following way: they want the cat log. TXT | grep'ERROR'- A 5 mean, in the log. TXT file, find the ERROR characters, and displays the ERROR in the 5 lines after the cat log. TXT | grep'ERROR'- B line 5 before 5 cat log. TXT | grep'ERROR'- C 5 5 lines before and after the cat log. TXT | grep -v'ERROR'Exclude the row on which ERROR is locatedCopy the code