
Record some problems encountered in the process and correction knowledge;

The previous use of NUXT 1.4, just do the memo, interested to see, no interest stop;

The problem

The development mode is normal, but static resources cannot be found in deployment mode

Since I’m using Nginx, this requires nginx static resource identification

  location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf|flv|mp4|ico)$ {
    expires 7d;
    access_log off;
  location ~ .*\.(js|css)? $ {
    expires 7d;
    access_log off;

Copy the code

The CSS background image is missing

Change the path ~/assets in background to ~assets;

Template is still written as ~/assets

CentOS installnode-sassThe problem of hanging up

Those without SCSS can be ignored

At first, I thought it was a lack of compilation environment. I checked all of these things with make.

Finally, it was found that there was a problem with the wall. This module went to the source of CNPM and went smoothly

In the personal directory of the deployment user, perform the following operations

Write an NPM environment configuration file
vim ~/.npmrc

# write, these several rely on go to the domestic CNPM source

Copy the code

Hot deployment problem

Conventional posture

  • localgitPush -> Run to line to pull (no hook written)
  • Pack (Pack again) :nuxt build
  • Restarting the service (pm2Restart service) :pm2 restart id|name

And on the server packaging,CPU all kinds of running full, I tidy up a little, so that the maintenance is a little more controllable

Simplify the posture

  • Pack locally, pack locallygitTo submit,
  • pm2Deploy, auto pull, reload process

To get right to the point, I’m using nuxt + KOA, and actually this one doesn’t talk about KOA either


# deploy is "scripts": {"dev": "Cross-env NODE_ENV=development HOST= nodemon server/index.js --watch server", "build": "nuxt build", "start": "node server/index.js", "generate": "nuxt generate" }Copy the code

Write a file.config.js configuration file in the project root directory,

module.exports = {
  apps: [{name: 'nuxt2-sx-share'.script: 'npm'.args: 'run start'.watch: ['.nuxt'].// Monitor the output directory
      watch_options: {
        usePolling: true
      exec_mode:'cluster'.env: {
        HOST: ''.PORT: 4444.NODE_ENV: 'development'
      env_production: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production'.HOST: ''.PORT: 4444
      output: './logs/console.log'.error: './logs/consoleError.log'}].deploy: {
    production: {
      // SSH user
      user: 'crper'.// SSH host
      host: ['xxx'].// SSH options with no command-line flag, see 'man ssh'
      // can be either a single string or an array of strings
      ssh_options: 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'.// GIT remote/branch
      ref: 'origin/master'.// GIT remote
      repo: '[email protected]:lqh/nuxt-sx-mobile-share.git'.// path in the server
      path: '/data/xixi/nuxt-sx-mobile-share'.// Pre-setup command or path to a script on your local machine
      'pre-setup': 'ls -la'.'pre-deploy':'git pull'.// deploy hook
        'npm install && pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js --env production'}}}Copy the code

The configuration file consists of two parts: apps(information about starting applications, environment variables, process execution mode, etc.) and Deploy (deployment region).

SSH configuration and warehouse information are not mentioned

Here we focus on deployment. My script uses three hooks, initialization, predeployment, and push execution

  • pre-setup: is called for initialization. I’m just showing the directory structure here
  • pre-deployBefore deploying, execute, this hook is normally not needed heregit pullBecause every timeupdateI’m going to make a change
  • post-deploy: Accepts push-triggered hooks, installs dependencies and reloads services

After writing this configuration file, as long as your server permissions (including user groups) are correctly configured, the server needs to install PM2 (start service).

I wrote four aliases myself

alias pm2init="pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production setup"
alias pm2prod="pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production "
alias pm2up="pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production update"
alias pm2rev="pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production revert"

Copy the code

Start the deployment

Install a global PM2 locally

  • Deployment initialization:pm2initThat triggers the pull item, clones to the corresponding location and what happensshareandsource(Code here)
  • Start the service (if the first step is successful, the inside will automatically start, otherwise manually start, error):pm2prod
  • Update overloaded service:pm2up


Official deployment documentation

Ecosystem configurable items


You ask why I don’t do persistent integration… Who wouldn’t want to do it under conditions?

If there is something wrong, you can leave a message and correct it in time. Thank you for reading