Wen: Miss Kee-che

Front-end learning resources are really many and wide, in such a sea of knowledge, we absorb like a sponge, want to quickly improve efficiency, the usual summary is indispensable, the following summary, typesetting feel good, push out, continue to follow the new…… First, plug-in website

JQuery plugin library :www.jq22.com/

The simplest and most powerful plug-in framework :www.iopenworks.com/

The home of jQuery: www.htmleaf.com/

Classic modular front-end development framework :www.layui.com/

Advanced strategy | front-end framework of comprehensive summary: www.jianshu.com/p/2a8ce7075… Two, icon type website

Ali Vector icon library: www.iconfont.cn/plus

Easyicon: www.easyicon.net/


Love icon network: www.iconpng.com/ three, color matching website

Color network: www.peise.net/

The best 22 color matching websites abroad: www.uisdc.com/best-22-col…

Xiao Ying’s toolbox: tool.c7sky.com/

Colorhunter: www.colorhunter.com/



Color.adobe.com/zh/create/c… 4. Tool classes

Atool online tool: www.atool.org/

Online tools: tool.oschina.net/

Programmer’s toolbox: tool.lu/


Script home online tool: tools.jb51.net/

RunJS: runjs.cn/

Qianku: 588ku.com/

Source China: www.sccnn.com/


ZCOOL: www.zcool.com.cn/

Petal net: huaban.com/ six, font website


www.psjia.com/pssc/fontxz… Seven: promotion

Simple learning network: www.tceic.com/

52RD: www.52rd.com/Blog/

It-home.org/ programmer’s House

UI communication: www.uchuanbo.com/member/

Micro network: www.vccoo.com/account/xin… The original address: www.jianshu.com/p/c806eabe5…