
Ali Cloud feitian eight virtualization platform popularized the development history of virtualization technology from 1998 to the present. Heterogeneous computing helps accelerate the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, virtualization technology special interpretation of “black technology”. At the conference, the in-depth analysis of DpCA server brought a new generation of technological revolution, and Ali Cloud launched the ecological construction of heterogeneous and high-performance computing (the co-construction enterprises include: Zhicqing, CTACCel, Fengk, AMD, Nvida, Intel, Xilinx, Feisu, Simsi, Foxconn, Inspur, Quanta) and Nvida jointly build DLI courses and artificial intelligence support programs.

Ali Cloud feitian eight virtualization platform popularized the development history of virtualization technology from 1998 to the present. Heterogeneous computing helps accelerate the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, virtualization technology special interpretation of “black technology”. At the conference, the in-depth analysis of DpCA server brought a new generation of technological revolution, and Ali Cloud launched the ecological construction of heterogeneous and high-performance computing (the co-construction enterprises include: Zhicqing, CTACCel, Fengk, AMD, Nvida, Intel, Xilinx, Feisu, Simsi, Foxconn, Inspur, Quanta) and Nvida jointly build DLI courses and artificial intelligence support programs.

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