
This is a personal outsourcing in Taobao three years ago. At that time, the next 1,500 yuan, the shopkeeper also took 20%, but now I think it is not a good deal, I would rather play games and watch TV if I have that time… Since no agreement was signed at that time, the code is also falling to dust, it is better to open source for people who need to do a reference

Here only imitate the chat interface, you can create chat objects, switch identities to send messages, etc., at that time DID not want to understand what do this thing is useful, now think it may be a wechat business tool…

The technology stack is: Vue2 + Electron

The code is for reference only, I just graduated when I wrote this project, plus the time and rush, the code is a little rotten, will see…

Warehouse address:…

Download experience:…

The function point

You can create chat objects, modify profile pictures, and send various message bubbles: text, picture, voice, video, voice call, video call, transfer and payment, file, and system message

A text message

Voice message

The state of having long or short speech

File message

Picture and video messages

Transfer and receipt messages

Voice and video call messages

System message

The last

Welcome to visit my personal app: Choose assistant (Taro + React + Mobx)

This is a small program to help you rent a house, it can help you to record housing information in the house, and provide convenient screening function to help you find the most wanted to rent the house, welcome everyone scan code experience: