This series of articles will teach you how to build an OpenStack development environment from scratch across multiple OpenStack systems. The installation version of OpenStack used in the current tutorial is version 20 Train (version T for short). Release Note Train, Originally Released: 16 October, 2019 13 May, 2020 Victoria, Originally Released: 14 October, 2020
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OpenStack Ussuri offline Deployment: OpenStack Train Offline Deployment: OpenStack Ussuri Offline deployment
OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 0 Local offline deployment yum OpenStack Train offline deployment | 1 Controller node – Environment Preparation OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 2 Compute node – Environment Preparation OpenStack Train offline deployment | 3 controller nodes -Keystone authentication service component OpenStack Train offline deployment | 4 controller nodes -Glance image service component OpenStack Train offline deployment | 5 Controller nodes -Placement service component OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 6.1 Controller Node -Nova Computing service component OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 6.2 Compute Node -Nova Computing service Component OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 6.3 Controller Node -Nova Computing service component OpenStack Train Offline Deployment | 7.1 Controller Node -Neutron Network service Component OpenStack Train Offline Deployment | 7.2 Compute Node -Neutron Network service Component OpenStack Train deployment | 7.3 Controller Node -Neutron Service component OpenStack Train Deployment | 8 Controller Node -Horizon Service component OpenStack Train Deployment | 9 Start an OpenStack instance Train Offline deployment | 10 Controller node -Heat service component OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 11.1 Controller Node -Cinder Storage Service Component OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 11.2 Storage node -Cinder storage service component OpenStack Train Offline Deployment | 11.3 Controller Node -Cinder Storage Service Component OpenStack Train Offline Deployment | 11.4 Compute Node -Cinder Storage Service Component OpenStack Offline Deployment of Train | 11.5 Instance Using -Cinder storage service components
Gold Mining community: Customizing OpenStack Images | Customizing OpenStack images | Environment Preparation Customizing OpenStack images | Windows7 Customizing OpenStack images | Windows10 Customizing OpenStack images | Linux Customize an OpenStack image | Windows Server2019
CSDN: OpenStack Ussuri Offline Installation and Deployment Series (full) OpenStack Train Offline Installation and Deployment Series (full) Looking forward to making progress together with you.
OpenStack Train Offline deployment | 9 Start an instance
Official guide: Launch-instance
Verify that the network and instance type are created before starting an instance.
Cache time
Edit [default] of the following file on all nodes: nova-api/nova.conf nova-compute/nova.conf nova-scheduler/nova.conf
Copy the code
With the proportion
Edit [default] of the following file on all nodes: nova-api/nova.conf nova-compute/nova.conf nova-scheduler/nova.conf
Disk_allocation_ratio = 4.0 cpu_allocation_ratio ram_allocation_ratio = 16.0 = 1.5Copy the code
Access to web sites
Modify the following files on the controller node to change the dashboard access port to the customized IP address and port number: horizon/horizon
Listen < 8400 > VirtualHost * :Copy the code
'http': {
'name': 'HTTP',
'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
'from_port': '8400',
'to_port': '8400',
Copy the code
Access to the interface
Change the nova-compute/nova.conf item [VNC] in the compute node file to the server IP address that can be accessed by the external host.
Copy the code
The quota system
Quotas are managed directly in dashboard’s project management.
Create a network
Create a virtual network for the networking options selected during Neutron configuration. If option 1 is selected, only the provider network is created. If option 2 is selected, the provider and self-service network are created.
(1) Command to create the official guide for the combined network service installation
source /root/admin-openrc
openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 256 --disk 0 1U256M0G
openstack flavor create --id 1 --vcpus 1 --ram 1024 --disk 0 1U1GM0G
openstack flavor list
Copy the code
(2) Create the dashboard panel. After all configurations are complete, log in to the Dashboard to configure the dashboard.
Create a configuration
(1) Command to create an official guide
(2) Log in to the Dashboard after the dashboard is created or configured.
Restart the instance
2. In the VMware VM, if the KVM is changed to QEMU in GRUB during startup, the instance type may also cause the startup failure.
Operational problems
Openstack O&M FAQ (1) Openstack O&M FAQ (2) Openstack O&M FAQ (3) Openstack O&M FAQ (4)
- Creating a Key Pair
- Creating a Security Group