This article is participating in Python Theme Month. See the link to the event for more details
Here is a simple Python program that uses a single method to create a class.
# a simple example class
class Test:
# Example method
def fun(self) :
# Driver code
obj = Test()
Copy the code
Copy the code
As we can see above, we create a new class using the class statement and the name of the class. Next is an indented block of statements that form the body of the class. In this case, we define a method in the class. Next, we use the class name followed by a pair of parentheses to create an object/instance of that class.
An object is an entity with state and behavior associated with it. It can be any real world object such as mouse, keyboard, chair, desk, pen, etc. Integers, strings, floating-point numbers, and even arrays and dictionaries are objects. More specifically, any single integer or any single string is an object. The number 12 is an object, the string “Hello, world” is an object, a list is an object that can hold other objects, and so on. You are using objects all the time, perhaps without even realizing it.
A class is a blueprint that defines variables and methods (characteristics) that are common to all objects of a certain type.
Example: If Car is a class, Audi A6 is an object of the Car class. All cars have similar functions, such as 4 wheels, 1 steering wheel, Windows, brakes, etc. The Audi A6 (Car Object) has all these features.
- A class method must have an extra first argument in the method definition. We don’t assign a value to this parameter when we call the method. Python does
- If we have a method with no arguments, then we still have to have one argument, self. See fun() in the simple example above.
- This is similar to the this pointer in C++ and the this reference in Java.
When we call a method on this object to myObject.method (arg1, arg2), It is automatically converted by Python to myClass.method (myObject, arg1, arg2) — which is the whole point of self. Init methods init methods are similar to constructors in C++ and Java. Once the object of the class is instantiated, it runs. This method can be used to perform any initialization you want for the object.
Example class with init method
class Person:
Init method or constructor
def __init__(self, name) : = name
# Sample method
def say_hi(self) :
print('Hello, I'm a blogger',
p = Person('the sea on')
Copy the code
Hi, I'm haiyong, a bloggerCopy the code
Here, we define the init method to take the parameter name (and generally self). Classes and Instance Variables (or attributes) In Python, an instance variable is a variable whose value is assigned to a constructor or method with self. Class variables are variables that are assigned to a class.
# Python programs show that variables assigned in class declarations are class variables
# Variables inside methods and constructors are instance variables.
Computer Science Student Class
class CSStudent:
# class variables
stream = 'cse'
Init method or constructor
def __init__(self, roll) :
# Instance variable
self.roll = roll
Object of class # CSStudent
a = CSStudent(101)
b = CSStudent(102)
print( # prints "cse"
print( # prints "cse"
print(a.roll) # prints 101
Class variables can also be accessed using the class name
print( # prints "cse"
Copy the code
The output
We can also define instance variables in normal methods.
# Shows a Python program where we can create instance variables inside methods
Computer Science students
class CSStudent:
# class variables
stream = 'cse'
Init method or constructor
def __init__(self, roll) :
# Instance Variable
self.roll = roll
# Add instance variables
def setAddress(self, address) :
self.address = address
# Retrieve instance variables
def getAddress(self) :
return self.address
# Driver code
a = CSStudent(101)
a.setAddress("Haiyong, UP")
Copy the code
Haiyong, UPCopy the code
How do I create an empty class?
We can create an empty class using the Pass statement in Python.
# An empty class
class Test:
Copy the code
Quick summary — Python numbers
This is a series of articles that will continue to be updated. I hope this tutorial series has been helpful to you, and the bloggers are still learning, and I hope to correct anything that went wrong. If you enjoyed this article and are interested in seeing more of it, you can check it out here (Github/Gitee). This is a summary of all my original works and source code. Follow me for more information.
More on this at 
- Python exception handling | Python theme month
- Python Multithreading tutorial | Python theme month
- Python Socket programming essentials | Python theme month
- 30 Python tutorials and tips | Python theme month
- Python statements, expressions, and indentation | Python theme month
- Python keywords, identifiers, and variables | Python theme month
- How to write comments and multi-line comments in Python | Python Theme Month
- Learn about Python numbers and type conversions with examples | Python theme month
- Python data types — Basic to advanced learning | Python topic month
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