Recently, the Java community released the first version of the architect stack “Growth Note”, once released, has received consistent praise in the industry, can be called the conscience of the industry! Many contents, such as: Java foundation, JVM, multi-threading, high concurrency, IO, NIO, Netty, Spring family bucket, micro services, database, network communication protocol, data structure and algorithm, distributed and so on, and even the technical extension of big data: Hadoop, Spark, machine learning and so on!

Because the content is a lot of want to all for you complete screenshots out is not possible, in the short article length at the same time the building Lord also try to show you clearly.

The basics can be found everywhere, so we don’t waste the space to show you, we will start directly from the JVM!


Multithreading and high concurrency


Micro service



The database

Operating system principle analysis

Message middleware

Data structures and algorithms

The cache

Interpretation of network Principle


The content is too much, so I won’t take all the screenshots for you. This article has been written for a long time. If you need to get this “growth note”, please kindly help to like and forward the article.Click on theFree with screenshots can be!