Introduction to the

We know that there are four numeric types in Python: int, float, bool, and complex. As NumPy for scientific computing, its data types are much richer.

Today I’ll take a closer look at the data types in NumPy.

The data type in an array

NumPy is implemented in C, and we can compare the data types in NumPy with those in C:

Types in Numpy Types in C instructions
np.bool_ bool Boolean (True or False) stored as a byte
np.byte signed char Platform-defined
np.ubyte unsigned char Platform-defined
np.short short Platform-defined
np.ushort unsigned short Platform-defined
np.intc int Platform-defined
np.uintc unsigned int Platform-defined
np.int_ long Platform-defined
np.uint unsigned long Platform-defined
np.longlong long long Platform-defined
np.ulonglong unsigned long long Platform-defined
np.half / np.float16 Half precision float: sign bit, 5 bits exponent, 10 bits mantissa
np.single float Platform-defined single precision float: typically sign bit, 8 bits exponent, 23 bits mantissa
np.double double Platform-defined double precision float: typically sign bit, 11 bits exponent, 52 bits mantissa.
np.longdouble long double Platform-defined extended-precision float
np.csingle float complex Complex number, represented by two single-precision floats (real and imaginary components)
np.cdouble double complex Complex number, represented by two double-precision floats (real and imaginary components).
np.clongdouble long double complex Complex number, represented by two extended-precision floats (real and imaginary components).

Let’s take a random look at what the above types are in the Ipython environment:

import numpy as np

In [26]: np.byte
Out[26]: numpy.int8

In [27]: np.bool_
Out[27]: numpy.bool_

In [28]: np.ubyte
Out[28]: numpy.uint8

In [29]: np.short
Out[29]: numpy.int16

In [30]: np.ushort
Out[30]: numpy.uint16
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So the above data type, the underlying data type is still fixed length, let’s see what they are:

Numpy type C type instructions
np.int8 int8_t Byte (-128 to 127)
np.int16 int16_t Integer (-32768 to 32767)
np.int32 int32_t Integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647)
np.int64 int64_t Integer (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)
np.uint8 uint8_t Unsigned integer (0 to 255)
np.uint16 uint16_t Unsigned integer (0 to 65535)
np.uint32 uint32_t Unsigned integer (0 to 4294967295)
np.uint64 uint64_t Unsigned integer (0 to 18446744073709551615)
np.intp intptr_t Integer used for indexing, typically the same as ssize_t
np.uintp uintptr_t Integer large enough to hold a pointer
np.float32 float
np.float64 / np.float_ double Note that this matches the precision of the builtin python float.
np.complex64 float complex Complex number, represented by two 32-bit floats (real and imaginary components)
np.complex128 / np.complex_ double complex Note that this matches the precision of the builtin python complex.

All of these types are instances of dType objects. There are five basic types commonly used: bool, int, uint, float, and complex.

The number following the type indicates the number of bytes occupied by the type.

There are some platform-defined data types in the table above. These types are platform-specific and should be used with special care.

These dType types can be specified manually when creating arrays:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.float32(1.0)
>>> x
>>> y = np.int_([1.2.4])
>>> y
>>> z = np.arange(3, dtype=np.uint8)
>>> z
array([0.1.2], dtype=uint8)
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For historical reasons, we can also specify a character format dTYPE when creating an array for backward compatibility.

>>> np.array([1.2.3], dtype='f')
array([ 1..2..3.], dtype=float32)
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The f above represents the float type.

Type conversion

If you want to cast an existing array type, you can either use the astype method that comes with the array or call NP’s cast method:

In [33]: z = np.arange(3, dtype=np.uint8)

In [34]: z
Out[34]: array([0.1.2], dtype=uint8)

In [35]: z.astype(float)
Out[35]: array([0..1..2.])

In [36]: np.int8(z)
Out[36]: array([0.1.2], dtype=int8)
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Note that we used float above, and Python will automatically replace float with NP.float_, as well as int == Np.int_, bool == NP.BOOL_, complex == np.plex_. Simplified versions cannot be used for other data types.

Check the type

To check the data type of an array, use the built-in dtype property:

In [37]: z.dtype
Out[37]: dtype('uint8')
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Dtype, as an object, can also perform some type judgments:

>>> d = np.dtype(int)
>>> d

>>> np.issubdtype(d, np.integer)

>>> np.issubdtype(d, np.floating)
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Data overflow

In general, an exception will be reported if the data is out of range. Let’s say we have a very long int:

In [38]: a= 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In [39]: a
Out[39] :1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In [40]:
Out[40] :1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In [41]: np.int32(1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-71feb4433730> in <module>()
----> 1 np.int32(1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
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The number above is too long, outside the int32 range, and an exception will be thrown.

NumPy does not raise an exception if it is out of range.

In [43]: np.power(100.8, dtype=np.int32)
Out[43] :1874919424

In [44]: np.power(100.8, dtype=np.int64)
Out[44] :10000000000000000
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NumPy provides two methods to measure the range of int and float, numpy.iinfo and numpy.finfo:

In [45]:  np.iinfo(int)
Out[45]: iinfo(min= -9223372036854775808.max=9223372036854775807, dtype=int64)

In [46]: np.iinfo(np.int32)
Out[46]: iinfo(min= -2147483648.max=2147483647, dtype=int32)

In [47]: np.iinfo(np.int64)
Out[47]: iinfo(min= -9223372036854775808.max=9223372036854775807, dtype=int64)
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If a 64-bit int is still too small, use NP. float64. Float64 uses scientific notation, so a wider range of results can be obtained, but its accuracy may be reduced.

In [48]: np.power(100.100, dtype=np.int64)
Out[48] :0

In [49]: np.power(100.100, dtype=np.float64)
Out[49] :1e+200
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