“Multiple revenue for a game helps developers improve their skills and make money on the side.”

After more than two years of full-time practice and exploration, the development finally began to profit in March 2020!

This is the statement of February received from Tencent. The following figure shows the settlement from February 1 to February 15

Three of them are micro channel games, one is the public account you see now

Perhaps affected by the epidemic, the revenue of small games in the second half of February was as high as 1882.85

One of them, “”, was developed by me during the Spring Festival, which took nearly a month. At the same time, I added jump links for all games.

The above income estimates for many people, will be sniffy, 2300+ even a person’s living expenses are not enough, but still let Xiaoheng very excited, because this half a month beyond my small game income for a year.

Happy happy, still have to face the reality: “How to feed myself **? Time is a sword hanging in the heart! Let me not relax.

During this period, a friend asked Xiaoheng many times, take a shine to “” or some content, want to use it to do the vest bag of apple App, talked about twice although the heart is not willing to, but in order to survive, or promised.

On February 29, I posted a message in our game alliance group, selling the source code of “”. The partners in the group were only 299 yuan, and Xiaoheng also provided relevant technical documents and information.

Xiaoheng micro store xiao Yao big man’s income is higher than I am, anyway, I also risk it, see have no partners willing to play together, I call on everyone in the group.

During February, in addition to making small games by herself, Xiaoheng also released a set of “Creator Game Development Zero-based video Tutorial” to the public account.

After the conclusion, because of the epidemic this period of time, Xiaoheng in the public number of video tutorial, mask head source these content, for the micro store to bring customers, so decided to “ball ball to go home big adventure” to sell, how much can back some blood!

Eight orders were sold between March 1 and March 3, bringing the total number of orders to 13 so far

At the same time, Xiaoheng continued output on the public number [ball ball to go home] video tutorial, but also for other game source goods brought exposure, which also brought out the idiom 5 single

[Cliff] brought out 4 singles

Xiaoheng eliminate the game, is to bring out 17 single

In see the real data, the group of partners began to jump up, there has been concerned about the public number of partners, to supply Xiaoheng.

[Wang Wang Gushen pig] and Xiaoheng ball similar play, but the art effect is better, just come out a few days to xiaoheng ball to abuse.

Then behind the “Wolf warrior small peak” join, for the micro store brought a new game category, shelves on someone orders

“E dream workshop” independent games team, develop their own operating for nearly a year of two game, losing a feather, a small shop in the town shop treasure, especially the baby when students with excellent grades visitors and stay time is very amazing, see below, the two game source code for “e dream workshop” W, finally let the founder can have a chance to happy eat malatang.

Xiong children’s “one knife” is xiaoheng micro store’s first physical game, a shelf is sought after by everyone, 3 days of shipping 12 single, a total of 14 single, more than his online platform for more than a year of operation.

A friend found Xiaoheng, hoping for a discount or private payment, sorry, Xiaoheng now has a heavy responsibility, has been hoping to do something valuable, the picture below is a public account I posted on September 3, 2018, the public account only 550 attention at that time, wrote these words.

I don’t know where I got the courage, but every word I wrote was influencing me.

During this period, Xiaoheng also observed the traffic data and user experience of the micro store, and had more ideas. The following is the visit data of the micro store from February 23 to March 23. The highest number of visitors in a day was nearly 590+ people, and the page views were as high as 1600+

At the same time, many customers to consult Xiaoheng, the most asked is:

  • There’s a demo of the game

  • What is the development language?

  • Was the game made by CocosCreator, the version you use?

  • Does the source code provide documentation tutorials?

Actually in the details of each item has instructions, still every day meet the above these problems, combining micro flow statistics, XiaoHeng wonder, can you provide a demo game source code + buy + tutorial one-stop experience, so in 24 hours, I found the game alliance partners, to develop this applet App. Small program logo, pictures are I do, please do not hit me, although some ugly

The main screen of the mini app is a list of games, topped by a bunch of handsome Super Creator developers, followed by each developer’s work, and the developer’s name

The picture below is the game details interface, the upper part is the game screenshots and introduction

Details of the lower half of the interface, is a game source experience + purchase + public tutorial three entrance

I spent two days filling the data and optimizing the UI interface. Last Friday night, I was interrogated… After two and a half days of waiting… Audit failed

The reason is: “It is not recommended to develop box applets”…

Xiaoheng game development public number, small game on a large number of micro channel small game development tutorial ** and ** actual combat video, as well as many developers, is also to Tencent micro channel small game ecology made an indelible contribution, we are not the general box! Tencent dad hope you can see this article, can read the best.

In the micro store profit more than half a month, Xiaoheng can only sleep four or five hours a day, about 6 in the morning up to do video games for everyone, write public articles. In the afternoon, I started to meet customers, talk to more developers, and in the early hours of the morning, people came to consult or ask technical questions.

At the same time keep trying to do to all kinds of methods, exposure of everyone’s work, the game source tutorial video released to the BiliBili, watermelon video, Douyin, Tencent video and other major media platforms, learn to fight more, made a special low poster.

Poster 1.0V

Everything is not plain sailing, some people say that you are a code peddler, sell source code, but I don’t think so.

Xiaoheng sell source code is indeed have to do, but I think I am not selling the source code, but knowledge service is another way of expression.

It’s not just me, it’s a group of people

An individual who loves learning

Small businesses looking to cut costs

Developers who develop their own side business

At the same time, Xiaoheng is also encouraging the developers of the micro store to write more technical articles, record video tutorials, and help everyone to take orders. In the group, I was nicknamed as “siege lion broker”.

In order to create a more positive image, I have updated the poster to see if it is much cooler!

Poster 1.1V

Sell their own game source is forced, and Xiaoheng also know that doing so is likely to kill the goose that lays the golden egg can not last!

Selling the source code for a game can’t be the only business, it’s more important to expose developers’ abilities and help them make money.

At present, can do is to help you do the secondary development of small games or customized projects, can help you “order” just line.

But custom orders that is so easy, many times and the owner of the sleep on two or three days, the demand, plan, quotation sorted out. In the end, the 3% success rate is less than 3%, and the mental state is like a roller coaster. Flying in the sky, falling into the valley…

Everything has from quantitative change to qualitative change process, with xiaoheng micro store continued exposure to usher in everyone’s trust, recently received a very interesting list

“Hundreds of Flash games ported to CocosCreator”

It is difficult for xiaoheng to finish hundreds of small games for children aged 2~5. Firstly, it is to help the sponsors solve the current difficulties and save time. Secondly, it also thinks of the partners of the game alliance

I took on the burden of the “siege lion agent” and the patron was very willing to do it, for 150 to 300 dollars a game.

Most of the games are very simple, an experienced developer can make one in 1-3 hours, and the games are fun, not boring.

Then everyone began to choose their own good games to do, a simple person can do more than 3 a day

To begin to work, but the partners are still very worried about the “💰” problem

The donor himself was born in development, very honest, directly pay first, then work, directly gave the money to Xiaoheng, let me arrange the task.

Everyone is very humble, partner “knife” in order to make milk powder money for her daughter, “Bobo” will be his task to let out, we are warm heart male!

“Knife” takes two or three hours to make, and there is a group discussion about how to make it better

The next day, everyone handed in their homework, I also confirmed the situation to the sponsor, got excellent evaluation

A day later, everyone is not soft, feel meat is not enough to eat, rob to accept the task

Negotiate with your backers to assign the same type of game to one person, keeping the code style consistent, and making it easier for long-term cooperation

Xiao Feng’s career is not a program, making games is his sideline, he feels the workload is not saturated every time, request to increase

The funder is also a programmer who checks the quality of everyone’s code and gets more work done with the approval of the funder, since there are still 500 or so games to be made

Whether it is developers, sponsors, as well as Xiaoheng, the current cooperation is very happy, do let everyone benefit from things, very exciting!

Like a running account to write so much, Xiaoheng is also constantly combing the experience of this period of time, I hope to be beneficial to you can do it for a long time.

To find more partners, I put together a simple mind map as an individual developer.

  • Game development public account: Creator Planet Game development Community

  • Source code store: Xiaoheng online source code store

  • Experience applets: Select applets

  • Social media: Game alliance community

Public module: game development technology articles, tutorials, to help novice into the line, skilled hand advanced, learning technology together, explore how individual developers online game earn sideline income, but also the main entrance to the game source store, and developers to show their own works, ability, see the following picture:

Source store module: developers game works, technical knowledge realization of the main place, Xiaoheng summed up the situation of more than 20 days to optimize the way of sales, analysis of the source store customer groups, the following summary

Experience small program module: continue to optimize the developer’s game works, development tutorials, etc., trial + purchase + tutorial experience, and effectively use the current source store traffic, to guide users to the small program.

Trinity one-stop small program, because of the current various conditions, do not exclude after the major application mall will appear our source selected App application.

Social media module: unite more developers from wechat group and QQ group, and release their game works to various we-media platforms in the way of video tutorials, and guide traffic for the public number and source code store.

A game created by the developer, in addition to his own wechat, Bytedance, VIVO, OPPO, Baidu, UC, Qutoutiao and other platforms. Can also put the game source to our source store, and provide documentation tutorials form a closed loop like this public number learning materials **-> shelves game platform -> sell source -> tutorial source -> community communication -> public number new learning resources to help individual developers **

“A game that sells not only the source code, but also the knowledge and experience, as well as the developer’s own personal brand”, becomes a “get” in the game development world.

Today I wrote a lot of content, thank you for your patience to see here, the personal game developer “PubG” game has just started! I sorted out the current xiaoheng public number of tutorial resources, is still rough, I will text and text class tutorial sorted into PDF for everyone to view learning.

CreatorPrimer tutorial 30

Public account original article navigation

GLSL series

Xiaoheng’s Creator open source framework series

Zero foundation into video tutorials

Actual micro channel game “ball ball to go home big adventure” video tutorial

Micro store boutique small game source demo video & key technology analysis

Xiaoheng online * source intensive series video tutorial

Finally, thank you all for your supportPlease forward.O look at! Xiaoheng online waiting for you to come together!Multiple revenue per game helps developersTechnology progress,Sideline realization,I am aEngineer brokerZhang Xiaoheng, welcome to add me to wechat!

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