Digital economy is an increasingly important driver of global economic growth. It is playing an important role in accelerating economic development, improving labor productivity in existing industries, fostering new markets and new areas of industrial growth, and realizing inclusive and sustainable growth. At present, the global industrial, supply and value chains are suffering from the deep impact of the economic slowdown, and the survival and development situation of small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming more serious. Exploring digital transformation has become a new development strategy for enterprises to recover and break through the siege and go against the trend. Hosted by China Association for Science and Technology and hosted by China Center for International Science and Technology Exchange, the Global Forum on digital Economy for small and Medium Enterprises (DES 2020) will open on July 16. The Forum will actively build a platform for international exchange and dialogue, face up to the digital transformation challenges of smes, and jointly seize the development opportunities of the digital economy.

Data is the most core factor of production in digital economy and the cornerstone of enterprise digital transformation. Didi Chuxing will host the sub-forum “Open Data: Unleash the Original Power of New Elements” in this global Forum from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on July 7, 2020, to discuss how to promote the open sharing of data, build data market system and institutional guarantee, and consolidate the digital transformation foundation of smes. Experts from The State Information Center, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Didi Chuxing, The Brazilian Embassy in China, webank will deliver keynote speeches focusing on the research and exploration of data opening and sharing at home and abroad, and the practice of enterprise digital transformation. The forum will be broadcast live online.

How to attend: At the bottom of this article, scan the code to add didi Technology cooperation assistant, reply to “open data”, and the assistant will pull you into the live broadcast group.

BBS arrangement

Address the guest

Jieping ye

A guest speaker

Guo Mingjun

Lv Weifeng



Tien-chien Chen

The host

Guo-bin wu


Scan the code to add didi technology cooperation assistant, reply to “open data”, the assistant will pull you into the live group.

Good welfare

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