In Internet companies, the RESEARCH and development team is the first productive force, they are very rational to look at problems, in addition to salary, but also pay attention to something called technical atmosphere. So what is the tech climate? Sounds pretty lame, doesn’t it? In my opinion, technology can be given enough attention in the whole team and even in the company. Most people on the team, they love technology, they love doing stuff, they love sharing. In such an environment, on the one hand, it can stimulate the team to constantly bring forth new ideas, on the other hand, it can also enable the team members to have continuous personal growth.

Whether the Leader attaches importance to technology directly determines the technical atmosphere of the team to a large extent. If the Leader just treats the members as screws and uses them with the idea that they will die every day, the result will be obvious — everyone will be tired every day, feel hollowed out, and have no energy to learn new technologies and share technologies. Over time, feel no growth, left. Obviously, this short-term way of getting the team to create the most value per person day is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg. They are a dynamic group of young people who need to be valued, given a sense of hope and a future.

Then, as a Leader, how can we create a team with good technical atmosphere? Here are some of my personal experiences, which can be divided into five main points.


In the whole process of the project, let r & D have more say, so that they can feel that they are the master of the project. For example, when formulating the research and development cycle, the leader should not directly estimate the time and say to the team: “I think this function only needs 2 days, let’s start the development from tomorrow”. When r & D heard the tone of this arrangement, although it appeared to do, but the heart is not happy. Because he thinks you don’t respect him. It’s better to let the R&D set the schedule first and give the R&D control over part of the cycle, as long as it doesn’t deviate too much from your estimated time, that’s fine. If the difference is large, you can communicate. This process, in addition to r & D can gain respect, but also improve the r & D cycle grasp level, kill two birds with one stone. In addition, in the decision-making of some products, we can collect the opinions of r&d and let r&d participate in the decision-making. These ways can be very good to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of research and development personnel, the sense of atmosphere naturally come up.

Technical planning

The Leader should combine the product planning and the future trend of the corresponding technology stack to formulate some more challenging and forward-looking tasks and assign them according to the different situation of each r&d. This will not only lay a solid technical foundation for the future of the product, but also save the R&D from the boring and repetitive business code development, giving it the opportunity to be exposed to more difficult tasks and show its technical capabilities. Such a and, can effectively alleviate occupational fatigue, happy lu code.

Higher technical requirements

What if it is difficult to make a technical plan because the product direction is unclear, the product is in a white-hot stage, or it does not meet expectations? Not to mention, it’s pretty common. In this case, even if the technical planning and implementation is done, the benefits to the project are not great, but may produce negative benefits. After all, the future direction of the product is not clear. At this time, it is better to invest resources to do more functions for trial and error than to invest human resources to pave the way for the future technology. At this point, you can be more demanding of the technology of the current product. For example, technical problems existing in current projects can be sorted out, prioritized and assigned to r&d to solve. In the process of solving some problems, it can help research and development to improve their technical ability. After solving the problem, it can form a document and maybe share the solution ideas and methods with everyone. This is also very beneficial for the project.

Provide an environment for learning

In this regard, there are three main aspects

In between busy iterations of the product cycle, it is important to guide and drive the team to not just settle for the job at hand, but to stay on top of cutting-edge technology and best practices. Apply the knowledge learned into the project and organize it for sharing. The development of students turned a deaf ear to things outside the window, focused on the role of only luxian code, in front of the public to express, the harvest of everyone’s praise.

Promote mutual code review. The process of code review is a great opportunity to learn from each other. The auditor can learn the code implementation and code design of the auditor. The person being audited can also find their own shortcomings and improve from the problems reviewed by others. In this process, the atmosphere of mutual exchange of technology implementation is slowly formed.

Give opportunities to participate in outside technical forums, sharing meetings, feel the technical atmosphere of the whole industry.

Encourage innovation

First, provide an atmosphere of innovation. When we do not have the initiative to innovate, we can advocate and encourage innovation through incentives and other means. For example, design a mechanism to organize a monthly innovation proposal meeting where team members can present their technical ideas and review them together. If the idea passes, give it time in the schedule to work on it, and give it some incentive once it hits the ground. Even if the result is not as good as it should be, it encourages the team to try and grow from mistakes. Through the guarantee of this mechanism, the innovation consciousness of team members will be gradually cultivated.

Second, technology selection can be appropriately aggressive, encouraging the use of new technologies in projects. I have seen many leaders who are conservative and very resistant to new technologies, resulting in the invariable technology used in the project for thousands of years. Of course, the introduction of new technology also brings risks, but most of those risks can be avoided through a sound review mechanism.


Creating technical atmosphere is a long-term process, can not be accomplished overnight, the emphasis is on the adherence to this matter. In many cases, leaders implement a mechanism to improve the technical atmosphere, believing that the technical atmosphere of the team can be automatically and continuously improved after the implementation. They fail to follow up soon after the implementation, and the result is doomed to failure. Therefore, if the team wants to have a good technical atmosphere, leaders must have continuous enthusiasm to deliberately create, so that the team’s technical atmosphere will be better and better day by day.