IntelliJ IDEA integrates GitHub support to make uploading code to GitHub and downloading code from GitHub easier and faster.

Share code to GitHub

1. You need to configure Git in IntelliJ. If you do not configure Git correctly, the following error will occur:

Go to File->Settings to open the Settings panel, as shown in the figure below:

2. Upload code to GitHub for the first time:

You need to enter a user name and password.

3. Do not upload the code for the first time. Follow the Add->Commit->Push command as you would with Git. As shown in figure:


Clone code from GitHub

1. First choose File->New->Project from Version Control->GitHub

2. The previous operation will open the following interface:

Enter the URL of the project to clone in Git Repository URL.

Submit the code GitHub

1. In the Git option, you can perform the corresponding operation of code synchronization. The following uses submitting code as an example. First, right click on what you want to submit

2. Then, perform operations as required. The following is a simple operation description