Thinking about introducing NUXT into the project

Why isomorphic SSR is introduced in the front end

A. For better SEO and first screen loading speed

B. Introduce BFF layer to empower the front end and improve the problem solving ability of the front end

Nuxt brings benefits

1. Clearer and stricter structure: NuXT provides a set of structure and constraints similar to egg, so creating projects based on NUXT makes the structure clearer.

2. Simple and easy to use, out of the box, integrated UI framework, testing framework, etc. NPX create-nuxt-app appName can be directly run, low migration cost

On isomorphic SSR

  1. Although server side rendering is used, it can only be called isomorphic SSR, which is different from traditional server side rendering. At present, the essence of isomorphic SSR is to integrate page components, routing, front-end state, run in the server to generate snapshot, and pass the generated snapshot HTML to the client. It should be noted that such a homogeneous snapshot requires much more computation than traditional server rendering, so the performance of a single machine may be lower than that of traditional server rendering.
  2. The realization of isomorphic SSR is satisfied with the emergence of virtual DOM. The biggest benefit of virtual DOM is not Diff algorithm but to empower the front end and abstract the HTML DOM. It can run on the server, IOS, Android and even smart home appliances.
  3. The essence of homogeneous SSR is that when the user makes the first request, an HTML snapshot is generated through the node end to the front end, and then the user’s operation on the current page is actually a SPA operation interaction. The front end route interaction still relies on the history route to deal with, rather than the traditional route, so it is actually a”SPA“. Such processing can ensure the speed of the first screen, while reducing the server pressure, improve user experience, make up for the problem of homogeneous rendering performance.

Introduction to Nuxt



NPX create-nuxt-app < project name >Copy the code


Yarn create nuxt-app < project name >Copy the code

The directory structure



~ or @
Copy the code

root folder

~~ or @@
Copy the code

The default root and SRC are the same


Hit the pit:

1. The nuxt.config. js file is not processed by Babel

Nuxt.config.js is the core configuration file provided by Nuxt

At development time, changes in nuxt.config.js will not be hot updated directly and will need to be re-executed manually by typing rs on the command line


The asyncData method is called before each load of the component (page component only). It can be invoked before a server or route is updated. When this method is called, the first parameter is set to the context object of the current page. You can use the asyncData method to fetch data. Nuxt.js returns the data returned by the asyncData component data method to the current component.

Understanding of asyncData

Imagine a isomorphic rendering scenario where the server returns a snapshot of the HTML when first accessed; When the user performs operations on the modified page, the user directly sends a request from the browser to the server. So we need to operate on the data. To avoid writing two sets of code, running on the Node side and the browser side, we need a function that can determine whether the browser side or the server side can automatically process the data request.

Therefore, NuxT provides asyncData method, which is used to handle data requests made on both the server and browser side. The first parameter of asyncData method is defined as the nuxtJS context object, through which route parameters can be obtained. Use custom NuxtJS plug-ins to handle error arguments and more.

That is, interface functions executed by isomorphic logic

Parameters in the context object

$axios etc.

Getting asynchronous data

By default, AXIos needs to return data in res

How to use asyncData

Use async or await
export default {
  async asyncData ({ params }) {
    let { data } = await axios.get(`https://my-api/posts/${}`)
    return { title: data.title }
Copy the code
The use of Promise
export default {
  asyncData ({ params }) {
    return axios.get(`https://my-api/posts/${}`)
    .then((res) => {
      return { title: }
Copy the code

You can’t use this

SSR logic

When a page is requested for the first time, SSR will be triggered. When the current page is redirected, the interface will be requested through AJAX and a new page will be generated through CSR.


Nuxt inherits the preprocessing configuration of Vue CLI3. If you want to use PUG, SCSS, stylus, etc., you only need to execute NPM Intall or YARN Add when using

NPM install --save-dev pug@2.0.3 pug-plain-loader coffeescript coffee-loader node-sass sass-loaderCopy the code

Cross-domain request

npm i @nuxtjs/proxy -D
Copy the code
  modules: [
  axios: {
    proxy: true
  proxy: {
    '/api': {
      target: '',
      pathRewrite: {
        '^/api' : '/'}}}Copy the code


CSR scenarios can be implemented by noSSR wrapping, and when pages are long, you can reduce server load by using CSR rendering at the bottom.

Supports text and slot formats

<no-ssr placeholder="Loading..."> <! --> <comments /> </ no-SSR >Copy the code
<no-ssr> <! -- This component is only rendered on the client --> <comments /> <! -- loading indicator --> <comments-placeholder slot="placeholder" />
Copy the code

Routing hop


    <NuxtLink :to="'/users/'">
      {{ }}
Copy the code


Copy the code

Global CSS


  css: [
    'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'.'~/assets/main.scss'].Copy the code

Loading between page hops

loading: '~/components/loading.vue'.Copy the code


Custom vUE file name in the corresponding Layout directory

 layout: 'dark'.Copy the code

Dynamic layout ADAPTS to mobile

layout: (context) => context.isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'
Copy the code

The middleware


  router: {
    middleware: ['visits'.'user-agent']}Copy the code
export default function (context) {
  const userAgent = process.server ? context.req.headers['user-agent'] : navigator.userAgent
  context.isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|BlackBerry/i.test(userAgent)
Copy the code

Middleware based on routing, routing changes will be executed, execution process order:

  1. nuxt.config.js
  2. Match the layout
  3. Matching page

The middleware concept in NUXT is a routing level approach that can be configured in nuxt.config.js, layouts, and Pages for all middleware in a single page, all middleware in the same layout, and all middleware in a single page. If a middleware is configured in three locations, it will be executed three times on a single page.

In nuxt.config.js, for example

Router: {middleware:'auth',},Copy the code

The layouts and pages

Copy the code

Pay attention to

Scenario: Clear the cookie on the page (the VUex state is not clear), then click the link to perform a SPA operation. When middleware is executed, the vuex state is still the same

Plug-in mechanism

Tripartite libraries, such as Axios

import axios from "axios"; . asyncasyncData() {
    let { data } = await axios.get(
    return { topicList: };
Copy the code


 plugins: [
     { src:  '@/plugins/element-ui' },
    { src: '@/plugins/vue-notifications.js', mode: 'client'}].Copy the code

Mode Can be client or Server.

Inject the Vue instance


import Vue from 'vue'

Vue.prototype.$myInjectedFunction = (string) => console.log("This is an example", string)
Copy the code


export default {
  plugins: ['~/plugins/vue-inject.js']}Copy the code

Into the context


export default ({ app }, inject) => {
  // Set the function directly on the object
  app.myInjectedFunction = (string) => console.log('Okay, another function', string)
Copy the code


export default {
  plugins: ['~/plugins/ctx-inject.js']}Copy the code


export default {
  asyncData(context){'ctx! ')}}Copy the code

At the same time into


export default ({ app }, inject) => {
  inject('myInjectedFunction', (string) => console.log('That was easy! ', string))
Copy the code


export default {
  plugins: ['~/plugins/combined-inject.js']}Copy the code


export default {
    this.$myInjectedFunction('works in mounted')
  asyncData(context){$myInjectedFunction('works with context')}}Copy the code


export const state = () => ({
  someValue: ' '

export const mutations = {
  changeSomeValue(state, newValue) {
    this.$myInjectedFunction('accessible in mutations')
    state.someValue = newValue

export const actions = {
  setSomeValueToWhatever ({ commit }) {
    this.$myInjectedFunction('accessible in actions')
    const newValue = "whatever"
    commit('changeSomeValue', newValue)
Copy the code

Note: 1. Plug-ins should be executed in the order shown in nuxt.config.js

Error message

async asyncData({ $axios, params, error, app }) {
error({ statusCode: 404, message: "Topic not found" });
Copy the code

Nuxt understands deeply

The life cycle

First of all, we need to understand the life cycle of this framework. During the development process, there may be some problems that are difficult to locate and requirements are not realized. Perhaps, through the life cycle of NUXT, you can better locate and solve problems.

First, when a request occurs, nuxtServerInit is preferred to handle the state in vuEX, that is, the state of the entire APP before the cycle under a single specific route. Middleware is processed first, followed by configurations in Nuxt.config.js, matching layouts (the template layout provided by Nuxt), and matching pages. After this section, the validate function set in a single page (used to validate route parameters) is processed. Finally, the asyncData and fetch functions provided by NUxT are used to fetch data for a single page. It is important to note that after these series of life cycles, the vUE rendering process is entered.

The lifecycle order of the NUXT during a request

The service side

1. Execute the plug-in first (everything written in nuxt.config.js can run the plug-in on the server side, whether it is on the current page or not)

2. Perform nuxtServerInit

3. Use Middleware:

A. Middleware executes the middleware configured in Nuxt.config.js;

B. Middleware in layouts;

C. Middleware in Pages.

4. Run the validate method to check whether the page parameters are correct

5. Execute asyncData and fetch methods in the page

6. Truly enter the life cycle of vUE,beforecreated,created in sequence

The browser

7. Execute plugins (all plugins written in nuxt.config.js that can be executed on the browser side)

8. Enter the vUE life cycle and run beforecreated and Created again on the browser.

The attached:

1. Plugin and nuxtServerInit will only be executed when the page is refreshed for the first time, and the methods in Plugin and nuxtServerInit will not be executed after clicking the in-page jump. The plugin and nuxtServerInit methods are triggered again if a new page is opened.

To understand:

1. The plug-in will run before all modules run and will run on every request, so if the project is large and the traffic is heavy, only the necessary methods will be written into the plug-in to optimize performance.

2. Isomorphism rendering framework provides additional life cycle as well as the method is before the real vue life cycle, the reason was that the vue can’t lifecycle is asynchronous, so, in order to meet the needs of development, all life cycle and method should be performed before vue lifecycle, good understanding that, would be convenient to obtain nuxt development.

3. BeforeCreated and created life cycles are actually one of the sources of “isometric” rendering that are executed both on the server side and the browser side.

4. Plug-in nuxtServerInit, middleware, validate, asyncData, according to the order of execution and specific demand, choose a suitable life cycle and the method to deal with development requirements, it is very necessary

Resolve cross-domain development issues (Cookie penetration)

Problem scenario description:

For local development, if the host is localhost, the server API domain name is Therefore, when the first request is made, a cookie (token) “prefetch” process will be involved. Although isomorphic rendering is introduced on the Node side, the cookie and token are still stored on the browser as the credentials of the user’s identity, so a cookie is needed from the browser to the Node side. The process from Node to server API.


Therefore, when the page is requested for the first time, the permission verification and related data of the page should be requested from the Node side to the server side, and we need the cookie (token) of the browser side. There are many different schemes for cookie prefetch (penetration) in the early stage, some are stored in the state manager, and some are modified in the asyncData method. My suggestion is to separate the data request into a plug-in, and make use of the ability of asyncData to work in the browser and node side at the same time. In asyncData, The corresponding problem is addressed through the packaged AXIos plug-in.

At the same time, we have a development problem when we first make a request. If localhost is first accessed, then the browser will not carry a cookie from when it first makes a request. There are problems in local development, so there are two solutions: 1. Directly modify the local IP point to, MAC users recommend helm, simple and easy to use, switch the environment. 2. In the first request, it can visit a blank page first, and then make a cross-domain request through Ajax to make NUxT get cookies, and then jump back to the visited page from the blank page, so as to achieve the desired cookie.

Here is the code that wraps an AXIos plug-in

export default function ({ $axios, redirect, req, route, error }, inject) {
  // Create a custom axios instance
  let cookie = ' '

  if (process.server) {
    if (req.headers.cookie) {
      cookie = req.headers.cookie
  } else {
    cookie = document.cookie
    const instance = $axios.create({
    headers: {
      common: {
        Accept: 'text/plain, */*'
    withCredentials: true, // default
  process.server ? instance.setHeader(cookie) : ' '
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It should be known that the browser side cannot set the cookie parameter in the header, but the server side can, so we can manually set the cookie on the server side and determine whether it is the server side through process.server. Since cookies are used in the project, it is the same if the token is used, and there is only one more process to take the token out of the cookie and put it into the token.

In this way, the cookie (token) prefetch process is realized, which is simple, convenient and effective. We can also handle some error handling and request customization here. For example, unified handling of HTTP error status

  instance.onResponse(response => {

    if(Response. status === 404) {//404 processing}return 
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If asyncData has multiple requests for data and they don’t succeed for a while, this will result in error execution. You can redirect the asyncData page using the redirect method. Or handle the error status after promise.all () in asyncData completes.

Nuxt authentication

1. If there are few pages and each page has interface requests, you can directly omit the vuEX mechanism and directly use the encapsulated HTTP request plug-in according to the status code agreed with the backend. If the status code is incorrect, you can determine that you have not logged in and process the related logic.

2. If there are many pages and user permissions are different, some pages do not receive interface requests. For example, a static page has a header carrying the user name. In this case, you need to use Vuex and do vuex persistence to facilitate development. The example on the official website uses express-session, which feels unnecessary. It is also possible to use session to store data, but it is simpler to store data in cookies if the amount of data is not large.

Use of VUex in NUXT


You can make some requests in nuxtServerInit



export const state = () => ({
  userName: ' ',
  roleName: ' ',
  roleType: ' ',})export const mutations = {
  UPDATE_USERINFO(state, { userName, roleName, roleType, netEaseUserEmail }) {
    state.userName = userName
    state.roleName = roleName
    state.roleType = roleType

Copy the code


exportConst Actions = {async nuxtServerInit(store, {res, req, app}) {// Process the initialization of userInfo informationif(! (store.state.userinfo && store.state.userinfo.netEaseUserEmail)) { const userinfoRes = await app.$http.get(path.getUserInfo);
Copy the code

Reference position

import { mapState } from 'vuex'
exportdefault { computed: { ... mapState('userinfo'['userName'.'roleName'])}}Copy the code

2. Vuex example is persistent by cookie using Vuex-PersistedState, JS-cookie,cookie-parser, and cookie

import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'
import * as Cookies from 'js-cookie'

export default ({ store, req, res, app }) => {
    key: 'vuexnuxt',
    storage: {
      getItem: key =>
          ? Cookies.getJSON(key)
          : cookie.parse(req.headers.cookie || ' ')[key],
      setItem: (key, value) => process.client ?
        Cookies.set(key, value, { expires: 365 }) : res.cookie(key, value, { expires: new Date( + 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 * 365) }),
      removeItem: key => process.client ? Cookies.remove(key) : res.clearCookie(key) 
Copy the code

In this way, vuex persistence can be implemented, and vuex persisting through cookies can be accessed from either node or browser

Attachment: The cookie operation is processed by JS-cookie on the browser and cookie-parser on the server. Tried cookie-universal-nuxt, give up. (After using the page white screen freezes, it may be that the plugin has an infinite loop in this scenario)

There are so many choices for vuex persistence, locaostorage sessionstorage, session and so on, but from the point of use convenient line, a cookie is a better choice.