1. Create a new project on Sentry platform
Steps: Projects→ Create Project→ Select platform (Vue) → Set reminder rules (optional) → set Project name and Team→ Click Create Project to obtain DSN of the Project, useful laterCopy the code
2. Download the sentry – module
npm install @nuxtjs/sentry
Copy the code
3. Add @nuxtjs/sentry to modules array in nuxt.config.js to inject $sentry into nuxt instance
// nuxt.config.js
// ...
modules: [
// ...
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4. Continue to add the Sentry field in nuxt.config.js to add the configuration for sentry
Available configuration documents: github.com/nuxt-commun…
// oneos
// nuxt.config.js
// ...
sentry: {
dsn: 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@x.x.x.x:9000/1'.tracing: {
tracesSampleRate: 1.0.vueOptions: {
tracing: true.tracingOptions: {
hooks: ['mount'.'update'].timeout: 2000.trackComponents: true,}},browserOptions: {},},clientIntegrations: {
Vue: {
attachProps: true.// Allow Sentry to report Vue component Props
logErrors: true.// After the Sentry SDK is introduced, errors are not printed to the console by default. Setting logErrors to true forces errors to be printed to the console}},config: {
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'prod'? 'production' : 'development',}},// ...
Copy the code
DSN (Data Source Name)
- When a new project is created on the Sentry platform, Sentry automatically assigns a DSN to the project
- DSN is used to tell Sentry where to send events
- If DSN is not set, Sentry will not send events
- DSN follows the following format
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DSN: Settings→ Projects→ Select your project → Client Keys (DSN)
- Used to enable performance monitoring
- Detailed configuration: github.com/nuxt-commun…
- Used to declare other Sentry configurations
- Detailed configuration is introduced: the docs. Sentry. IO/platforms/j…
5. Download the Sentry Webpack Plugin to upload sourceMap to the Sentry platform during the build process
npm install @sentry/webpack-plugin --save-dev
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*sourceMap is used to restore compressed code to source code, making it easier to locate errors
6. Enable sourceMap in nuxt.config.js and generate the sourceMap file during the build process
// nuxt.config.js
// ...
build: {
// ...
extend(config, { isClient }) {
if (isClient) {
config.devtool = 'hidden-source-map'.// Avoid adding sourcemap references at the end of generated JS files}},// ...
// ...
Copy the code
7. Add the Sentry Webpack Plugin configuration to nuxt.config.js
// nuxt.config.js { // ... build: { // ... plugins: [ // ... new SentryWebpackPlugin({ url: 'http://x.x.x.x:9000/', authToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', org: 'Organization name ', project:' project name ', include: '.nuxt/dist/client', urlPrefix: '~/_nuxt/', ignore: ['node_modules', 'webpack.config.js'], }), ], // ... } / /... }Copy the code
Detailed configuration documents: github.com/getsentry/s…
- Sentry service base URL
- The token is used for Sentry platform authentication. The token must contain the operation rights on the corresponding resources
- Creation steps: Settings→ Account→ API→ Auth Tokens→ Create New Tokens→ Usually select Project: Read and Project: Write → Create
- Organizaiton Slug of Project in Sentry platform
- Query steps: Click the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of Sentry platform → Origanization Settings → Organization Slug
- Project name in Sentry platform
- Path to upload
- Url prefix of online JS files
- Sentry needs the correct URL prefix to find the map file that corresponds to the JS file on the line
- For example, the URL of the online JS file is x.com/_nuxt/d954f… ‘
- The path or file to be ignored when uploading the file
- If the include field contains a detailed path, you can ignore it
8. Adjust the build command in package.json and delete the sourceMap file after the build to prevent sourceMap from being exposed online
For example,
"scripts": {
"build": "nuxt build && rimraf .nuxt/dist/**/*.js.map"
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