
C language is an abstract, process-oriented language, C language is widely used in low-level development, C language plays an irreplaceable role in the computer system, it can be said that C language is the foundation of programming, that is to say, no matter you learn any language, should put C language on the first place to learn. The following chart better illustrates the importance of C

As can be seen, C language is a low-level language, a system-level language, operating systems are written in C language, such as Windows, Linux and UNIX. If other languages are glamorous, C is the soul, always unpretentious.

C language Features

So, since C is so important, what is there to learn about it? We should not only learn because it is important, we care more about what we can learn and what we can get after learning.

C language design

C was designed in 1972 by Dennis Ritch and Ken Thompson of Bell LABS while developing the UNIX operating system. C language is a popular language, which perfectly integrates computer science theory and engineering practice theory, enabling users to complete modular programming and design.

Computer science theory: CS for short, is the systematic study of the theoretical basis of information and computing and how they are implemented and applied in computer systems.

C language has high efficiency

C language is a highly efficient language, it is designed to give full play to the advantages of the computer, so C language programs run very fast, C language can reasonable use of memory to obtain the maximum speed

C language has the portability

C language is a language with portability, which means that C language programs written on one computer can be easily run on another computer, thus greatly reducing the workload of program transplantation.

Features of C language

  • C language is a concise language, because C language design is more close to the bottom, so do not need many Java, C# and other high-level language features, the program writing requirements are not very strict.
  • C language has structured control statements, C language is a structured language, it provides control statements with structured characteristics, such as for loop, if… else statement and switch statement.
  • C language has a wealth of data types, including not only the traditional character type, integer type, floating point type, array type and other data types, but also other programming languages do not have data types, such as Pointers.
  • C language can directly read and write memory address, so it can realize the main functions of assembly language, and can directly operate hardware.
  • C language is fast, the generated object code execution efficiency is high.

Let’s use a simple example to illustrate the C language

Entry-level C language program

Now let’s look at a very simple C program, and I’m a MAC, so I’m using Xcode for development, but I don’t care what the tools are so you can use them.

The first C language program

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    printf("Hello, World! \n");
  	printf("my Name is cxuan \n")
    printf("number = %d \n", number);
    return 0;
Copy the code

You may not know what this code means, but don’t worry, let’s run it first and see what happens.

This program prints Hello,World! And My Name is CXuan. The last line is the execution result of the program, indicating whether there is any error in this program. Let’s explain what each line of code means.

First, the first line of #include

, which contains another file, tells the compiler to include the contents of stdio.h in the current program. Stdio.h is a standard part of the C compiler package that provides keyboard input and monitor output.

What is a STANDARD C package? C is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed by Dennis M. in 1972. The C library is a set of built-in C functions, constants, and header files, such as <stdio.h>, <stdlib.h>, <math.h>, etc. This library will be used as a reference manual for C programmers.

We’ll talk about stdio.h later, but now you know what it is.

The line below stdio.h is the main function.

C programs can contain one or more functions, which are fundamental to THE C language, just as methods are fundamental to Java. Main () denotes a function name, and int denotes that main returns an integer. Void indicates that main() takes no arguments. We’ll cover all of this later, just remember that int and void are part of the ANSI C definition of main() (if using a compiler prior to ANSI C, ignore void).

Then /* A simple C program */ represents a comment, which is represented by /**/, with the content of the comment between two symbols. These symbols improve the readability of the program.

Note: Comments are intended only to help the programmer understand what the code means; the compiler ignores them

And then we have {, that’s the open curly bracket, that’s the beginning of the function body, and the last close curly bracket} is the end of the function body. The middle of {} is where the code is written, also called a code block.

Int number means that a variable named number will be used, and number is an int integer.

Number = 11 represents the variable that assigns the value 11 to number.

printf(Hello,world! \n); This statement uses printf() to display Hello,world on the screen. Printf () is one of the C library functions that output the results of a program’s execution to the monitor. The code \n, on the other hand, means newline, that is, starting on another line and moving the cursor to the next line.

And then the next line printf() is the same as the top line, so we won’t go into it. The last line printf() is a little bit interesting, and you’ll notice that there’s a %d syntax that says to print a string using an integer.

The last line of the code block is return 0, which can be seen as the end of main, and the last line is the code block}, which indicates the end of the program.

Ok, now that we’ve written our first C program, have we gained a deeper understanding of C? Definitely not… That’s where it is. Keep studying.

Now, we can summarize the components of a C program, as shown in the figure below

C language to execute the flow

C programs are a high-level language because they can read and understand people’s minds. However, in order to run the hello.c program on the system, individual C statements must be converted by other programs into a series of low-level machine language instructions. These instructions are packaged as executable object programs and stored in binary disk files. An object program is also called an executable object file.

On UNIX systems, conversion from source files to object files is performed by the compiler.

gcc -o hello hello.c
Copy the code

The GCC compiler driver reads Hello.c from the source file and translates it into an executable file called Hello. This translation process can be illustrated in the figure below

This is the complete Execution of a Hello World program, which involves several core components: a preprocessor, a compiler, an assembler, and a connector, which we’ll break down one by one.

  • In the Preprocessing phase, the preprocessor modifies the source C program based on the # character at the beginning. The #include

    command tells the preprocessor to read the contents of the system header file stdio.h and insert it into the program as text. Then you get another C program, hello. I, which usually ends in.i.

  • The Compilation phase is followed by the compiler translating the text file Hello. I into the text Hello. S, which includes an assembly-language program.

  • Following compilation is the Assembly phase, where the assembler as translates Hello. s into machine instructions and packages these instructions into the Relocatable Object Program in the hello.c file. It contains 17 bytes of instruction encoding the main function, and if we open Hello. o in a text editor we’ll see a bunch of garbled characters.

  • Finally, there is the Linking phase, where our Hello program calls the printf function, which is part of the C standard library provided by the C compiler. The printf function is located in a file called printf.o, which is a separate pre-compiled object file that must be linked to our hello.o. The linker (LD) handles the merge. As a result, the Hello file, which is an executable object file (or executable file), is ready to be loaded into memory and executed by the system.

You need to understand what the compilation system does

For a simple Hello program like the one above, we could rely on the compilation system to provide a correct and valid machine code. However, for the programmers we talked about above, there are a few characteristics of compilers that you need to know

  • Optimizing Program PerformanceModern compilers are an efficient tool for generating good code. As a programmer, you don’t need to understand what’s going on inside the compiler in order to write high-quality code. However, in order to write efficient C programs, we need to understand some basic machine code and how the compiler converts different C statements into machine code.
  • Understanding link-time errorsIn our experience, some very complex errors are mostly caused by the linking phase, especially if you want to build large software projects.
  • Avoiding security holesIn recent years,Buffer overflow vulnerabilities were ignored.Is the main culprit of the network and Internet services, so we need to avoid this problem.

System hardware composition

To understand what happens when the Hello program runs, we need to first have an understanding of the system’s hardware. Here is a model of an Intel system product to explain

  • Bus (Buses)Running throughout the system are collections of electrical pipes called buses that transfer bytes of information back and forth between components. Usually buses are designed to transmit chunks of fixed length, i.eWord (word). The number of bytes in a word (word length) is a basic system parameter that varies from system to system. Most words today are 4 bytes (32 bits) or 8 bytes (64 bits).

  • I/O Devices: Input/Output Devices are the connections between the system and the outside world. In the figure above, there are four types of I/O devices: a keyboard and mouse for user input, a display for user output, and a disk drive for storing data and programs for long periods of time. In the beginning, executable programs are saved on disk.

    Each I/O device connected to the I/O bus is called a controller or Adapter. The main difference between controllers and adapters is encapsulation. A controller is a chipset on the I/O device itself or on the system’s main printed board circuit (usually called the motherboard). The adapter is a card that plugs into a slot on the motherboard. Regardless of the form of organization, their ultimate purpose is to exchange information with each other.

  • Main Memory. Main Memory is a temporary storage device, not permanent storage. Disks are permanent storage devices. Main memory holds both the program and the data processed by the processor to execute the flow. In terms of physical composition, main memory is a set of dynamic random access memory (DRAM). Logically, memory is a linear byte array with its unique address number, starting at 0. Generally, each machine instruction that makes up a program is made up of a different number of bytes, and the size of the data item corresponding to the C program variable varies according to the type. For example, on Linux x86-64 machines, short data takes 2 bytes, int and float 4 bytes, and long and double 8 bytes.

  • A Processor, central processing unit (CPU), or simple Processor is an engine that interprets (and executes) instructions stored in main memory. The processor’s core is a one-word storage device (or register) called a program counter (PC). At any given moment, the PC points to a machine-language instruction in main memory (that is, the address containing the instruction).

    From the time the system is powered on until the system is powered off, the processor continuously executes the instruction pointed to by the program counter, and then updates the program counter to point to the next instruction. The processor operates according to an instruction model defined by its instruction set architecture. In this model, instructions are executed in strict order, and executing an instruction involves executing a series of steps. The processor reads instructions from memory pointed to by the program counter, interprets the bits in the instruction, performs some simple operations that the instruction instructs, and then updates the program counter to point to the next instruction. Instructions may be sequential or dissequential (for example, JMP instructions are not read sequentially)

    Here are a few steps where the CPU might perform a simple operation

  • Load: To copy a byte or word from main memory into memory, overwriting the previous contents of a register

  • Store: The copying of a byte or word in a register to a location in main storage, overwriting the previous contents of that location

  • Operate: copy the contents of the two registers to the Arithmetic logic unit (ALU). To perform arithmetic operations on two words and store the result in a register, overwriting the previous contents of the register.

An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a combined digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on numeric binary numbers.

  • Jump, jump): Extracts a word from the instruction and copies the word toProgram counter (PC)Overrides the original value

Analyze the execution of the Hello program

Now let’s take a more formal look at what happens when we run the example program. We’ll describe it from a macro point of view, without getting into all the technical details

At first, the shell program executes its instructions and waits for the user to type a command. When we type the./hello characters on the keyboard, the shell program reads the characters one by one into registers and puts them into memory, as shown in the figure below

When we hit enter on the keyboard, the shell program knows we have finished typing a command. The shell then loads the executable Hello file with a series of instructions that copy the code and data from the object file from disk to main memory.

Using DMA(Direct Memory Access) technology, you can directly copy data from disk to Memory, as shown below

Once the code and data from Hello in the object file are loaded into main memory, the processor starts executing the machine language instructions in the Main program of the Hello program. These instructions copy the bytes in the Hello, World \n string from main memory to a register file, from the register to the display device, and finally to the screen. As shown below.

Caching is key

Above we have described the execution of a Hello program. The system spends a lot of time moving information from one place to another. The machine instructions for the Hello program are initially stored on disk. When programs are loaded, they are copied to main memory. When the CPU starts running, instructions are copied from memory to the CPU. Similarly, the string data Hello,world \n is originally on disk, copied into memory, and then output to the display device. From the programmer’s point of view, much of this copying is overhead, which slows down the efficiency of the program. Therefore, for system design, one of the most important jobs is to make the program run faster and faster.

Due to the laws of physics, larger storage devices are slower than smaller ones. As the processing of registers and memory becomes more and more efficient, system designers address this difference by using smaller and faster storage devices called cache memory (cache memory for short), which serve as temporary staging areas for information that may be needed in the near future. As shown in the figure below

We have indicated the location of the cache. The L1 cache in the cache can be in the tens of thousands of bytes and can be accessed almost as fast as a register file. The larger L2 cache is linked to the CPU through a special bus. Although L2 cache is five times slower than L1 cache, it is still five to ten times faster than memory. L1 and L2 are implemented using a hardware technology called static random access memory (SRAM). The latest, more powerful systems even have three levels of caches: L1, L2, and L3. The system can obtain a large memory and access speed is also faster because of the principle of caching locality.

Again: Getting started with program details

Now, let’s go into the details of an entry-level program and take a step-by-step look at the features of THE C language.


As we mentioned above, #include

is what is processed before the program is compiled, called a compile preprocessor command.

Preprocessing commands are processed before compilation. Preprocessors typically start with a #.

All C compiler packages come with the stdio.h file. This file contains input and output functions for use by the compiler, such as println() information. The meaning of this file name is standard input/output header file. Typically, the collection of information at the top of a C program is called a header.

The first standard for C was published by ANSI. Although this document was later adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and revisions published by ISO were adopted by ANSI, the name ANSI C(rather than ISO C) is still widely used. Some software developers use ISO C, others use Standard C.

The C standard library

In addition to <sdtio.h>, the C library includes the following header files


A keyword named Assert is provided that validates the assumptions made by the program and prints diagnostic messages if the assumptions are false.


The C library’s ctype.h header provides functions that can be used to test and map characters.

These characters take an int as an argument, and their value must be EOF or an unsigned character

EOF is a computer term, short for End Of File, used in an operating system to indicate that a data source has no more data to read. Data sources are often referred to as files or streams. This character usually exists at the end of the text to indicate the end of the data.


The C library’s errno. H header defines the integer variable errno, which is set through the system call, and these library functions indicate what went wrong.


The C library’s float.h header contains a set of platform-dependent constants related to floating-point values.


The limits.h header determines various attributes for various variable types. Macros defined in this header file limit the values of various variable types, such as char, int, and long.


The locale.h header defines location-specific Settings, such as date formats and currency symbols


The math.h header defines various mathematical functions and a macro. All functions available in this library take a double as an argument and return a double.


The setjmp.h header defines the macro setjmp(), the function longjmp(), and the variable type jmp_buf, which circumvents normal function calls and return rules.


The signal.h header defines a variable type sig_atomic_t, two function calls, and macros to handle the different signals reported during program execution.


The stdarg.h header defines a variable type, va_list, and three macros that can be used to get arguments in a function when the number of arguments is unknown (that is, variable).


The stddef.h header defines various variable types and macros. Most of these definitions also appear in other header files.


The stdlib.h header defines four variable types, some macros, and various general-purpose utility functions.


The string. h header defines a variable type, a macro, and various functions that operate on character arrays.


The time.h header defines four variable types, two macros, and various functions that manipulate dates and times.

The main () function

The main function sounds like a mischievous child deliberately naming a method as the main method to tell others that it is the center of the world. But that’s not the case, and the main() method is really the center of the world.

C programs always start with the main() function, and you can name any other function you like. Normally, the () after main represents some incoming information. Our example above did not pass information because the input in parentheses is void.

Void main(){} int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {}

  • Void main() declares a constructor with undefined parameters
  • Int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {} where argc is a non-negative number representing the number of arguments passed to the program from the running program’s environment. It is a pointer to the first element of the array of argc + 1 Pointers, where the last one is null and the previous one (if any) points to a string representing arguments passed to the program from the host environment. If argv [0] is not a null pointer (or, equivalently, if argc> 0), it points to a string representing the program name, which is null if the program name cannot be used in the host environment.


In the program, use the / * * / comments said, annotation for program there is no actual use, but it is very useful for programmers, it can help us to understand the program, also can make others understand you write programs, we work in the development, all dislike people who do not write comments, so comments are very important.

The nice thing about C comments is that they can be placed anywhere, even on the same line of code. Longer comments can be multiple lines; we use /**/ for multiple lines and // for single lines only. The following are several representations of comments

// This is a one-line comment

/* Multi-line comments represent a single line */

/* Multiline comments */
Copy the code

The body of the function

After the header file, the main method is the body of the function (comments usually don’t count). The body of the function is the body of the function’s execution, where you write a lot of code.

Variable declarations

In our entry level code, we declare a variable called number, which is of type int. This line of code is called declarations, and declarations are one of the most important features of C. This declaration does two things: it defines a variable named number and defines the specific type of number.

Int is a C keyword that represents a basic C data type. Keywords are used for language definitions. You cannot define a keyword as a variable.

In the example, number is an identifier, which is the name of a variable, function, or other entity.

### Variable assignment

In the sample program, we declared a number variable and assigned it a value of 11. Assignment is one of the basic operations in C. This line of code is simply assigning the value 1 to the variable number. When an int number is executed, the compiler reserves space in computer memory for the variable number, and then stores the value in the previously reserved location when the assignment expression statement is executed. You can assign different values to number, which is why it is called a variable.

The printf function

In the introductory example program, there are three lines of printf(), which are standard C functions. The parentheses are passed from main to printf. There are two kinds of parameters: actual argument and formal parameters. The stuff in the parentheses of the printf function that we mentioned above are arguments.

Return statement

In the getting started example program, the return statement is the last statement. The int in int main(void) indicates that main() should return an integer. C functions that return a value should have a return statement. Programs that do not return a value are also advised to keep the return keyword. This is a good practice or uniform coding style.

A semicolon

In C, the end of each line is used; This indicates the end of a statement. Forgetting or missing a semicolon will prompt the compiler with an error.

The keyword

The following are the keywords in C. There are 32 keywords in C and they are classified according to their functions

Data type keyword

There are 12 key words of data type, respectively

  • char: Declares character variables or functions
  • double: Declares a double precision variable or function
  • float: Declares floating point variables or functions
  • int: Declares an integer variable or function
  • long: Declares long integer variables or functions
  • short: Declares a short integer variable or function
  • signed: Declares a signed type variable or function
  • _Bool: Declares a Boolean type
  • _Complex: Statement plural
  • _Imaginary: Declares an imaginary number
  • unsigned: Declares an unsigned type variable or function
  • void: Declares a function with no return value or argument, and declares no type pointer

Control statement keyword

Control statement loop keywords also have 12, respectively

Looping statements

  • for: for loop, most used
  • do: The body of a loop that is the precondition of a loop statement
  • while: Loop conditions for loop statements
  • break: Jumps out of the current loop
  • continue: ends the current loop and starts the next loop

Conditional statements

  • if: Indicates the judgment condition of a conditional statement
  • else: The negative branch of a conditional statement, used with if
  • goto: Unconditional jump statement

The switch statement

  • switch: Used for switch statements
  • case: Another branch of the switch statement
  • default: Switches other branches in the statement

Return statement

Retur: subroutine return statement (with or without arguments)

Storage type keyword

  • auto: Do not declare automatic variables
  • externDeclare variables in other files (also known as reference variables)
  • register: Declares register variables
  • static: Declares static variables

Other Keywords

  • const: Declares read-only variables
  • sizeof: Calculates the length of the data type
  • typedef: used to alias data types
  • volatile: Indicates that variables can be changed implicitly during program execution


In this article, we first introduced the characteristics of C language, why C language so popular, the importance of C language, and then we started with a C language introduction program, we talked about the basic elements of C language, C language is how to run on the hardware, C language compilation and execution process, etc. After that we went through the constituent characteristics of the introductory sample program.

I have written four PDFS myself, very hardcore, linked below

Cxuan took pains to read four PDFS.