The previous article talked about how we built a NuxT3 project. Today we will implement how to use page routing in NuxT3.

Conventional routing

Because NUxT integrates vue-Router, nuxt will automatically generate routes if you create a folder called Pages in the root directory of your project. The path of access is the path of the file.

Such as:

The file name Generated route
index.vue /
test.vue /test


Equivalent to route-view in vue-router


First we add
in app.vue, which is the route entry

Copy the code

Create a Pages folder in the root directory and create an index.vue file in the Pages folder

    <h1>Hello Nuxt3</h1>
Copy the code

The directory structure is as follows

Since the file name is index.vue, it is the default page, so directly enter http://localhost:3000 in the browser to access


Equivalent to a route-link in vue-router


In the app. Vue added

<template> <div> <NuxtLink to="/test">test</NuxtLink> | <! -- Add --> <NuxtLink to="/"> root </NuxtLink> <! -- New --> <NuxtPage></NuxtPage> </div> </template>Copy the code

Add test.vue under Pages

Copy the code

Click to switch

The root directory test


The basic use of NUxT3 routing has been mastered, the next article on dynamic routing, parent-child routing nesting we will talk more slowly.