
Vuex is required for routing persistence and record with NUXT framework.

Introduce methods

1. Install

npm install vuex-persistedstate  --save
Copy the code

Nuxt.config. js configuration file

plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/vuex-persistedstate', ssr: false },
Copy the code


import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate' export default (context) => { createPersistedState({ reducer(obj) State const {username, authority} = obj; return {username, authority } } })(; }Copy the code


import createPersistedState from "vuex-persistedstate"
export const plugins = [createPersistedState()];
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If you want to store to sessionStorage and specify a storage variable:

export const plugins = [createPersistedState({ storage: Window. The sessionStorage, reducer (val) {return {/ / stored in the state only assessmentData username: val. The username, authority: val.authority, } } })];Copy the code

2. Use


export const state = () => ({
  username: '',
  authority: '',

export const mutations = {
  setUsername: (state, value) => state.username = value,
  setAuthority: (state, value) => state.authority = value,
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Where set is needed in the project:

 this.$store.commit('setUsername', value);
Copy the code

Where you need to get in your project:

this.$store.state.username; / / get the usernameCopy the code

3. Hit the pit

Window is not defined

  • Check whether SSR is set to false in nuxt.config.js

  • Set mode to ‘spa’ in nuxt.config.js

Reference website:

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