Spring Cloud Alibaba is a domestic one-stop solution for micro-service development. It is compatible with the original Spring Cloud and expands the micro-service ecosystem. By adding a small amount of configuration notes, a micro-service architecture more in line with national conditions can be realized.

Compared with the official Spring Cloud standard, Spring Cloud Alibaba provides more complete functions, better apis, and at the same time, with the support of Chinese, the complex micro-service architecture becomes less unattainable. At present, Spring Cloud Alibaba has become the de facto domestic micro service technology standard, which is also an important reason why I highly recommend learning Spring Cloud Alibaba.

However, now the market is some scattered blog or introduction, many partners through the official website to learn is always unable to start, frustrated everywhere! Therefore, I would like to share my carefully collected learning notes and brain map route of Spring Cloud Alibaba to those who need it. Click here to get it

Spring Cloud Alibaba Practical learning notes directory

Microservice architecture is also an implementation scheme of architecture in essence. This note further expands and standardizes distributed architecture on the original basis, and Outlines the outline of Spring Cloud Alibaba in all aspects by using a large number of actual cases, graphs, tables and other forms.

Spring Cloud Alibaba practical learning notes content display

This note explains how to build microservices from basic to upper-layer application, and it is mainly divided into six modules:

Module 1: Microservice architecture design: mainly introduces what microservice architecture is, and some common problems in the design of microservice architecture.

Nacos service Governance: THE Nacos registry is the core of the entire micro-service architecture. I will introduce the installation, use and cluster building process of Nacos in detail, and introduce the underlying principle of Nacos service discovery with pictures and texts

Module 3 System protection: Sentinel is a service protection middleware provided by Alibaba. Sentinel can effectively prevent the systematic collapse of distributed architecture by using Sentinel. In this stage, we will explain the best practices of Sentinel, such as current limiting, fusing and code control.

Advanced features: In this session we will cover the many advanced features offered by Spring Cloud Alibaba. For example: configuration center, link tracing, performance monitoring, distributed transaction, message queue, etc., we will explain these technologies from application to principle analysis.

Module 5 Micro-service communication: When services need to communicate with each other, RPC and RESTful schemes are supported in Spring Cloud Alibaba, and the corresponding products are Dubbo and OpenFeign. In this stage, I will give the best practice and principle analysis of these components.

Module 6 Best practices of micro-service architecture: In this phase, I will take out my own personal goods to explain the comprehensive application and project practice of micro-service architecture for you. Here we will learn about Seata distributed transaction architecture, multi-level cache design, and old project upgrade strategies!


In recent years, the core middleware of Spring Cloud represented by Netfilix Eureka has stopped updating one after another. In addition, many components with old design can no longer meet the requirements of Internet giants in terms of performance. Therefore, we urgently need a set of micro-service architecture solutions with Chinese characteristics. The birth of Spring Cloud Alibaba will gradually become the mainstream micro service technology! If you don’t have systematic learning materials, click here to get them