Author: the middle of the night shopping dama links:


We all know that winter is coming, and we need to store up enough food to survive the winter. I have experienced state-owned enterprises, foreign companies, entrepreneurship and BAT. Through my own experience, I tell you that if you want to develop in China for a long time, please enter dachang as soon as possible. I simply summed up my experience as follows, I hope to have some help for you who are ready to job-hopping.


We all know that first-tier cities are fairer and more open than second-tier cities. The same is true of big factories, which are more tolerant. Even in the recent winter, scattered big factories laid off employees respectively, the overall environment of big factories is still good.

If it’s a small company there’s a lot more irregularities, all kinds of nepotism, all kinds of skimming. As long as you can hire 8K you will never give you 9K, as long as you can save money through tax avoidance will never give you a penny more provident fund. If the business is depressed, we will immediately fire you. If the business is uncertain and we are testing the water, we will consider hiring more people who are on probation of 70% and then fire them after completion to reduce the cost. Not all small businesses are like this, of course, but it is a real phenomenon.

Big companies, on the other hand, will give priority to internal competition even if a group is laying off staff. Even if a group is laying off staff heavily, it thinks it will retain its main business and redundancy compensation. Even if a group is laying off 10% of its staff, it will be evaluated on the basis of survival of the fittest.

That gives you more choice, more fairness.


Some people said that I was in charge of the development, operation and maintenance of three apps independently in xx company, and I was already the technical person in charge. So this is a very serious problem, because you’re basically on your own now, you’re not producing. When you have a problem, your solution is optimal, and you lose your eye for what is good and what is beautiful.

If you are in a large company, the technology sharing, the technology precipitation of each project, the design ideas of each middleware and the passionate young people around you are your learning direction. Of course, some people think that the big company infighting, too much pressure, but there is no competition in the company, how will human degenerate?


I read an article before, the general content is please do not flee from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Yes, an environment gives you not only knowledge and space for growth, but also a different pattern you create. Technically from a small company you might be looking to implement features, optimize performance, right? But the stronger arm of a larger company allows you to think about teamwork, business development, and the state of the industry.

Because Dachang itself is bound to be a pioneer in a field, what you can see here is not only the essence of the hanging category, but also the different starting points and meanings to the society under different volumes, levels and missions.

The value of

A person’s growth is not growth, growth in the environment makes a person become valuable.

You may be making $40K a year in a small company, but you may not be able to position yourself well. Dachang rating is a clear measure that each level of benefits and capabilities is socially acceptable in any dachang. You a Baidu T6 to Ali will never give you P5, Amazon SDE2 to Ali will never give you a P6.

Dachang gives you positioning and value is not only your treatment, but the recognition of the society.


I don’t think the MBA is that important. It’s the people you meet while you’re doing it.

It has always been true that he who keeps company with ink will fall dark. If you are surrounded by good people, naturally you will not be so bad. This circle not only pushes you forward and makes you stronger, but also mirrors you. How big is the volume of dachang, how many fans are there in your mirror. With more fans, you will naturally detect yourself in many aspects. Over time, you will naturally “copy” a lot of advantages.

Do you think about the way you work or the skills you have in the workplace? Which one can be solved in a book? Different circles weave your different dreams.


Attachments are actually the most material and the least important.

It is worth saying that the big factory does give you a lot of additional power. For example, in the community, people are willing to pay for you, you have face in relatives and friends, confidence in the circle of friends and so on. These add-ons are not a bragging rights, but an open-ended essay waiting for you to write…

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