This article records the Objective-C programming specification and some suggestions, which may be modified and supplemented in the future. As for the original intention, the code in the recent project I took over was “a little” messy, so I organized one. Some of them are from the Internet, and some of them are my usual code style
Method declaration and definition
A space must be used between – or + and the return type, and the parentheses must line with a space
The method should look like this:
- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString *)theString {
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If the function name is too long, align it with a colon, like this:
- (void)doSomethingWith:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
interval:(float)theInterval {
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When the first keyword is shorter than the others, make sure the next line has at least 4 Spaces of indentation, align the keywords like this:
- (void)short:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
evenLongerKeyword:(float)theInterval {
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The method call
All arguments should be on the same line:
[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 error:arg3];
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Or one argument per line, aligned with a colon:
[myObject doFooWith:arg1
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Method definitions, like method declarations, indent the next line with four Spaces when the keyword is not long enough to align with a colon
[myObj short:arg1
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Do not use the indentation style:
[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 // some lines with >1 arg
[myObject doFooWith:arg1
name:arg2 error:arg3];
[myObject doFooWith:arg1
name:arg2 // aligning keywords instead of colons
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Naming conventions are important for maintainable code. Objective-c method names tend to be quite long, but blocks of code read like prose and don’t require much code comment
We basically abide by standard Objective-C naming rules when writing pure Objective-C code,
The file name
extension | Document classification |
.h | C/C++/Objective-C headers |
.m | Objective-c implementation file |
.mm | Ojbective-C++ implementation file |
.cc | Pure C++ implementation file |
.c | Pure C implementation file |
The name of the class
Class names (as well as category and protocol names) should begin with a capital letter and split words in a camel camel format
Objective – C method name
The method name should begin with a lowercase letter and be mixed with a camel’s back. Each named parameter should also start with a lowercase letter. Method names should read as much as possible like sentences, which means you should choose parameter names that read smoothly with the method name. (for example, convertPoint: fromRect: or replaceCharactersInRange: withString:). See Apple’s Guide to Naming Methods for details.
- Correct:
- (instancetype)initWithWidth:(float)width :(float)height;
- Bad:
- (id)initWithWidth:(float)width andHeight:(float)height;
The variable name
You should use the hump nomenclature, and the variable name should be able to represent its own meaning as far as possible. Try to avoid mixed naming in Chinese and English. It is recommended to use the ‘_’ underscore to separate Chinese and English. Avoid naming things like this
NSDictionary *d0 = [ACGPCacheCenter readFileAtSubDir: HSHomePageSubDirForAD];
NSDictionary *d2 = [ACGPCacheCenter readFileAtSubDir: HSHomePageSubDirForZX];
NSDictionary *d3 = [ACGPCacheCenter readFileAtSubDir: HSHPSubDirForEntry];
NSDictionary *d4 = [ACGPCacheCenter readFileAtSubDir: HSHPSubDirForCopywriting];
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Loop and some very short lifetime, very easy to understand variables can be free to use simple single letter and so on variable names
Constant names
Constant names (such as macro definitions, enumerations, static local variables, etc.) should start with a lowercase k and use a hump to separate words (e.g., kInvalidHandle, kWritePerm)
It is recommended not to comment too much and try to make the code self-explanatory. Rather than giving obscure names to types and variables and then writing comments about them, give them meaningful names
Here are some suggestions for comments:
H File comments
A.h file with a VVDocumenter comment before interface, such as this class, whose name doesn’t know which module does what.
@interface HSHPCopywritingCell : HSBaseCollectionViewCell
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Should be changed to
/** home module - Select stock cell */
@interface HSHPCopywritingCell : HSBaseCollectionViewCell
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When you encounter the class in the business code, hold down the Alt button and click on the class name to see the Description of the class as follows:
Attribute and member variable annotations
Comments for attributes, member variables, and enumerated types are recommended to be commented with ///<
@property (nonatomic.strong) HSMarketIndexModel *USmodel; ///< US stock index model
@property (nonatomic.strong) HSMarketIndexModel *HKmodel; ///< Hong Kong stock index model
@property (nonatomic.strong) HSMarketIndexView *indexView; / / / < index view
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You can also view the Description of the class by holding down the Alt button and clicking on the class name. You can also view the Description of the class by annotating /** U.S. Stock Index */, but too many attributes may not be beautiful
Code block comment
Use #pragma mark to sort code, #pragma mark does not underline, #pragma mark – does underline
A similar block of code is recommended:
#pragma mark - ================ LifeCycle =================
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[selfconfigUI]; . } - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
- (void)configUI {
#pragma mark - ================ Public Methods =================
#pragma mark ==== Core exposes method annotations
- (void)somePublicMethod {
#pragma mark ==== Core expose method annotation 2
- (void)somePublicMethod2 {
#pragma mark - ================ Private Methods =================
#pragma mark ==== Core private method comments
- (void)somePrivateMethod {
#pragma mark - ================ UITableView Delegate =================
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
#pragma mark - ================ Actions =================
- (void)someButtonClicked {
#pragma mark - ================ Getter and Setter =================
- (void)setModelArray:(NSMutableArray *)modelArray {
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** Note: The ** code blocks should be sorted from important to unimportant, with unimportant blocks such as getters coming last. Make sure that the useful code is the first thing that pops up when someone opens your class
Keep the public API simple
If a function doesn’t need to be exposed at all, don’t do it, same with properties, and annotate methods reasonably VVDocumenter, expose properties and constants and enumerations with ///< whenever possible, unless it’s really, really simple and can be omitted
About the warning
Some of them may be type-conversion warnings, some may be useless variables, the code will never be executed, obsolete methods, etc. It’s a good thing to be a little squeaky-clean and strict with your code
About obsolete code
If you encounter discarded code, classes that are not used (header files) and commented out code in the project, you should try to delete them unless you must retain them. If you retain them, you are advised to use TODO annotations, and the reasons for preserving them as well as the relevant responsible people, so that others will not be overwhelmed
Some advice
When defining constants: use type constants more often than #define preprocessors
The macro definition has no type and is at risk of being repeatedly defined, affecting project compilation speed. Suggest using
static NSString * const kConst = @"Hello";static const CGFloat kWidth = 10.0;
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Instead of:
#define kConst @"Hello"
# define kWidth 10.0
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When defining publicly available constants, we generally use the following definition
extern NSString * const kClassNameconst;
NSString * const kClassNameconst = @"hello";
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About the enumeration
NS_ENUM and NS_OPTIONS are recommended
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger,TestEnum) {
MY_INT_CONST = 12345
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, SelectType) {
SelectA = 0,
SelectB = 1 << 0,
SelectC = 1 << 1,
SelectD = 1 << 2
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One advantage of not implementing the default branch in switch statements of enumerated types is that when we add members to an enumeration, the compiler will tell the developer that the switch statement does not handle all enumerations
Use concise literal syntax whenever possible
NSArray *animals = @[@"dog".@"pig".@"you"];
Dictionary *dict = @{@"animal":@"tiger".@"phone":@"iPhone 6"};
NSString *dog = animals[0];
NSString *iphone = dict[@"phone"];
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Property strong, copy
Do not use the copy modifier when defining mutable types, which can cause crashes
@property (nonatomic.copy) NSMutableArray *mutableArrayOfCopy; ///< Crashes when data is inserted
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Copy is recommended for immutable types like NSString and NSArray, and strong is fine, but to determine if the situation really needs strong
The end:
This article provides a rough specification for Objective-C coding and some simple suggestions. We welcome you to complement and improve it, communicate progress together, maintain and enhance the legibility, scalability, robustness and so on of the project code