Let GSY be your “nanny” on the road to Flutter learning.

  • A detailed series of articles on the complete development of Flutter
  • Open source Flutter multi-case learning project
  • Open source full Flutter project
  • Open source Flutter ebook project

Since June 2018, Flutter has made its debut in the GSY series. After a year of development, At present, GSYFlutter series includes a series of articles entitled “Detailed Description of Flutter Complete Development practice”, multi-case learning project GSYFlutterDemo, a complete practice project GSYGithubAppFlutter, and a Flutter e-book project GSYFlutterBook et al., the star status of the current modification series projects is as follows:

project Star

One year anniversary ❕

Full description of Flutter development

Up to now, there are 15 articles in the main series and 3 in the external series, which mainly cover the development of Flutter, source code analysis, pot-filling techniques, interview highlights, etc. This series is still in the update stage.

In this series of articles, you will quickly learn about the properties and techniques of Flutter and how the Flutter Framework works, from getting started to becoming a monk.

At the same time, to make Flutter development more convenient, the series of articles will be simultaneously integrated into the GSYFlutterBook project. The project will further meet your learning requirements through online Gitbook and offline PDF.

Second, the GSYGithubAppFlutter

GSYGithubAppFlutter project belongs to the complete practical project of Flutter. The project fully demonstrates how to implement a Flutter application project from the aspects of state management, control display, data request preservation, platform interaction, animation effect, etc. Meanwhile, it fills the pit for some special scenarios. And mixed with a variety of development and design patterns, the ultimate purpose of the project, is to hope that you can become a guide in the actual combat process.

The GSYGithubApp series originated from React Native and currently has four versions.

time project
2017-11-07 GSYGithubApp React NativeVersion of the open source
2018-04-22 GSYGithubApp WeexVersion of the open source
2018-06-26 GSYGithubApp FlutterVersion of the open source
2018-11-08 GSYGithubApp Kotlin Version of the open source

Third, GSYFlutterDemo

GSYFlutterDemo is a learning project just created this month. Because GSYGithubAppFlutter is a complete project, it is not suitable for frequent adjustments and Demo examples. After receiving user feedback, a lighter GSYFlutterDemo was created.

GSYFlutterDemo as a simple example and solution Demo, it can give you some convenient help in learning and working, such as how to customize the layout, how to scroll control to the specified child position, how to adjust the Line Space of Text control, How to monitor the keyboard pop up and fold up and so on, so the example scheme are independent implementation, easy to read CV.

Some of these requirements require special processing because of the limitations of Flutter properties.

The last

GSY Flutter series has been on and off for one year, with too many chance coincidences pushing forward. Personally, I hope GSY can become your “nanny” on the way of Flutter learning, so as to have communication and interaction and grow together.

In the future, the series documents of “Detailed Description of complete Flutter Development” will continue to be updated, and various cases in GSYFlutterDemo will be gradually improved, and various problems in GSYGithubAppFlutter will be simultaneously optimized. Your approval is my motivation to persist!

Learning does not happen overnight. I believe that the “collision” in the process of sharing can make us progress faster, because the coder is not alone!

Other recommended

  • Example of Flutter state management

  • A sample of Flutter hybrid development

  • GSYGithubAPP React Native

  • GSYGithubApp Kotlin

  • GSYVideoPlayer Android Player