
The strategy mode was often used in the previous three-party payment system. For example, users would choose different payment methods, and different payment methods would have different implementation methods or bank interface calls.

Now the Internet of Things system, based on MQTT protocol (TCP protocol) to transmit data, according to different requests (different Topic) to deal with different business logic, also used in the strategy mode.

The policy pattern immediately feels very useful and even more convenient when combined with Spring’s instantiation and injection capabilities.

Today we will talk about using policy mode based on Spring (Boot).

Processing when the policy pattern is not used

Taking the Internet of Things as an example, which you may not be familiar with, let’s take the payment scenario as an example. For example, in the process of payment, we may choose wechat Pay, Alipay or Silver card payment. At the same time, bank cards are divided into different banks, which are unified here as bank cards.

The simplest and most straightforward code implementation is as follows:

Public void pay(String payType){if(" payType ".equals(payType)){system.out.println (" payType "); }else if("wechatPay".equals(payType)){system.out.println ("wechatPay"); } else if("bank".equals(payType)){system.out.println ("bank"); }}Copy the code

This comparison of design patterns generally does not conform to two principles: the single responsibility principle and the open closed principle.

We will find that the current class (or method) does not handle multiple business functions, and any change to one payment method may affect the other payment methods. At the same time, it cannot be open for extensions and closed for modifications. When adding other payment methods, the ifelse judgment also needs to be modified, affecting other business logic.

Policy patterns typically address this ifelse processing logic to improve code maintainability, extensibility, and readability.

Outline of the policy pattern

Before making any changes to the code above, let’s take a look at the basic components of the policy pattern.

The Strategy pattern defines a set of algorithms, encapsulates each algorithm, and makes them interchangeable.

A policy pattern usually consists of the following parts:

  • Strategy policy class, which defines the common interface for all supported algorithms;
  • ConcreteStrategy Concrete policy class, which encapsulates a concrete algorithm or behavior and inherits from a Strategy.
  • Context, configured with a ConcreteStrategy to maintain a reference to a Strategy object;
  • StrategyFactory Policy Factory class, used to create a concrete implementation of the policy class. Usually this part can be omitted, depending on the situation. For example, the policy classes are instantiated in subsequent instances through Spring’s dependency injection mechanism.

Represented by a class diagram (omitting the policy factory class) :

Implementation of policy pattern based on Spring

In practice, the policy pattern is usually implemented based on Spring features. Here is an example.

Policy Class Definition

As mentioned above, the policy class is used to define the interface of the functionality, and for payment scenarios can be named PaymentService or PaymentStrategy.

Public interface PaymentService {/** * pay */ PayResult pay(Order Order); }Copy the code

AlipayService, WeChatPayService, and BankPayService are also provided.

@Service("alipay") public class AlipayService implements PaymentService { @Override public PayResult pay(Order order) { System.out.println("Alipay"); return null; }}Copy the code
@Service("wechatPay") public class WeChatPayService implements PaymentService { @Override public PayResult pay(Order order) { System.out.println("WeChatPay"); return null; }}Copy the code
@Service("bank") public class BankPayService implements PaymentService { @Override public PayResult pay(Order order) { System.out.println("BankPay"); return null; }}Copy the code

The instantiation of the implementation can be stored using a PaymentFactory build or injected directly into the List or Map of the Context using the @AutoWired form.

The implementation of PaymentFactory is as follows:

public class PaymentFactory {

    private static final Map<String, PaymentService> payStrategies = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        payStrategies.put("alipay", new AlipayService());
        payStrategies.put("wechatPay", new WeChatPayService());
        payStrategies.put("bank", new BankPayService());

    public static PaymentService getPayment(String payType) {
        if (payType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type is empty.");
        if (!payStrategies.containsKey(payType)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type not supported.");
        return payStrategies.get(payType);
Copy the code

Initialize the corresponding policy implementation class with a static block of code, and then provide a getPayment method to get the corresponding service based on the payment type. Of course, the code block initialized with static is singleton stateless, and if a stateful class is needed the getPayment method needs to new a new object each time.

public static PaymentService getPayment1(String payType) {
    if (payType == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type is empty.");
    if ("alipay".equals(payType)) {
        return new AlipayService();
    } else if ("wechatPay".equals(payType)) {
        return new WeChatPayService();
    } else if ("bank".equals(payType)) {
        return new BankPayService();
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type not supported.");
Copy the code

The Context Context

Context The Context role, also called Context encapsulation role, serves as a link between the preceding and the following. It shields the high-level module from directly accessing policies and algorithms and encapsulates possible changes.

The implementation class of the policy class is created as a factory above, or can be injected directly into the Context via @AutoWired.

public class PaymentStrategy {

    private final Map<String, PaymentService> payStrategies = new HashMap<>();

    public PaymentService getPayment(String payType) {
        if (payType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type is empty.");
        if (!payStrategies.containsKey(payType)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type not supported.");
        return payStrategies.get(payType);
Copy the code

The @AutoWired annotation above injects the PaymentService implementation class instantiated by @Service into the Map, where key is the name of the instantiated class and value is the concrete instantiated class.

The getPayment code above is the same as in PaymentFactory. Of course, you can also encapsulate a Pay method in the PaymentStrategy so that the client can call the Pay method directly by injecting the PaymentStrategy class.

public PayResult pay(String payType,Order order){
    PaymentService paymentService = this.getPayment(payType);
Copy the code

The improved scheme

The above code has basically implemented the policy pattern. When a new payment channel is added, there is no need to modify the paymentStrategy-related code and only need to add a class that implements the PaymentService interface.

But there is room for refinement in the interface definition. For example, the determination is made by the name of the Bean, but in some cases the determination can be complicated or multiple services may be executed simultaneously. At this point, you can improve the PaymentService interface by adding a judgment method to verify that this functionality is supported.

public interface PaymentService { boolean isSupport(Order order); /** * pay */ PayResult pay(Order Order); }Copy the code

The implementation class implements the isSupport method to determine which functions it supports.

Context classes can also take further advantage of Steam features provided by Java8:

@Component Public class PaymentStrategy {/** * here we use @autoWired to inject all instances as a List. */ @Autowired private List<PaymentService> paymentServices; public void pay(Order order) { PaymentService paymentService = .filter((service) -> service.isSupport(order)) .findFirst() .orElse(null); if (paymentService ! = null) {; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pay type not supported."); }}}Copy the code

With further modifications, the program became more flexible.


From the above code implementation, it can be seen that the interface class is only responsible for the definition of the business policy. The specific implementation of the policy can be placed in the implementation class separately or managed by using Spring features. The Context Context class is responsible for the orchestration of the business logic.

Through the application of policy mode (or variant), it realizes interface oriented programming rather than implementation programming, meets the principle of single responsibility and open and closed, thus achieving high cohesion and low coupling in function, improving maintainability, expansibility and code readability.

In the end, design patterns are only more impressive when they are used and adopted in practice. At the same time, in the process of implementation we do not have to stick to the design pattern itself, can also be combined with the framework used for variation processing.

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