    1. Calculus, not required. Calculus is the foundation of computer vision, involving partial derivative gradient, Fourier transform, etc., reference:

    1.1 Preston calculus

    1.2 NetEase Open Course – Princeton Calculus

    1. Linear algebra: must, image processing is mainly matrix calculation, reference:

    2.1 this is how Linear Algebra should Be Learned

    2.2 NetEase Open Course – Linear Algebra (Princeton)

    1. Signal principle: optional, “Deep and shallow Digital Signal Processing – Jiang Zhihong” (Beihang university), the first five chapters, computer vision – spectrum analysis/filtering part of the knowledge needed
    1. Computer vision foundation: must learn, OpengL involves coordinate transformation, camera transformation, color processing, etc. need computer vision foundation. It’s kind of hard to just go into OpengL

Introduction to a,

1. Opengl getting started – Textures

2. Opengl entry – transform

3. Opengl introduction – Coordinate system (1) simple 3D transformation

4. Opengl Introduction – Coordinate System (2) Single Model 3D animation

5. Opengl Introduction – Coordinate System (3) Multi-Model3D animation

6. Getting started with OpengL – Camera

Second, the light

7. Opengl Lighting – Color/base lighting

8. Opengl Lighting – Material

9. Opengl Lighting – Diffuse map

10. Opengl Lighting – Sample specular light map

11. Opengl Lighting – Three common lighting implementations

3. Assimp model loading

12. Opengl Model loading – ASsimp Compilation (MAC)

Advanced OpengL

13. Opengl – Depth testing

14. Opengl – Template test

15. Opengl Advanced – Blend

16. Opengl Advanced – face culling

17. Opengl Advanced – Frame buffer

18. Opengl Advanced – Cube mapping

19. Opengl Advanced – Advanced data

20. Opengl Advanced – Advanced GLSL

21. Opengl Advanced geometry shader

22. Opengl Advanced – instantiation

23. Opengl Advanced – Anti-aliasing

Five, advanced lighting

24. Opengl Advanced lighting – blinn-phong

25. Opengl Advanced Illumination -Gamma correction

26. Opengl Advanced Light-shadow mapping

27. Opengl Advanced Lighting – Point Source Shadows

28. Opengl Advanced Lighting – Normal mapping

29. Opengl Advanced Lighting – Parallax mapping

Refer to the supplementary

  • 1. Opengl Tutorial -learnopenGL

  • 2. LearnopenGL Code Collection (including resources)

  • Another OpengL tutorial

  • 4. Learnopengl Learning Notes – OpenGL Learning Series starting from 0

  • 5. Online drawing tool 1

  • 6. Online drawing 2

  • 7. Ffmpeg clipping GIF command — end of text

  • 8. Formula editor

  • 9. GLSL built-in functions

Thanks to the sharing of people on the Internet, knowledge is easier to learn and complex theories are taken off the pedestal. Three kowtows!!