About the Nuggets operation 2021

Behind the nuggets operation

First Half of 2021

In the first half of 2021, it is the key point for the rapid establishment and running-in molding of the whole product operation team of Nuggets. We have developed from two operations in 2020 to now. Up to now, we have reserved very experienced students for each business module.

Second Half of 2021

The second half of 2021 is the half year when our operation team is fully formed, and the half year when the whole team will upgrade the whole system from product construction to content construction. In the past six months, in addition to serving our existing stock market, we also tried to seize the incremental market. Experiments, trial and error, but never stagnated and fixed thinking. The whole team tried to do it by all means. Also landing some very meaningful activities.

In my heart, it doesn’t matter if we make mistakes or take detours. What matters more is that we reflect on ourselves, summarize and improve ourselves. This is my idea of operation.

Excavation of gold community ecological management of some secrets

What does a good community ecology look like?

This is actually a topic I talked about at the Nuggets Developer Conference. Community has always been about people. It’s about who the community serves and what the content is. Since the establishment of the Nuggets in 16 years, we have always adhered to the standard that high-quality original articles should not be hydrated, we advocate more cutting-edge content, we expect others to be in the Nuggets for the purpose of harvest, but also to create a collision of views. On this point, our original intention remains unchanged.

We’ve always advocated good content, but how to define good content? I understand that it should be divided into the following three dimensions:

  • Fact: Best way to solve a problem
  • Point of view: Best trigger for communication (core)
  • Emotion: most likely to inspire communication

When there is a steady and strong search demand for a product, there is a high probability that the product contains a lot of factual content. Knowledge contains many facts, but often its most valuable facts are accompanied by ideas to spread.

This is the best community ecology IN my mind.

What exactly did the Nuggets run this year?

Do good

Community is a diverse concept, we have “good content” and “good writers” but also hope that more shallow users will make Nuggets their home. In this year, we did a large number of new authors, and we also organized a relatively systematic creator training camp to help our shallow users improve their writing awareness and thinking, and stimulated their creative enthusiasm through various activities such as “More text card”. Generally speaking, what we do well can be summarized as the following points:

  • Through “theme month activities” and content topics to promote the production of high-quality content, changed the creation ecological pattern of gold mining front-end.
  • In terms of the content genre, we have added news and live broadcast to ensure that digg friends can see the changes and experiences of some new technologies at the first time.
  • Through the Creator Center, it improves the creator experience for everyone.
  • Strengthen the mining of new users to ensure the reasonable distribution of part of the traffic and new traffic incentive.
  • Pamphlet set sail again, improve the content of the pamphlet richness and pamphlet quality.
Do not do well
  • Failed to strike a balance between increasing content richness and content consumption.
  • The new recommendation algorithm solves the problemDebut is the peakBut ignores the ecology of creation and the ecology of content.
  • Although more text card has improved the internal capacity, but also some content hydration and **DN.
  • The team is more professional, and there is no “early encounter” with the core audience as in the start-up days.
Very badly done
  • Did not solve the capacity and the number of creators to enhance the title party content deterioration and other problems.
  • Not well resolved, traffic pool layer, content layer, user layer.
  • Failure to do a good job in stratification of personnel capabilities => loss of “content cleanliness”, and then no unified content recommendation standards. (My responsibility)

My growth in 2021

To do things

This year, I stepped in many pits and accumulated a lot of experience. Every time I did something wrong, I had to use 2-3 times the cost to solve the wrong thing. There are also several criteria to grasp when doing things. Take yourself as a guide:

  1. The more people there are, the greater the inertia, and the greater the human and resource waste involved in a wrong decision. Do what you can, and know what you can do. Never do what you can’t do for the sake of greed.
  2. Maintain absolute focus on tasks with clear goals and timelines, and make sure each task has a clear purpose and deadline.
  3. Innovation is not the strength of the number of people, not to understand that the more people, the worse the decision;
  4. The few people who can do things right may not have the whole picture, but a big team is more difficult to make a hole;
  5. Silly force often more can say 🧨, can not take reason, try not to take reason;

A person

I can’t say how much I learned, but there are some common basic requirements that we must learn, otherwise it is difficult to work with such people, or even absolutely can not work with them.

  1. Have absolute business execution ability for the work in their charge;
  2. It’s okay to ask for advice and resources, but don’t be the problem maker. Be the solution maker.
  3. Not only, can consider the team, can actively communicate with partners in task implementation, actively communicate, seek communication opportunities;


This year, I feel very busy, and finally reflect, really a chicken. Nothing.

  1. We need to keep pace with our upstream and downstream partners. Our thinking and pursuit are not in the same direction, and we are all very tired.
  2. A few excellent people solve problems efficiently and effectively, but it is difficult to let ordinary people accept and understand and implement, rather than just keep the information synchronized;
  3. When planning, we will tilt towards the bottleneck when allocating resources, such as giving them more manpower, time and better conditions to support them.
  4. A good overall view, considerate, responsible person, for the team is very important;

Individual versus team

In 2021, I focused on the integration of resources, the team and the underlying data and the implementation of the operation direction. My personal energy was always focused on data, and in the second half of the year, I was in deep water and did not give more support to the strategies and ideas of the team members. In 2022, I will focus on the cultivation of core team, operation mechanism, author ecology and standardization of content ecology.

What I’m doing in 2022

For the Nuggets operation

  • Establish the market ecological strategy, complete the author label system, content label system;
  • Strictly enforce traffic layering and author layering“Quality content can’t be hydrated”;
  • Establish a monitoring system, rating monitoring, original monitoring, ecological monitoring;
  • Users love, adhere to the original, severely suppress plagiarism, title party and other unhealthy culture;
  • Building community rules with users;

For me personally

  • Focus on the personal growth of team members
  • For the operation strategy, to think deeply, dare to do, dare to offend, dare to bear.
  • Enhance teamwork and open atmosphere while advancing goals
  • Refine the methodology of my own ideas and views on problems, and try to share and synchronize documents with team members
  • Think rationally about people and things and disassemble them

About my life


This year everything is luck, 18 funds adjusted to 7, fixed investment also stopped. Overall earnings are lower than last year. Currency circle and the stock market, only a few speculation, only GME, AMC and this year’s bitcoin market, make a little money.

The economic recession, let me feel that it is very important to have a job, next year will be honest bricks.


Maybe because I was so tired this year, I only realized 2 of the 4 flags.

  • To lose weight
  • Take up a hobby instead of being a nerd
  • Early to bed,
  • Go back home to accompany your parents during holidays
  • Go out to dinner with your friends


I love my job, I love the Nuggets, and I’m not going to change jobs until I have a little bit more thought about it.

Before, we had an intern who would tell a fortune that I would change my job in 2022. I once thought that I would like to deliver food, but once a friend went to experience food delivery and earned 35 yuan in one day, deducting the deposit and finally losing 3 yuan. I can’t bear the hardship, 😭, so I will not deliver food for the time being.

Actually, I’ve always wanted to be a didi driver. I can work whenever I want.

The last

Thank you so much for your support

AlexV525, Xmanlin, God said to have light, big shuai, gold digger Anthony, still Fan Texixi, and ear, hand tear red black tree, debris flow, little sister taste, Qin Er Ye, Wang Da ya, Qingye, Huang Yi, A Bao Ge, front-end forest, magician Katsong, Coder_pig, Xiao Fu Ge, Ruochuan, Programmer Cxuan, Shen Sanyuan, Yin Dong, code farmer Xiao Pang Ge, WHY Technology, MacroZheng, Lin Xiaoshuai, Jun Ning, Kerwin_, Snail Laoshi da Sheng, Cookieboty, ISboyjc, Wangly19, I am thirteen, Hu Yan, ConardLi, Ao Bing, Hu Yu, Tong Oba, Tan Guangzhi, Fantastic programmer,

Let me introduce our current team members (welcome to follow)

nickname link link
The captain Juejin. Cn/user / 923245… Creator ecology
Zoe_233333 Juejin. Cn/user / 228337… Content of ecological
Bonnie from Gryffindor Juejin. Cn/user / 174205… Boiling point direction
A sentient operating machine Juejin. Cn/user / 269203… Creator ecology
Qian elder sister Juejin. Cn/user / 270005… Content of ecological
Sweet smile Juejin. Cn/user / 405544… Information, live direction
The big bourgeois Juejin. Cn/user / 721714… Gold digging course direction
Konjac section Juejin. Cn/user / 300872… Gold digging course direction
Linda is a little Juejin. Cn/user / 435448… Gold digging course direction
Optimal arc Juejin. Cn/user / 852876… Sweep the floor, part-time customer service, handyman
Mei building sealing Juejin. Cn/user / 322782… Professional seal, limit stream, silence