Object. Create (NULL) is used to define a mapping dictionary, instead of defining an Object literal. What is the difference between the two

   let m = Object.create(null);
   let n = {};
   // What is the difference between m and n
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Is a purely empty object

An empty object that inherits the object stereotype, i.e., n.tostring ();

Object. The create (proto, [propertiesObject]) method

  • Proto The prototype object of the new object
  • PropertiesObject Optional, property added to the new Object (not a property of the stereotype chain), enumerable by default, and corresponding to the second argument of Object.defineProperties

{} is equivalent to object.create (Object.ptototype), now you see the difference

for… In traverses enumerable properties of n (same function as object.keys ())

The toString\get\set attribute was not printed, but __proto__ and prototype were mixed up.

After the correction:

   function A() {
       console.log('I'm the function A'.)};// Define the prototype object
   let protoObj = {};
   protoObj = Object.defineProperty(protoObj, 'a', {
       enumerable: false.// Not enumerable
       value: 'a property'
   protoObj.b = Attributes' b ';
   A.prototype = protoObj;
   let a = new A();
   // Let... In is similar to object.keys () in that it can access enumerable properties
   for (let key in a) {
       console.log(key, a[key]);  // b b attributes
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Next check whether the toString() method in n.__proto__ mentioned in the screenshot above is enumerated

    The getOwnPropertyNames method prints all properties, enumerable and non-enumerable
    let res1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n.__proto__);
    // The result is as follows
    // ["constructor", "__defineGetter__", "__defineSetter__", "hasOwnProperty", "__lookupGetter__", "__lookupSetter__", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toString", "valueOf", "__proto__", "toLocaleString"]
    // We know that object.keys () can only access enumerable properties
    let res2 = Object.keys(n.__proto__);
    / / []
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The result is obvious: the parent method inherited from Object. Prototype is objective, callable, not enumerable, not traversal

The __proto__ attribute, in addition, is the implicit prototype of an object, pointing to the prototype of the constructor that constructed the object

   console.log(a.__proto__ === A.prototype)  // true
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We’ll talk more about that later.

Ps. At the beginning of writing documents with MD grammar, I am not very skilled in using it. In the future, I will share more meaningful articles with you.