First look at the references…

I looked at some C++ Web development frameworks. There seemed to be a lot of them. Many of them were Qt based. 1. CppCMS… Known for its high performance, MVC, more comprehensive content, including database, session management, built-in HTTP Server

2. TreeFrog (recommended)… Based on Qt development, MVC, the content is more complete, including database, session management, seems to be written by a Japanese. Built-in HTTP Server.

TreeFrog Framework : High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Application

Treefrog is a high-speed, full-stack web application framework based on C++ and Qt, supporting HTTP and WebSocket protocols. Web applications developed with it can run faster than those developed with other lightweight programming languages. In the process of program development, it provides O/R mapping system and TEMPLATE system based on MVC system, the goal is to achieve rapid development through the principle of convention over configuration.

3. Wt is a Web GUI TookKit, which makes HTML components into C++ class components. It is developed in a very similar way to Qt (just like the previous C# WebForm), with built-in HTTPD. It can also run with FastCGI/ISAPI

4. Tufao (source code stopped updating)…… Also based on Qt development, as well as QtCreator plugin with auxiliary development, built-in HTTP server 5. Drogon… C++14/17 based HTTP web application framework, IO Light, zero-dependency, Performance oriented Web Framework, Pure C++ 7.cwf… This is a Qt based Web development framework with HTTP Server built in.

The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.

8. Cutelyst… A Qt Web Framework, as straightforward as that.

A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.

9. Civetweb… An embedded Web server

10. QDjango (source code stopped updating)… 11. Cinatra – A Web framework based on Qt, similar to Django’s API 11. Cinatra… C++17, header only HTTP framework, simple, efficient, cross-platform, support for faceted programming, this is a bit interesting. Crow C++ micro web framework, which contains only header files (similar to Python Flask). HTTP server 13. Silicon HTTP server 13. Silicon is a high-performance network library for building C++ Web apis. Fastcgi ++ is a C++ library for developing fastcgi program x. KnewCode, which is written in C++ and runs as an Apache module. Online search can not find the official website, like written by Chinese, can only download the compiled Windows library. Cppweb is a WEB server developed based on C++. It supports the development of WEB applications in C/C++, Python, and Java. Written by Chinese people.


XXX. Ananas (recommended)

A lightweight C++ network library, linux-only, somewhat similar to muduo.

A C++11 RPC framework and toolbox for server-side development.…… Domestic mirror… The famous Muduo


XXXX. Sogou C++ Workflow

C++ Programming Paradigm with Asynchronous Networking. Sogou C++ Workflow is the company’s C++ server engine that supports nearly all of Sogou’s back-end C++ online services, including all search services, cloud input methods, and online advertising. It processes more than 10 billion requests per day. It is an industrial-grade framework that has been on-line tested for many years with excellent performance. Workflow hides all the underlying concepts, such as IO threads, worker threads, task queues, timeout handling, and so on. For developers to provide a simple to the extreme development way, very simple to use.

Workflow, a common infrastructure for Sogou, comes in a high-performance package of web frameworks. There are many other features.

Workflow gives developers access to tasks and series. This high level of abstraction allows developers to focus all their efforts on the application logic, regardless of underlying concepts such as threads.

Most C++ frameworks focus on solving the efficiency problem of network IO, while computing and task scheduling frameworks need to be implemented by users themselves. The Workflow framework solves both problems together. Workflow Automatically schedules tasks and allows access to network, disk, and other resources.

Unlike many KPI projects that are open source for the sake of open source, Workflow comes with full documentation and demos.…… Domestic mirror…


C++ REST SDK (boost dependent)

C++ REST SDK (also known as cpprestsdk), a C++ library that supports HTTP and is mainly used for RESTful interface development. C++ REST SDK is an open source cross-platform project of Microsoft. It uses a large number of modern asynchronous C++ apis to implement a B/S component based on HTTP/HTTPS protocol. You can easily develop high-performance RESTful, HTTP/HTTPS servers and clients on Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, and Android platforms.…

PPL(Parallel Patterns Library)

PPL is a parallel computing library developed by Microsoft. Its function is similar to TBB. The PPL C++ library is very similar to TaskParallelLibrary in terms of design concept, basic framework and interface usage. If you are familiar with the C# parallel library, you can easily use the C++ PPL. The PPL library is attached to Microsoft’s open source project cpprestsdk.…