• Open source project: city yellow Pages small program
  • My lot: CACppuccino
  • Project page: wxapp_yellowpage
  • Project description: This project is for the commercial purpose, used for my partner’s small company. However, due to some reasons, it was cut abruptly. I made this project in my spare time of one month (during my vacation internship at that time) and realized it by using a small program +Django Restful API. The whole project is still through careful preliminary planning, and certain UI adjustment, so I think it has certain reference value for beginners. Therefore, in this open source the entire small program side, and to the maximum extent to retain the background API. I hope you found it useful, but please do not attempt to attack the website or server. If this project is helpful to you, please give me a star. Thank you.
  • Project reflection: Although not new to both front-end and back-end technologies, I still stumbled through a number of applets and Django bugs during the development of the entire project. How to make use of third-party UI libraries (awesome Fonts, official UI library), how to speed up the home page display, build a friendly UI interface, and various holes in Django Restful apis.
  • An overview of the page