
As a programmer, the most helpless pain is the boss casually give you a demand: “Oda ah, these days you give me a management system for the customer to use”. The boss’s words always make us work overtime every day. What’s more, every time we open a new project, we always have to write code from scratch from users, roles, menus, interfaces and so on. The repetitive work is too much. So if I tell you that I can give you a whole set of framework, you only need to define entity classes according to business, and other table building SQL, Service, controller, DAO and even front-end add, delete, change and check codes can be generated for you with one click, don’t you think it will speed up efficiency instantly? That’s what single-Demo-Boot can do for you. It has the following features:

  • The front end uses Vue+Element UI, the back end uses SpringBoot as the basic framework, and the front end uses JSON communication
  • It has realized basic background management functions, including user login, role management, user management, interface management, function management, permission verification, data dictionary, menu management and other functions
  • Has realized a set of accurate to the menu level, button level permission verification system, through the configuration of the role has the permission of the menu and interface, can control the display of the menu and button hide; At the same time, the backend can configure whether the interface needs to perform login verification and permission verification through annotations
  • Code generator function, only need to define the entity class according to the specification, can generate the corresponding DAO, service, bean, controller add, delete, change and check code, as well as front-end page and SQL table building sentence through two lines of code
  • JWT Token implements stateless login and permission verification, and the Token automatically refreshes without the developer’s concern

Technology stack

  • Front-end projects: Vue, Element-UI
  • Back-end projects: pringBoot, Mybatis-Plus, MySQL, Ehcache, Jwt

Running effect

The login page

Interface Management Page

Role management

Role Management – Configuration menu

Role management – Configures functions

Functional management

Function management – Interface configuration

Resources and Documentation

If guest officers like this project, welcome Star and download it and use it. The project address is as follows:

  • Front end:…

  • The backend:…

Please click: [Open Source project] SingleBoot tutorial

If the guest officer encountered problems in the use of the process, welcome to give me a message on the code cloud, or search to join the QQ group directly find me to answer ~ QQ group number: 776241689 this project related to the technical tutorial article, I will be in the public number “back-end technology learning to share” in the share, welcome to pay attention to! PS: From Java back-end technology and basic computer knowledge to micro services, Service Mesh and big data, all of which are my research direction. I will regularly share technical dry goods in the public account, hoping to use my own strength, to help friends improve technical ability, common progress

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