As you read this document, I hope you have a brief understanding of NUXT and PM2
- nuxt
- pm2
Install PM2 and build NUXT
$NPM I pm2 -g $NPX create-nuxt-appCopy the code
SSH Key Configuration
- Pm2 code automatic distribution depends on git tools, first configure SSH key in your code repository (Github or gitLab), specific operations by Google or click github to configure SSH.
- Use the SSH key to connect to the server
$ssh-copy-id root@ # Add the local SSH key to the server, after the successful configuration, do not need to run this SSH commandCopy the code
Pm2 is automatically deployed
Generate the PM2 configuration file
$ pm2 ecosystem
Copy the code
Server.config.js will be generated in the root directory of the project
This is a simple configuration file for your reference
module.exports = {
apps: [{name: "my-app".autorestart: true.script: "server/index.js".env: {
NODE_ENV: "development"
env_production: {
NODE_ENV: "production"}}].deploy: {
dev: {
// Server operation user
user: "root".// Server IP address
host: "2.".ref: "origin/master".repo: "".path: "/root/my-app"."post-deploy":
"rm -rf node_modules && npm install && npm run build && pm2 startOrReload ecosystem.config.js --env production"}};Copy the code
What operations are performed in post-deploy
rm -rf node_modules
Delete node_modulesnpm install
Reinstallation packagenpm run build
Run packagingpm2 startOrReload ecosystem.config.js --env production
Pm2 Starts the application
Initialize the project and publish it
- Natively initializes the project on the remote server
pm2 deploy dev setup
, commanddev
Is the name of the deployment environment written in the configuration file above. - Git commits code,
git push origin master
Commit the code to the remote repository. - Deployment project
pm2 deploy dev
After this command is executed, the server pulls down and runs the latest code that was previously committed from the local server to the Git repositorypost-deploy
Command in. Generally, if there is no problem, after these steps, you can deploy successfully.
After packaging, upload the files to oss
Reference documentation
- Oss CDK node. Js version
- Upload the NUxT dist file to the CDNWe need to integrate
Uploaded to the CDN
Upload code
Create a new upload.js file in the root directory
const OSS = require("ali-oss");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const os = require("os");
const PUBLIC_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "/");
const client = new OSS({
accessKeyId: "your access key".accessKeySecret: "your access secret".bucket: "your bucket name".region: "oss-cn-hangzhou"
* @param {*} dir */
async function deleteDir(dir) {
let result = await client.list({
prefix: dir + "/".delimiter: "/"
if (result.objects) {
let aa = [];
result.objects.forEach(function(obj) {
try {
await client.deleteMulti(aa, {
quiet: true
console.log("Deleted successfully");
} catch (e) {
console.log("File deletion failed", e); }}}/ * * * recursive traversal folder upload * @ param {path} SRC local path * @ param {string} dist oos folder name WWW | kouzi * /
function addFileToOSSSync(src, dist) {
let docs = fs.readdirSync(src);
docs.forEach(function(doc) {
let _src = src + "/" + doc,
_dist = dist + "/" + doc;
let st = fs.statSync(_src);
// Check whether it is a file
if(st.isFile() && doc ! = =".DS_Store") {
putOSS(_src, _dist);
// Call itself recursively if it is a directory
else if(st.isDirectory()) { addFileToOSSSync(_src, _dist); }}); }/** * Upload a single file to oss */
async function putOSS(src, dist) {
try {
await client.put("/" + dist, src);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Upload failed".e); }}@param {string} dirName Specifies the name of the file to be uploaded
async function upFile(dirName) {
try {
await deleteDir(dirName);
await addFileToOSSSync(PUBLIC_PATH + ".nuxt/dist/client", dirName);
console.log(dirName + "Uploading OSS successfully");
} catch (err) {
console.log(dirName + "Uploading OSS failed", err);
Copy the code
Modify thepackage.json
Change build in scripts to the following:
"scripts": {
"build": "nuxt build && node upload.js"}}Copy the code
Modify thenuxt.config.js
export default {
build: {
publicPath: ""}};Copy the code
The end of the
At this point our automatic deployment plus automatic file upload Ali cloud OSS will be completed. All you need to do is execute pm2 deploy Dev.