Foundation and UIKit give us constructors for all kinds of structures
CGRectMake(<#CGFloat x#>, <#CGFloat y#>, <#CGFloat width#>, <#CGFloat height#>)
CGPointMake(<#CGFloat x#>, <#CGFloat y#>)
CGVectorMake(<#CGFloat dx#>, <#CGFloat dy#>)
NSMakeRange(<#NSUInteger loc#>, <#NSUInteger len#>)
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I’ve used these functions for so long that I’ve forgotten that these things are structures, and that’s actually what they looked like in the first place
CGRect the rect = (CGRect),0,0,0 {0}; CGPoint point = (CGPoint) {0, 0}; NSRange range = (NSRange) {0, 1};Copy the code
However, I have heard an OC lecturer say that since you are already using OC, you should try to avoid using C things like NSInteger instead of int, CGFloat instead of float and double