Hi 🙂

I’m working on my next product, an API collaborative development platform. The idea came from my day job at a consulting firm designing and developing business applications for large multinational companies such as Starbucks, Nike and Burberry.

Like many other teams, we often use tools like Github, Jira, Figma, etc., to manage and share our various design documents to facilitate online collaboration. However, as a back-end engineer, I find that back-end API development management is chaotic. We use websequencediagrams to draw flow charts, lucidchart to do some logic design, and openAPI is used for API design. But you need your front-end colleagues to use the online Swagger Editor to view the API documentation.

We lack a unified platform to manage all the design documents on the back end, and these documents lack relevance because they exist on different platforms. As the project grew larger and more complex, it became more difficult for other project members to review the logical design behind each API, and they could not find all related design documents at the first time. On the other hand, Slack is the only way to notify colleagues on the front end when a back-end API changes.

So I started building a collaborative platform in hopes of bringing the front and back end teams together on a common platform to work on the API. Ahead of the first release of the product next month, I opened source the openAPI editor. If you also use openAPI and are looking for an alternative to Swagger-Editor, hopefully this open source project will help you.

Making: github.com/chilllab/co…

Happy creating 🙂