We started the year with a huge “black swan” event that has now spread to become a global event and looks set to continue for quite some time.

People from all walks of life were affected, and plans and arrangements had to be adjusted. This year’s PyCon US was originally scheduled to be held in Pittsburgh on April 15, but was cancelled due to the pandemic.

However, it was soon announced that recorded lectures, tutorials and posters would be shared online!

The official subscription channels are as follows:

  • Email to subscribe: us.pycon.org/2020/online…
  • YouTube subscription: www.youtube.com/channel/UCM…
  • Follow him on Twitter: twitter.com/pycon

The latest email, two days ago, revealed details of the online sharing: there will be a virtual showroom in addition to the regular profile content; Online sharing will continue for a month from April 15th!

This is unprecedented, and while it’s not live streaming, it’s great news for Python developers/fans!

I can’t wait to subscribe!

For those of you who are not familiar with PyCon, let me give you a brief introduction:

PyCon is an event organized by developers in various countries under the auspices of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Generally speaking, the event is held once a year and lasts for two or three days. The main content is keynote speeches by guests, as well as rich contents such as lightning development, lightning speech, dinner and exhibition.

PyCon US refers to PyCon in the United States. It is the earliest established, most mature, highest specification, highest quality and basically the most anticipated event in the developer community every year.

Of course, there are many localized PyCon versions around the world, such as PyCon China, PyCon HK and PyCon TW in China.

In the past two years, the organizing committee of PyCon China has been very effective, and the reputation of the activities has risen greatly. In 2019, it was jointly held in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Nanning, with tens of thousands of developers participating, showing a thriving situation!

If you are interested in PyCon in China, you can follow PyChina official account (id: (PyChinaOrg), in addition, the snake said the best Chinese Python podcasts) last year out of the issue of the anchors take you shopping PyCon (pythonhunter.org/episodes/4) program, recommend a listen to.

PyCon US 2020 is now less than a week away. An official schedule has been released before, listing the topics and guests of 30+ keynote speeches, which is worth looking forward to!

On a final note: Life is short and I use Python!

Original address: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cyR-XWN9b…

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