Demonstration effect

Global installation wifi-password-CLI dependency

npm install wifi-password-cli -g
# or
npx wifi-password-cli
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$ wifi-password [network-name]

$ wifi-password

$Wifi-password Office wifi
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Think Node.js is amazing? It’s not. Let’s see how it works, okay

Realize the principle of

OSX system

Run the following command to query the wifi password

security find-generic-password -D "AirPort network password" -wa "wifi-name"
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Linux system

All wi-fi connection information in the/etc/NetworkManager/system – connections/folder

We query the wifi password through the following command

sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<wifi-name>
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Windows system

Run the following command to query the wifi password

netsh wlan show profile name=<wifi-name> key=clear
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Realize the source

Its implementation of the source code is also very simple, interested in learning…

The entry file is index.js. Firstly, different acquisition methods are selected by judging the user’s operating system

'use strict';
const wifiName = require('wifi-name');

module.exports = ssid= > {
	let fn = require('./lib/linux');

	if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
		fn = require('./lib/osx');

	if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		fn = require('./lib/win');

	if (ssid) {
		return fn(ssid);

	return wifiName().then(fn);
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'use strict';
const execa = require('execa');

module.exports = ssid= > {
	const cmd = 'sudo';
	const args = ['cat'.`/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ssid}`];

	return execa.stdout(cmd, args).then(stdout= > {
		let ret;

		ret = /^\s*(? :psk|password)=(.+)\s*$/gm.exec(stdout);
		ret = ret && ret.length ? ret[1] : null;

		if(! ret) {throw new Error('Could not get password');

		return ret;
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'use strict';
const execa = require('execa');

module.exports = ssid= > {
	const cmd = 'security';
	const args = ['find-generic-password'.'-D'.'AirPort network password'.'-wa', ssid];

	return execa(cmd, args)
		.then(res= > {
			if (res.stderr) {
				throw new Error(res.stderr);

			if(! res.stdout) {throw new Error('Could not get password');

			return res.stdout;
		.catch(err= > {
			if (/The specified item could not be found in the keychain/.test(err.message)) {
				err.message = 'Your network doesn\'t have a password';

			throw err;

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'use strict';
const execa = require('execa');

module.exports = ssid= > {
	const cmd = 'netsh';
	const args = ['wlan'.'show'.'profile'.`name=${ssid}`.'key=clear'];

	return execa.stdout(cmd, args).then(stdout= > {
		let ret;

		ret = /^\s*Key Content\s*: (.+)\s*$/gm.exec(stdout);
		ret = ret && ret.length ? ret[1] : null;

		if(! ret) {throw new Error('Could not get password');

		return ret;
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