
The n-queen problem is the study of how to place n queens on an n-by-n chess board, and make the queens unable to attack each other.

N queen II

Given an integer n, return the number of different solutions for n queens.


Input: 4

Output: 2

Explanation: 4 There are two different solutions to the queen problem.


 [".Q..", // Solution 1

  "... Q".


  ".. Q."].

 [".. Q."// Solution 2


  "... Q".



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  • Queen, a chess piece, means the king’s wife. The queen does only one thing, and that is to eat. When she came across a piece she could eat, she quickly rushed to take it. Of course, she can take one or n-1 step sideways, vertically, or diagonally, and can advance or retreat. (Quoting from Baidu Baike – Empress)

The topic

Similar questions have done N queen before, the logic of the two questions is the same, but the return value requires different, this question only requires the number of results returned

Recursive backtracking

  1. Place the N from the first row, and then the N after that as required (on the same row, vertical, or slash)
  2. If you can put n n, then the solution is +1
  3. If you can’t put n, you can backtrack forward one by one to update where n was placed
The topic
/ * *

 * @param {number} n

 * @return {number}

* /

var totalNQueens = function(n{

  let _result = 0.

    tmp = []


  function dfs(tmp{

    if (tmp.length === n) {




    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {

      if (isValid(tmp, i)) {

        // If "can't attack each other" is satisfied, take the point first and continue to place the next Q



        // Trace back the Q that has been placed





  // Determine if the new location satisfies "do not attack each other"

  function isValid(tmp, Ny{

    [Nx,Ny] [Nx,Ny]

    let Nx = tmp.length

    for (let x = 0; x < Nx; x++) {

      let y = tmp[x]

      // Different columns, because all rows must be in different rows, not on the diagonal.

      if (y === Ny || Nx - y === x - Ny || Nx + y === x + Ny) {

        return false



    return true


  return _result


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