
A SpringBoot unified response body/exception handling component.


Build on Spring Boot: 2.3.8.RELEASE

By: Lin (

Getting Started

Introducing dependencies:




    <version>1.0.2 - RELEASE</version>


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The Controller automatically wraps the returned data with the @payload annotation.




public class MyController {


    public User get(@PathVariable Integer id) {

        returnuser; }}Copy the code

The response result is in the following format:


  "code": 200."data": {

    "k1": "v1"."k2": "v2"


  "success": true."message": "success"."timestamp": 1623055152059


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See the automatic prompt for the spring.mvc. Payload property in the configuration file




      code: 200              # success status code, default: 200

      error-enabled: false    # Unified error handling

      enable-trace: false     Print stack information


        code: code

        success: success

        message: message

        data: data

        timestamp: timestamp

        stack: stack

        path: path


        enable: false         # Whether to enable the pin alarm robot

        webhook: https://...

        secret: SEC...

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Exception handling

For business exceptions, it is recommended to inherit the RuntimeException class with the @bizErrorResponseStatus annotation. This annotation also supports configuring the status attribute to define the HTTP-status status code, and the code attribute to define the code error code for the response.

@BizErrorResponseStatus(code = 400,status = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)

public class CustomerException extends RuntimeException {

   public CustomerException(String message){

        super(message); }}Copy the code

When the preceding exception is thrown, the STATUS code of the HTTP response packet HTTP-status is 400, and the content is as follows:


    "success": false."message": "message"."code": 400."timestamp": 1623055152059."path": "/app"


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When an exception is thrown, the default message is the exception description. You can also define how to obtain the exception information, for example:

  • IsDealAttributes: Whether the response is processed (default: true)

  • GetErrorMessage: Got an error message

public ErrorDeal errorDeal(a) {
    return new ErrorDeal() {
        public Boolean isDealAttributes(WebRequest webRequest, ErrorAttributeOptions options) {
            return true;

        public String getErrorMessage(Map<String, Object> resultAttributes, Throwable error) {
            String errorMsg = resultAttributes.get("error").toString();
            if (error instanceof MethodArgumentNotValidException) {
                return getMessage(((MethodArgumentNotValidException) error).getBindingResult().getAllErrors());
            } else if (error instanceof BindException) {
                return getMessage(((BindException) error).getAllErrors());
            } else if (error instanceof ConversionFailedException) {
                return error.getCause().getMessage();
            returnStringUtils.isEmpty(error.getMessage()) ? errorMsg : error.getMessage(); }}; }Copy the code

Code exception alarm (nailing robot)

If the nailing robot alarm is enabled, an alarm will be generated when the response HTTP-status status code >= 500 is generated due to an exception (without @bizErrorResponseStatus annotation). The content is as follows:

Service name: ${spring. Application. The name} error date: 2021-06-09 18:16:07 interface: xx class path: / com. Example. The demo. Controller. Abnormal TestController method: Xx Error lines: 29 Exception message: The account fails to be disabledCopy the code