OpenGL ES learning chapter 1: Getting Started

Basic profile

Still in the groping, as far as possible to simplify the boss’s SAO operation, using easier to understand the code to describe the problem.

This stupid is Android miscellaneous engineer, so currently can only analyze the use of OpenGL ES on Android. But don’t worry, OpenGL ES API is cross-platform unified, one platform API understanding, other platforms are also common.

  1. OpenGL ES Overview of OpenGL ES
  2. OpenGL ES learning Chapter 3: Define a simple texture
  3. OpenGL ES learning chapter 4: First to try a simple rendering method
  4. Define simple texture, 2D texture Bitmap rendering
  5. Camera Capture defines slightly more complex 2D textures for rendering video frames

Simple rendering

So here are some basic things that are generic. Now, how do I load a texture onto the screen

  1. Define a renderer using the EGL environment that comes with GLSurfaceView
  2. Render simple texture triangles using GLSurfaceView’s built-in EGL environment
  3. Render simple 2D textures using the EGL environment of GLSurfaceView

There’s no point in being reasonable about GLSurfaceView, and there’s no need to use GLSurfaceView if you really need to use OpenGL ES to do some work. Most of them use JNI to build the EGL environment in the native layer and call the OpenGL interface for development. However, it is of great reference significance for Android engineers to get started, and they can quickly understand the creation of EGL environment and the operation of GLThread. It’s easier to get started with the underlying code, so let’s do it step by step.

Next, let’s take a look at how to connect the graphics card to the screen in the Java environment.

Analysis of source code, GLSurfaceView workflow

  1. GLSurfaceView source code analysis
  2. Customize the EGL environment
  3. Define the EGL renderer using a custom EGL environment
  4. Render triangle and 2D textures as well as video textures using custom EGL environments

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