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Hello everyone, I am Bai Ze. I am a double-non-graduate student in the first year of my master’s degree. My 2021 will be connected by the following five stages.

Failure in postgraduate entrance examination -> job hunting -> postgraduate entrance examination adjustment -> internship -> postgraduate entrance/internship.

Compared with the year of preparing for the exam last year, I feel that time flies this year. As I write this article, MY internship in Lilith Games has just been completed for three months, and 2021 will soon come to an end.

Several times lost, several times awake, I thought it was worth documenting.

The body of the

One’s deceased father grind failure

Choice is greater than effort! Choice is greater than effort! Choice is greater than effort! It’s so important that it should be repeated for three times.

The first choice is nanjing university, in my impression, Nanjing is eclectic, I think I may like there, and I heard that the school food is good ~

Later because of a late score, although their scores crossed the line, but because of some reasons or did not participate in the second test (the first time to take the postgraduate entrance examination, eat the loss of inexperienced ~)

Looking for a job

When I choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, IT is inevitable to bear the risk of failure in the postgraduate entrance examination and no work experience in GAP for half a year, which I felt deeply when I attended the spring recruitment in March.

This is a picture of an interview with a company in Hangzhou. Of course, many companies are online.

Undergraduate double non, have a little algorithm basis, after the end of the postgraduate entrance examination foreboding failed, cram to learn Spring family bucket, Spring recruitment cast Java backend, Base Hangzhou. Lucky to pass several factory written test, interview ctrip side hanging, doodle intelligence two side hanging, in the middle of March big factory spring recruitment began, do not want to cast. Small factory basically can pass, do not want to go.

The confusion.

To adjust

I didn’t go to Nanjing, but I came to Shanghai.


In April after the transfer, I was invited by my tutor to assist in some development work in Jinhua, Zhejiang.

I met a lot of interesting people here. I usually write a website with an upperclassman. Development wasn’t easy, but I did learn a lot about front-end development. The mood of failure in the postgraduate entrance examination also got some relief.

In late August, pack up and go home.

The entrance

As a restless person myself, I had an interview for the daily internship of lilith Games server before the semester began in September, so I had to make full use of my geographical advantages in Shanghai.

Here I would like to say that there are many courses in the first semester of postgraduate study. If you want to practice, you must carefully arrange your courses and strive for the consent of the tutor, which is not easy.

I admit I bet a little bit, and luckily I had a good mentor. Of course, there are days off here and there, so I suspected that I would be fired tomorrow, and I still do.


Golang server internship, until yesterday, internship full three months. My day job is more research-oriented and less coding. Still getting used to the platform.

Office buildings.

Induction package.

The department is very good.

My mentor is very nice, a little bad, like to tell ghost stories. Said some people were here one day and gone the next.

I’m kidding, but MENTOR is busy. In the company, more time or have to rely on their own savage growth, there will be some pressure, as far as possible some active.

The recent plan to

Study hard and work hard.

Write to you

Foundation is very important, practice is more important, whether take an examination of grind different from person to person. But if you didn’t study hard as an undergraduate, graduate school can give you a second chance.

If the school is more ordinary, and want to enter the factory, it is suggested to start making learning plans early, there are a lot of resources online, you can also go to B station, zhihu, cattle to find the guidance of the big guys.

Behind Bai Ze will also learn their usual Java/Golang process of knowledge into an article, share some interview experience, there is a need to pay attention to the public number [programmer Bai Ze].

Just set up a small wechat group, welcome to exchange and study together, prepare for autumn recruitment.…

Welcome to pay attention to the public number [programmer Bai Ze], join bai Ze knowledge sharing planet.…