This is the 31st day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge
Question origin
In a recent production project, the parent component passed an Object to the child component. Because there was too much Object data in the child component, I “lazy” and wrote this in the child component’s data:
. data () {return {
content: {}}}...Copy the code
Unexpectedly, this line of code spent an afternoon looking for a response question: why does the child component data not change after the data is updated?
This led me to re-understand the depth response principle of VUE. The original document is more detailed than I wrote. Here are some practical things — things you can use in the real world.
Now VUE3 is online, I haven’t learned VUE2 too, is not too dish.
So let’s take a look at Object and array listening in VUE.
The experiment
Object listening problem reappears
In the official VUE documentation:
Due to JavaScript limitations, Vue cannot detect array and object changes.
So, what does “undetectable” mean?
Take a look at the following experimental code:
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div id="app">
<div>Object: {{obj}}</div>
computed: obj.a = {{objA}}
computed: obj.c = {{objC}}
<el-button type="primary" @click="changeData">Update the data</el-button>
var Main = {
data() {
return {
message: 'Before data modification:'.obj: {
a: 1.b: 2}}},computed: {
objA() {
return this.obj.a
objC() {
return this.obj.c
methods: {
changeData() {
this.obj.c = '2';
this.message = 'After data modification:'}}}var Ctor = Vue.extend(Main)
new Ctor().$mount('#app')
Copy the code
Let’s take a look at the effect:
As you can see, changes in attributes of obj. A affect computed objA, but assignment of obj. C does not.
When I define obj in data, I only give two attributes: A and B. When I click on the operation to update data, we set obj.c like this:
this.obj.c = '2'
Copy the code
There is no penalty for computed updates corresponding to objC values.
Let’s try another way to set it according to the official tip: change the above method of updating c value to:
this.$set(this.obj, 'c'.'cvalue')
Copy the code
Let’s see what it looks like:
You can obviously see that the corresponding objC also responds to the change.
For data, some methods trigger view listening: the VUE documentation is very detailed: push, etc., while modifying element values through list[I] does not trigger view listening, I won’t go into details here.