
In the Internet era, our information is often scattered on various UGC social platforms such as microblog, SNS, moments of friends, BSP blog and so on. As time goes on, platforms close and open, few people can record their personal life on one platform for a long time. If you want to share your personal life and work records on the Internet for a long time, setting up an independent blog is a perfect choice.

Z-blogphp is a Blog program provided by z-Blog community, which has been committed to providing excellent Blog writing experience for domestic users. It has been 16 years since the first edition was released in 2005. It is one of the few open source blogging systems that continuously provide updates in China.

Application advantages

Open Source stability: Z-BlogPHP is an efficient and fast open source PHP program that has been officially maintained for 16 years.

Multi-environment support: Z-BlogPHP supports PHP versions 5.2 through 7.4 and 8.0 and runs on all operating systems and Web services on the market. The database supports MySQL, PostgreSQL (MariaDB compatible), as well as the smaller and more convenient SQLite database.

Simplicity: Z-BlogPHP was developed to help users build their own blogs. Whether technical or non-technical personnel, can quickly use the hand. Z-blogphp background operation is simple, powerful, all kinds of operations in line with the domestic usage habits, to help you quickly get started using.

Multi-extension applications: Z-BlogPHP has great customizability, but also rich third-party applications that can meet most of your needs. The z-BlogPHP application Center now has more than 500 applications, whether it is to build a blog or a CMS website, you can find the right plug-in to use.

Plugin adapted to Tencent cloud: With the rise of cloud services, Z-BlogPHP has also developed plug-ins adapted to Tencent cloud services, which can be used after z-BlogPHP management background is opened.

One-click rapid deployment

2.1 Installation Guide

The official installation method of Z-BlogPHP is manual installation after downloading the source code. Before installation, it is necessary to prepare the server, set up the Web service, apply for the domain name, configure the DNS domain name resolution and a series of operations, which require users to have a certain technical background. Those who are interested can refer to the official documents of Z-BlogPHP. Today, we will introduce the one-click quick deployment mode provided by the open source application center of Tencent Cloud, so that you can quickly complete the construction of Z-BlogPHP website. Step 1: Log in to Tencent Cloud and open the home page of open Source Application Center to search for z-BlogPHP application.

Step 2: Click free experience or official opening, the opening is complete.

2.2 Usage Guidelines

Click on the link at [Visit address] to browse the z-BlogPHP blog for experience installation.

Click the link of [Management Address] and log in to the background of blog by using the experience account and password provided in the management page.

Summary to share

1) Z-BlogPHP has been adapted to a number of Tencent cloud plug-ins, and you can experience them after successfully enabling them in the [Plug-in Management] department of the blog background.

2) After the official opening, you can also conveniently set your own custom domain name and associated SSL certificate in the open Source Application Center management console > [Application List] > [Custom Domain Name] TAB. Tips: Tencent Cloud provides free SSL certificates for open Source application centers

To learn more

Open source application free experience:

Progress of open Source application plug-in Project:

* This article is provided by the open source author (End Han)

Open source authors are welcome to contribute their works or recommend applications to us
