Project Introduction Jshop small program mall is an open source e-commerce system, including wechat small program, Alipay small program, APP, public account, H5 terminal, PC terminal, Tiktok small program, Toutiao small program, Pipi Shrimp small program, watermelon video small program, to provide excellent mobile e-commerce solutions for large and medium enterprises.

Background using Thinkphp5.1 framework development, implementation efficiency, scalability, stability is reliable. And Jshop small program mall difficulty is low, can save a lot of customized development cycle.

Uni-app is used to develop the front desk, which is more adaptable, faster in page opening and rendering efficiency, smooth and natural ordering process, greatly increasing user experience and order volume.

Powerful sales promotion engine, a variety of sales promotion free collocation, to meet the needs of various scenarios of sales promotion, do activities more flexible and simple, and in the extension of sales promotion is also very convenient

Uni-app simple order template, new UI design, more interactive details, we do our best to provide you with a more smooth and comfortable experience, add support for Alipay mini program, app, one background, manage 10 front end.

At the same time, it has realized a set of front-end code and released multiple platforms, which can provide more powerful support for your business!

About open source

Why is open source not free? On the one hand, we can have the power and resources to maintain it continuously. On the other hand, we don’t want to let you have worries and avoid disputes in the later stage.

Our team level is limited, but we also learn and improve through exploration. Open source is for the convenience of everyone, but also to improve the quality of the project, we believe that with your participation, we can make our system more perfect and robust.

In my time at work, I’ve seen too many great free systems that lose maintenance because they don’t stick around, and some that were free at the beginning and then turned into a fee. The promise changes and it’s not as good as charging from the beginning, so we’re open source but not free.

Product management, single specification, multi-specification commodity management, brand, classification management, commodity evaluation order management, order payment, delivery, cancellation, after-sales member management, member list, message management, user level and other operations management, advertising management, article management wechat management, Small program management, wechat public account management, template list, public account menu management promotion management, commodity promotion, order promotion, coupons, group purchase second kill, group management financial management, payment sheet, refund sheet management, cash withdrawal management, account funds, invoice management control panel, Plan tasks, plug-ins, pictures, regions, messages, store configuration, payment methods, distribution methods, logistics company management. Trusted login plug-in, Ali Cloud OSS plug-in, Ali Cloud SMS plug-in, wechat message template plug-in, distribution function store management, store list. Store verification, clerk management, bill of lading management. Intelligent form, form list, form statistics, form submission management, form small program code and other statistical reports, commodity sales statistics, financial collection statistics, order sales statistics page management, layout management, page visual operation intelligent form description Intelligent form includes: Order, payment code, message, feedback, registration, research these types, can realize the store payment, store scan code order, activity reservation, activity reservation, conference registration, online registration, class check-in and so on. Smart forms can provide a more powerful power for your online and offline integration.

Uniapp Simple template project address:…

Uniapp Simple template experience address:

Front desk H5 demo:

Backstage demo:

Small program experience two-dimensional code

Project screenshots

Background the screenshot

Directory structure The initial directory structure is as follows:

│ ├─ Application │ ├─ API │ ├─ B2C Front Desk │ ├─ Common Public Module │ ├─ Crontab Regular task directory │ ├─ Job Task List directory │ ├─ Manage Background Management directory │ ├─ Command. PHP Command line tool configuration file │ ├─common.php public function file │ ├─ tag.php Application Extension definition file │ ├─ Config Configuration File Directory ├─ Public WEB Directory │ ├─ Install Automatic Installation directory │ ├─ Static Front Desk Static File │ ├─wap Front Desk Phone running directory │ ├─ Public WEB Directory │ ├─ Install Automatic Installation directory │ ├─ Static Front Desk Static file │ ├─wap Front Desk Phone running directory │ ├ ─ index. The PHP file entrance │ └ ─. Htaccess file for apache rewrite │ ├ ─ thinkphp thinkphp framework system directory ├ ─ the update version upgrade package ├ ─ the extend extension libraries directory ├ ─ the runtime Application runtime directory (writable, ├─ Uni-APP front-end source code (support wechat mini program, Alipay mini program, APP, public number, H5, PC, Tiktok mini program, Toutiao mini program, Pipi Shrimp mini program, watermelon video mini program) ├ ─ build. PHP automatically generate definition file (reference) ├ ─ composer. The json composer definition file ├ ─ LICENSE. TXT authorization documents ├ ─ README. Md README file ├ ─ think file command line entry ├─ Crontab Command line entry file Update Notes 2021-1-6 V2.4.0

Fix the order list by searching the user name guide problem fix the login problem of the disabled account fix the bug of incorrect item selection of the commodity list fix the problem of binding the mobile phone number integral list optimization fix the bug of pop-up error message too fast fix the bug of commodity list selection optimize the menu node editing in node management sometimes, Sometimes do not come out of the bug background order view details optimization order editing optimization repair group record cancel, order status is not correct and pay repeated return bug added goods selection plug-in, background order editing – order details add delete check order editing, Add order detail button to optimize the order detail editing increase order log commodity classification interface optimization optimization pop-up radio multiple-choice and data selected by default problem increase stabilization of goods, the shopping cart page members import repair coupons increase exclusive backstage order menu button optimization article details page background color different problem Repair goods list extension classification To export the parameters of the request url decoding optimize import and export list Modify the coupons home page style repair coupons submitted order field value problem Spell group optimization optimization profile gender and trigger area larger solve my birthday coupons coupons page name is too long Switch specification optimization Perfect the coupons coupon list filter optimization problem Search page and emptying function Solve not login click the button in the center of the personal page appeared problems many times Repair of personal center did not click login state page jump problem Add shipping address to optimize sales list interface Order to choose address editing functions Tencent map associated with an increased analytical function, the shipping address the latitude and longitude optimization solution to app side Ios share details of goods only pictures and save posters failed to fix the problem of group purchase second kill problem, Tencent map problem repair file upload log prompt error SMS platform address upgrade background list sort bug repair report – product statistics increase the number of returns statistics after-sales process optimization, Bug fix Subscription message optimization upgrade Express bird query logistics upgrade Fix login log is empty import and export prompt optimize distribution center My shop add shield return home button withdrawal Bug fix Add price reduction function fix user list export problem optimize membership table structure Live plug-in upgrade Background add and edit member prohibit default input add webView jump function page edit optimize, add function set as home page balance change record add order number fix bug when purchase record is less than 4 fix bug without this inviter error navigation group component bottom spacing remove, More suitable for typesetting select goods when displaying off/off state fix video auto play Settings problem 2020-7-6 V2.3.0

User level upgrade plug-in Inventory management plug-in Menu Configuration file optimization Node permission function improvement Plug-in refresh function optimization user list filter New user Remarks field Compatible user name login, User capital flow increase nickname search administrator log and user log separate commodity type association attribute style optimization fix commodity batch price change bug set commodity evaluation menu can be set in permission set commodity list SQL injection vulnerability fix commodity details add inventory information repair background commodity edit close specifications Item type bug fix Extended classification unselected do not save cancel order schedule task Group, second kill, group purchase is also added to the new promotional giveaway function fix order timing sign bug order edit order details display when placing a single order promotion, Optimization of the amount of goods on the order sheet optimization of the order price and postage promotion process reconstruction fixed the bug that there was no promotion type reported error promotion conditions none, promotion did not take effect promotion editing, Increase the caption Promotion condition is met when exclusive bargaining spell group optimize the group-buying seconds kill optimization repair multiple promotion condition, group-buying down the problem Group-buying seconds kill visual layout optimization group-buying seconds kill add goods to repair without judging types increases spell completely purchase posters purchase quantity optimization group-buying seconds kill shielding group-buying seconds kill details page sales promotion results, Posters price after repair repair edit group-buying seconds kill delete token validation error problem Group-buying seconds kill all increase the upper frame filter group home page list of price fixing optimization group-buying seconds kill switch specification line price spell group inventory problem optimization spell group sales statistics, price fixing spell group home page details page optimization spell, tuxedo bug fixes, Group record Reverse sorting optimization group details page copy link group goods when deleted Don’t let into the group details page Spell group share cannot be directly after tuxedo Posters font change for alibaba pratt &whitney posters increase cache Homepage to share poster facture repair deletes data coupons coupons problem delete users unused coupons along with all the new WeChat small programs broadcast function Solve the problem of spell group goods copy link Modify import and export log content Type Front-end Personal Information Add user name and mobile phone number display Optimize the token authentication mechanism in the background. By default, anti-CSRF attacks and repeated submission of forms are enabled. If you do not want to enable this function, Config \app. PHP validate_token = false 2020-02-09v2.2.0

Repair the shelves display goods Rich text editor plug-in issues fixed alipay small programs and trill program is compatible with the invoice and address selection optimization express bird plug-in repair shop address bug optimize the delivery of 0 when prompt repair not open shop since the error problem Fix on the ios balance top-up payment without problem Increase the plugin menu permissions Repair the navigation grouping component cannot choose articles classification problem Fix bug fixes on the balance of prepaid phone no spell group search bug article details increasing one by one on the coupon to receive limit the number of coupons problem optimization click homepage image components to receive coupons group-buying seconds kill increase how much each piece, Commodity activity Inventory group increase limited purchase quantity page management increase Description article management optimization repair order screening TAB switch bug Shipment details optimization search box style modify commodity details page optimization article editing text box repair repair after-sales return confirmation signing bug repair home page single figure component can not jump to the problem Back end popup size optimization, can be adapted according to the current display resolution picture window component optimization timed task increase command line mode fix Ali cloud SMS plug-in prompt payment template fix Ali cloud SMS known bugs increase Tencent cloud COS picture storage engine batch payment, Merge shipping style Adjustment Fix Extended classification unselected bug fix form form can’t recharge optimize 0 yuan order generation direct payment success home add subscription reminder subscribe message prompt mechanism optimize remove Taskphp fix invoice export error, Fix export verification error add Tencent cloud SMS plug-in after sale optimization comment star not displayed optimization fix upgrade custom component after compiling the search box does not float in the small program delete the order list with more than duplicate access interface code Delete user synchronization Delete user_Wx table home page add tabbar component Refund amount optimization of mobile terminal product details page description on the background control optimizing export invoices to repair the front desk to spell group button clicks a bug app shipping address editing interface problem to repair goods details, brand preload classified advertisements on a page optimization WeChat pay support service mode (WeChat pay major upgrade, rates are lower, Contact customer service for) the delivery date after deducting the bug inventory optimization optimization can only form problem to optimize the order distribution list number display repair goods not set weight, set up the parts, the first heavy 0 sequel has value, freight is negative Repair the goods type selection parameters, display problem too much Optimize inventory was pulled from the shelves, Order submission page merchandise is empty situation background home member statistics optimization distribution center optimization repair group countdown does not show the problem sharing function reconstruction (URL sharing, TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, posters, etc.) print shopping list, distribution list changed to product number some known page optimization

Modified pseudo static, better compatible with H5 end, PC end and background, order after-sales process optimization, fundamentally solve various after-sales problems order delivery process optimization, compatible with partial delivery and combined batch delivery, Optimize the invoice back order list page after information display module optimization classification module optimization articles increase described above and click on the field Invoice process optimization, before and after the end of the invoice was singled out Land registration page to increase user agreement and privacy policy, the background pay platform Settings can be configured in the front page interface adjustment, Background LayUI framework of direct request payment order interface is upgraded to 2.5.5 Front-end personal Center style adjustment. Uni-app compilation mode changed from non-custom mode to custom mode. Some known bugs were fixed. The front-end uni-app template was moved from the independent Git repository to the current project root directory /uni-app, so that the front-end and back-end versions can be mapped in the future. Adjust the left menu in the background 2019-09-28 V2.0.7 update log

Repair page group-buying seconds kill expiration Repair form editor Normal distribution plug-in details optimization repair goods custom specifications Optimization of order cancellation script automatically Optimal order completion script Optimization back order list order type selection page visual editing optimization optimization alipay applet landing interface Unified handling the background error message, A friendly error is reported when no permissions are available. Js error caused by the label modification of the list of goods add lottery plug-in (charge) Optimize the URL mode of uni-App version page, remove #, use score verification record add remarks add online refund function of Alipay goods removed from the shelves are not allowed to add to the shopping cart, Does not allow the display of the shopping cart list to ensure interface uniform access to the address api.html, previously it was possible to access the interface directly, now it has been fixed to optimize visual editing, Spell group and promotion is empty Administrators page page optimization balance top-up problem optimization plug-in configuration optimization coupons increase change for people Member list bounced error repair plug-in along abundant express bird optimization repair express query error list of bug optimization background height to repair large amount of data or network is bad and submit orders, Order details are empty bug fix plug-in API login check not with token, mysql error error increase clear application cache Settings, template cache optimization public number concern reply optimization without mount point, plug-in installation failure fix uninstall plug-in when, Hook can’t remove bug order background image and summary statistics and financial statistics table increase ali cloud types To optimize the layout data too much issues fixed payment and land WeChat inconsistent lead to the problem of unable to pay Appoint the query problem repair bill of lading Adding video and video playback function Commodities editor, introduction to remove more than the colon, Delivery mode full how many packages of mail prompt language repair repair abnormal conditions of the product comments do not show the bug repair batch printing express order no popup bug built-in SMS template to add parameters remarks, with Mail and other SMS channels want to modify the message content, it is very simple. Background commodity classification modification, increase the parent classification is far, to prevent falling into an endless cycle repair mobile phone number when no invitational bug payment, payment name modification, take the name of the commodity repair commodity type, parameters all cancel the wrong processing times. Optimization of inventory descriptors when adding goods, display of goods classification optimization of form table bug fix can only add export function of form region table add postcode login log add user name of goods add quick off and off, optimization of commodity list sorting add the function of regularly deleting logs 7 days ago, Nginx/Apache/IIS php7.0-7.2 MySQL5.5+ recommended operating environment: Linux + Nginx1.14 + PHP7.0 + MySQL5.6

Deployment Description Installation deployment

Location /wap/ {try_files uri /wap/index.html; } location / { if (! -e request_filename){ rewrite ^(.*) /index.php? s= /index.php? s=/index.php? s=1 last; break; }} Add the following configuration to nginx if H5 has cross-domain problems saving images

location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$ {  
  add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
  add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers X-Requested-With;
  add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,OPTIONS;
Copy the code

Apache pseudo-static configuration RewriteEngine On RewriteBase/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! -f RewriteRule ^wap/(.*) /wap/index.html [QSA,PT,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! -d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! -f RewriteCond 1! (wap) RewriteRule (. ∗) 1! ^(wap) RewriteRule ^(.*)1! (wap) RewriteRule (. ∗) index. PHP? S =/$1 [QSA,PT,L] Scheduled task Configure Linux Run Shell commands

Cancel outstanding orders regularly

php think jshop cancle

Regular reminders of pending cancellations

php think jshop remind

Regularly sign for delivered orders

php think jshop sign

Regular evaluation of signed orders

php think jshop evaluate

Complete the evaluated orders on a regular basis

php think jshop complete

Cancel the failed order regularly

php think jshop pintuan_cancle

Periodically clear background operation logs

PHP think jshop remove_op_log Note 1: think must be specified in the think file in the project root directory. Note 2: Ensure that the PHP version under Shell command is between 7.0.* and 7.3.*, unknown errors may occur in other PHP versions. Note: this article is a reprint of the article, the original please go to change the address to view. (…