Hello, I’m Guide. Today to recommend a Redis visual management tool I usually have been using, really very good, easy to use! I’ll introduce it by comparing it to QuickRedis, a similar tool.

QuickRedis is an open source and free visual management tool for Redis recommended to me by a good friend. Before that, LIKE most of my friends, I used Another Redis Desktop Manager.

They have a lot in common. For example, they are both open source, compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux(both are cross-platform based on Electron, so they take up a lot of memory), and both support direct connection, Sentinel, and cluster modes.

After a detailed comparison of the two, I found that Another Redis Desktop Manager really smells good!!

After writing this article and talking to my friend, I found out that he thought Another Redis Desktop Manager was just a simple upgrade to Redis Desktop Manager.

Also, the author of Another Redis Desktop Manager is really big! In zhihu “What are the visual management tools for Redis?” Question below, the big guy said that the current market of Redis visual management tools are not easy to use, so, write a. Maybe this is the big guy!


Download the installation package of the corresponding operating system and install it foolishly.

QuickRedis download address:

  • Github:github.com/quick123off…
  • Gitee:gitee.com/quick123off…

Another Redis Desktop Manager

  • Github:github.com/qishibo/Ano…
  • Gitee:gitee.com/qishibo/Ano…

The two contrast

Here’s a quick comparison in terms of resource consumption, interface, features, and user experience.

Resource consumption

As you can see, QuickRedis takes up almost twice the disk size of Another Redis Desktop Manager.

QuickRedis consumes more memory than Another Redis Desktop Manager when using both directly connected Redis without doing anything.


Another Redis Desktop Manager beats QuickRedis in terms of the aesthetics and smoothness of both interfaces. The former also supports dark color and custom font formats.

A comparison of the two directly connected Redis:

The comparison diagram of the corresponding search key between the two:


Both provide much the same functionality, but the other Redis Desktop Manager is more complete.

Both support:

  • The search function
  • Direct connection, Sentinel, cluster mode
  • Key value pair management
  • The command line
  • .

Another Redis Desktop Manager also supports:

  • Diablo mode
  • SSH private key, SSL/TLS
  • Command Execution Log
  • RedisJSON (Redis support for JSON data types, allowing you to store, update, and retrieve JSON values from Redis)
  • Redis>=6.0 Access Control List
  • .

Another Redis Desktop Manager is updated quite frequently and many of the new Redis features are covered very quickly.

Experience with

The other Redis Desktop Manager is significantly better than the other Redis Desktop Manager, although both can achieve the same functionality.

For example, while both provide command-line capabilities, Another Redis Desktop Manager will prompt you when you type a command, and will show you the most recent commands you have executed under your current connection.

Also, Another Redis Desktop Manager provides command execution logs. The command line execution log shows the commands executed by Redis under the current connection. Great for learning the Redis command.


Another Redis Desktop Manager is better, both in terms of user experience and functionality.

However, all said and done, these two domestic open source projects are excellent. They simply rely on love to generate power to help everyone improve the development efficiency.

I hope there will be more high-quality open source projects in China! Sure it will!


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