Mind mapping

Flex layout


  • display: flex; (This article is mainly for this purpose)
  • The display; inline-flex;


  • The parent node container flex-Container
  • Child nodes flex – item

Parent container

  1. Flex-direction Main axis direction (general horizontal direction)
  2. Flex-warp handles the problem of insufficient row alignment
  3. Short for flex-flow 1 and 2 (Flex-flow: Row nowrap)
  4. Justify -content The horizontal alignment of the main axis
  5. Align-items cross axis (vertical) alignment with main axis
  6. Align-content Alignment of multiple lines on intersecting axes

Child node project

  1. The value of order is an integer, which defaults to 0. The smaller the integer, the higher the order of items
  2. Flex-grow is a magnification of other items
  3. Flex-basis width is set in the parent node container because the space is insufficient and is digested proportionally
  4. Flex-basis specifies the width of the item item
  5. Flex is the sum of flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis
  6. Align-self allows the item to align itself on the vertical axis of the cross

Parent container

  1. Flex-direction Main axis direction (general horizontal direction)
  2. Flex-warp handles the problem of insufficient row alignment
  3. Short for flex-flow 1 and 2 (Flex-flow: Row nowrap)
  4. Justify -content The horizontal alignment of the main axis
  5. Align-items cross axis (vertical) alignment with main axis
  6. Align-content Alignment of multiple lines on intersecting axes

HTML case code:

<div class="flex-container">
	<div class="flex-item red">
	<div class="flex-item green">
	<div class="flex-item yellow">
	<div class="flex-item black">
Copy the code

CSS example code:

		background: #f7f7f7;
		display: flex
		color: #fff;
		width: 150px;
        height: 100px;
		background: red;
		background: green;
		background: yellow;
		background: black;
Copy the code

The page is as follows:


Decided the spindle (usually the x axis) direction, namely, the direction of the project arrangement, there are four possible values: row (the default) | row – reverse | column | column – reverse

  • Row: Items are arranged from left to right along the horizontal axis
  • Column: The main axis is vertical, and the items are arranged along the main axis from top to bottom
  • Row-reverse: The main axis is horizontal and items are arranged from right to left, inverting row
  • Column-reverse: the main axis is vertical and the items are arranged from bottom to top, which is the reverse of column
		display: flex;
		height: 100px;
    flex-direction: row; / * 1 * /
    flex-direction: row-reverse; / * 2 * /
    flex-direction: column; / * * / 3
    flex-direction: column-reverse;/ * * / 4
		color: #fff;
	flex: 1
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By default, the item is arranged in a line, the main shaft, flex – wrap decided whether to line and line breaks when arrangement not bottom, the possible values nowrap (default) | wrap | wrap – reverse

  • Nowrap: Automatically shrinks items without line breaks
  • Wrap: line wrap with the first line at the top
  • Wrap-reverse: Newline, first line below
    display: flex;
    color: #fff;
    flex-wrap: nowrap; / * 1 * /
    flex-wrap: wrap; / * 2 * /
    flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; / * * / 3
    width: 150px;
    height: 100px;
    width: 300px;   
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Note: The flex-item width is defined as 300px 150px 150px 150px; So split the parent width according to the ratio 2:1:1:1. The actual width is 150px 75px 75px 75px (total 375px).


Is the flex – direction and flex – wrap shorthand, such as: row wrap | column wrap – reverse, etc. The default value is row nowrap, which is horizontal without line breaks.

    flex-flow: row nowrap;
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flex-flow nowrap wrap wrap-reverse
row 1, the row nowrap 5, the row wrap 9, row wrap – reverse
column 2, the column nowrap 6, the column wrap 10 and the column wrap – reverse
row-reverse 3, the row – reverse nowrap 7, the row – reverse wrap 11, the row – reverse wrap – reverse
column-reverse 4, the column – reverse nowrap 8, the column – reverse wrap 12, the column – reverse wrap – reverse

First: When flex-wrap is set to NowRAP, attributes (width ratio, not actual px width) are arranged in flex-direction

Second: when flex-wrap is set to WRAP, the items are arranged according to their actual width, and if they are not, they go down

Third: when flex-wrap is set to wrap-reverse, the items are sorted by their actual width, and if not, they go up


It is very important to determine the alignment of items on the main axis. Possible values are flex-start (default), flex-end, center, space-between, space-around.

When the spindle is along the horizontal direction, the specific meaning is

  • Flex-start: left-align
  • Flex-end: right-aligned
  • Center: center
  • Space-between: aligns both ends
  • Space-around: evenly distributed along the axis

Note: Flex-start and flex-end do not work when item does not contain the parent item-container

    justify-content: flex-start; / * 1 * /
    justify-content: flex-end; / * 2 * /
    justify-content: center; / * * / 3
    justify-content: space-between; / * * / 4
    justify-content: space-around; / * * / 5
    width: 50px;
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Determine the item on the cross shaft alignment (Y), the possible values are the flex – start | flex – end | center | baseline | stretch

When the main axis is horizontal (Y-axis), its specific meaning is:

  • Flex-start: top alignment
  • Flex-end: bottom aligned
  • Center: vertically aligned
  • Baseline: align the bottom of the first line of text of item
  • Stretch: When the height of item is not set, the item will be equal-height aligned with the container

Note: This parameter takes effect only when the height difference exists between parent flex-Container and child Flex-item

    height: 200px;
    align-items: flex-start; / * 1 * /
    align-items: flex-end; / * 2 * /
    align-items: center; / * * / 3
    align-items: baseline; / * * / 4
    align-items: stretch; / * * / 5
    height: 100px;
    font-size: 14px;
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This property defines how the rows are aligned on the cross axes when there are multiple spindles, that is, when there is more than one line of item. Note that when there are multiple lines, the align-items property becomes invalid after align-content is defined.

Align-content possible values have the following meanings (assuming the main axis is horizontal) :

  • Flex-start: left-align
  • Flex-end: right-aligned
  • Center: center
  • Space-between: aligns both ends
  • Space-around: evenly distributed along the axis
  • Stretch: The rows will stretch according to their flex-grow value to fully occupy the remaining space

Note: 1. Set flex-wrap: wrap, otherwise by default, nowRap is proporoned to a full line. 2. Only when there is a height difference between the parent node flex-Container and the child node Flex-item, can the container function

    flex-wrap: wrap;
    background: # 969799;
    align-content: flex-start; / * 1 * /
    align-content: flex-end; / * 2 * /
    align-content: center; / * * / 3
    align-content: space-between; / * * / 4
    align-content: space-between; / * * / 5
    align-content: stretch; / * * / 6
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Child node project

Item properties are set in the style of the item. Item has the following six attributes

  • The value of order is an integer, which defaults to 0. The smaller the integer, the higher the order of items
  • Flex-grow is a magnification of other items
  • Flex-basis width is set in the parent node container because the space is insufficient and is digested proportionally
  • Flex-basis specifies the width of the item item
  • Flex is the sum of flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis
  • Align-self allows the item to align itself on the vertical axis of the cross


The value of order is an integer, which defaults to 0. The smaller the integer, the higher the order of items

    flex-flow: wrap;
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Defines whether the Item should be enlarged when the Flex container has extra space. The default value is 0, that is, it is not enlarged when there is extra space. Possible values are integers representing the magnification of different items

Note: If no width is specified for the item, a row width is allocated, and even if a width is specified, extra space is allocated

	flex-grow: 1;
/ * 1 * /
	flex-wrap: wrap;
/ * 2 * /
	flex-wrap: nowrap;
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Defines whether the item shrinks when the container runs out of space. The default value is 1, indicating that when the space is insufficient, the item is automatically reduced. Its possible value is an integer, indicating the reduction ratio of different items.

Note: this is more meng force, to be resolved


Represents the amount of space the project occupies on the main axis. The default is auto.

	flex-basis: 100px;
.green {
	flex-basis: 100px;
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The Flex attribute is a short sum of flex-grow, Flex-shrink, and Flex-basis attributes

Check the above three for details


The align-self attribute allows the item to have its own unique alignment on the cross axis. It has six possible values. The default is auto

  • Auto: the same value as the parent element align-self
  • Flex-start: top alignment
  • Flex-end: bottom aligned
  • Center: vertically aligned
  • Baseline: align the bottom of the first line of text of item
  • Stretch: When the height of item is not set, the item will be equal-height aligned with the container

Note: align-item and align-content have the same meaning as those in the parent flex-container. The difference is that align is set to a single item while align-items are set to a single item

    align-self: auto;
    align-self: flex-start;
    align-self: flex-end;
    align-self: center;
    align-self: baseline;
    align-self: stretch;
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Note: align-self: baseline; align-self: stretch; As with 1 and 2, there is no further introduction here. You can refer to align-items


In a real project, there are only a few flex properties that can be used. Remember that these properties can be used to achieve a good layout in a project

Commonly used attributes

  • justify-content
  • align-items
  • flex

attribute scenario Common values
justify-content Horizontal center, floating left and right, left and right clearance separated flex-end center space- between space- around
align-items Vertical center center
flex The proportional allocation of the width of the item child element Flex :1 1 100px/flex: 2 etc

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