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The title

Implement mixin functions, similar to object. assign, that recursively merge other source objects themselves and inherited enumerable properties into target target objects.

var a = {a: 1};
mixin(a, {b: 2}, {c: 3});
console.log(a); // {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
Copy the code

The specific implementation

// Check whether it is an object type
function isObj(value) {
  returnvalue ! =null && (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function');

// Iterate over every property on obj, call copy, bind to this
function forIn(obj, fn, thisArg) {
  for (var key in obj) {
    if (, obj[key], key, obj) === false) {
      break; }}}// Attribute values other than '__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'
function isValidKey(key) {
  returnkey ! = ='__proto__'&& key ! = ='constructor'&& key ! = ='prototype';

// Copy objects
function copy(val, key) {
  if(! isValidKey(key)) {return;

  var obj = this[key];
  if (isObj(val) && isObj(obj)) {
    mixin(obj, val);
  } else {
    this[key] = val; }}// Merge multiple objects, change the value of target
function mixin(target) {
  var length = arguments.length,
      index = 0;
  while (++index < length) {
    var obj = arguments[index];
    if(isObj(obj)) { forIn(obj, copy, target); }}return target;
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Implementation approach


  1. Target (Object) : the Object to be merged.


  1. usewhiletraverseargumentsMember of, starting at position 1; If the value type being traversed is an objectforInMethod, otherwise skip.
  2. callforInMethod is called by iterating over the current objectcopyCopy the method
  3. copyMethod to determine the corresponding attribute value, if not'__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'One of these three returnstrueOtherwise returnfalse. If the current value to be copied is an object, it is called recursivelymixinMethod, right herethisPointing is essentiallymixinThe object that needs to be merged is executedmixinMethod changes the original target value.

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